
Re : Abnormal (Draft)

An unnamed man who is given the title, The Wanderer, is transported to another world by an unknown being and is forced to live his new life in that world. He befriends a sentient Voodoo doll and becomes a high school teacher teaching 10 extremely dangerous and magical students while also having to deal with many issues that occur due to the symbols aligning with the sun. There's a lot more but obviously I don't wanna spoil anything. --- This is just a draft/practice since the story is kind of all over the place right now and I'm just testing things out for now.

Unproffessional · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Tsugaki has already let Lunar down from his back after she gathered herself and began to run along with him, tears still soaking in her eyes.

Lunar contineud to run along with him but she was already starting to get tired. The moon was lowering quite a bit. She couldn't believe what had happened. She couldn't get the thought of her dead parents out of her head.

"Tsugaki! Please! Slow down! I can't run anymore!" She yells out. Tsugaki continued running but didn't say anything. He was in absolute pain from earlier and tears were running down from his eyes too. The sun slowly began to peak over the horizon. Lunar looked to the side and her eyes widened.

Tsugaki turned around to the loud scream behind him as Lunar's body was on her knees on the ground, her face burning off. Wasting no time Tsugaki turned around and yelled.

"Lunar!" He ran as fast as he could and wrapped himself around her body as much as he could. She was screaming in pain while tears continued to flow down her eyes.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on?" He cried out, he looked at her eyes which had already lost their green colour and he began to breathe heavy.

"I can't believe this. You've turned into a vampire..." He said, his eyes widened as his tears continued to flow down his eyes.

"DAMN IT LUNAR!" He continued to clutch to her frail burnt body as much as he could. The golden light of the sun continued to bbeam down on the two as he looked up slowly and saw him approaching. "You again geezer?!"

Drensaku slowly walked over, his crossbow in hand.

Orokana stood in the small dark room along with her other friend. "Orokana-san, what have you been up to? You missed our little meditation session..."

"Sorry, I got caught up a little something again Pinku-san..." Orokana said briefly, her blindfold still covering her eyes.

"I see. Must've had something to do with those vampire hunters huh? We did form an alliance with them after all. Hmm, I see the other solar cultists are a bit busy trying that vampiric essential hm?~" She said fanning herself while sitting on the small floating pile of rock. But I also see two more, the boy and the girl, that girl must've accidently merged and formed a forced link with the flower. As for the boy, very interesting, I see what you did..."

"Oi! How much longer will you keep bothering us huh? I'm sick of you pissing me off! Get away from Lunar!" Tsugaki shouted to Drensaku.

"This isn't personal kid. There's a reason why that girl needs to die. If I don't kill her now, her body will continuously be used to slaughter and harm thousands of people. You think I want that to happen?"

"You've caused enough suffering yourself! She was the only one who cared for me, talked to me, hours and hours by that fence. I loved every second of it. Every moment I wasn't with her, I hated it. The way I was treated in that damn orphanage." He clenched his fists and looked up at him even more, tears in his eyes while his scarf moved gently in the wind.

"I WONT LET YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER!" he shouted at Drensaku.

"Tsk...The behavior of kids these days." Drensaku murmered as he prepared his crossbow.

Tsugaki grunted in annoyance. He still had Lunar's fragile body in his hands and if he let go of her, she'll start burning in the sun again.

"Tsugaki-kun..." She murmered weakly as Tsugaki turned his full attention to her. "I-I'm sorry. I've caused too much problems. I'm a monster now. I can't even go out in the day like this. Please, leave me here. Its not worth it."

Tsugaki shouted back. "Like hell I will! You mean everything to me! You are what I think about all the time! You are special... to me."

Lunar let out more tears as she continued to trmble in his arms. Suddenly, a large shadow casted above the three of them. A huge rockappeard above floated above all of them.

"Wahh!" The girl on the top yawns. "Yo, you must be the boy and girl I was told about. Needed some help?" Everyone included Tsugaki looked up in confusion, for some reason, he could see the mark on her clearly, the same sun mark Orokana had, she was another sun cultist.

"Make this quick boy. I'm don't usually like fighting so I'm here just to help provide shade~" She said, her red sunglasses on her eyes as she sipped on a lemonade. "I am, Pinku Arashi. The island dweller Youkai."

Lunar opened her eyes and stopped crying. "What? What happened?" She said softly while covering her mouth. Tsugaki took a look at her and let out a small smile. "You're safe now Lunar."

"Damn it, you sun cultists are just as bad as these two idiots!" Drensaku shouted up to her as she laughed wickedly.

"Fufufu~ Sorry but I never really liked you Drenny. I'm not into such heartless men like you who would try to kill some kids. This girl may have absorbed that cursed flower but I know she's still got a good heart in her. Hey boy." She shouted out to Tsugaki as he got up and looked up at her, his scarf flowing smoothly in the wind. "Give him hell~"

With a nod Tsugaki turned to Drensaku with his fist in his hand as he cracks it. "Sure, I'll kick his ass."

Pinku grins and sits back in her chair while looking at the rising sun.

Drensaku yelled and shot his arrow, Tsugaki swiftly dodged to the side and dashed at him, clenching his fist as he lands a punch onto his stomach. However, it wasn't strong enough and Drensaku retaliates back with a powerful punch, elbow hit and a second punch sending him crashing back, rolling off a couple meters.

"Damn it. I'm still not giving up! You better prepare yourself. I'll kill you!" He shouts as he gets up. Seeing Tsugaki get bruised and battered so much, Lunar was still on the ground and tears nearly began to form in her eyes again.

"Tsugaki!" She shouted out as loud as she can. Tsugaki pushed it aside and kept fighting as much as he can, him only being a kid but still quite strong while Drensaku was a muscular man made it quite difficult.

"Tsugaki!" She continued shouting out to him, her tears welling up even more as she yelled louder.

"Tsugaki!" She yells out as loud as she can.

Tsugaki let out a powerful yell as he began pummeling Drensaku as much as he can from the motivation he received from Lunar, he continued to attack back as much as he could, pushing back his tiredness as he continued shouting.

"Enough!" Drensaku yelled as he let out a powerful blast of energy sending Tsugaki far and crashing into a tree.

"Tsugaki!" Lunar yelled as she held out her hand to his direction.

Drensaku was breathing heavily as he had a yellow glowing aura around him. "W-What hapoened?" Lunar said, her hand on her mouth.

"You...You two have caused too much trouble here. I'm killing you, whether you like it or not, little girl." He says as he slowly begins to approach Lunar.

Lunar was still trembling in fear, knowing her death was close. She clenched her eyes tight as Drensaku was about to land a powerful punch onto her before he gets stopped by someone.

"Hm?" He looked as the weapon used to stop his punch was an umbrella, he looked to the side and saw that the one who saved Lunar was Pinku who had a teasing smile on her face, her pupils looking like flowers, her pink and purple dress along with her yellow hair gleaming brightly even when the sun has been blocked off.

"You dare stop me? Solar culstist?" Drensaku snarled, his golden aura getting a bit brighter.

"I think I've had a long enough nap now...This isn't what I signed up for but If I have to help out then so be it~" She speaks in a teasing way.

we're special

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