
Re : Abnormal (Draft)

An unnamed man who is given the title, The Wanderer, is transported to another world by an unknown being and is forced to live his new life in that world. He befriends a sentient Voodoo doll and becomes a high school teacher teaching 10 extremely dangerous and magical students while also having to deal with many issues that occur due to the symbols aligning with the sun. There's a lot more but obviously I don't wanna spoil anything. --- This is just a draft/practice since the story is kind of all over the place right now and I'm just testing things out for now.

Unproffessional · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


The next day was upon me once more. The sun shone brightly through the cracks of the wooden planks that held the bar together — I got up.

"Ugh...How did I fall asleep here again."

Shirakama was cleaning a couple of glasses but looked up at me and smiled once more.

"Gah! My student supplies!"

I quickly grabbed Boro and placed him in my shirt pocket before dashing out towards the city. It was still quite early and I didn't get much sleep but I still needed to get my supplies.

When I was in the city, it was for the most part empty. People were still giving me strange looks for my half-mask but that didn't matter much. I finally got to Omocha's shop and rushed to the attic — she was still asleep.

"I'll be back soon don't worry!"

I dashed out carrying the student supplies in my briefcase once more. I really needed a better way to transport. I got an idea and slapped at my shirt pocket. "Boro, you gotta let fly me man."

He groaned and squirmed a bit. "Leave me alone dude..." He said as he tried going back to sleep. I picked him up and began shaking him aggressively.

"Ugh fine!" he groaned once more.

He then leaps out and looks around seeing no one else around as he then picks me up by one of my hands leaving the other to hold my briefcase.

This was a first. It was nice.

"You know, I thought your link with me allowed me to fly."

He then shook his head. "You'll probably be able to manifest my soulflow into a different form of transportation soon. Don't worry."

I then floated down and began to head to the class before Kenji placed an arm stopping me before whispering in my ear in a more quiet tone.

"Don't be late again."

I gulped and rushed to the class. Everyone was sitting there. I took a look at Lunar sweating a bit trying to put two and two together. I ended up sighing.

"Sorry I'm late everyone." They all stayed quiet.

"Sensei..." Zakuyuki spoke up.

"Stop staying up and drinking at that bar." He said. This was strange. Boro then out his pudgy little arms on the outside of my shirt and got up.

"Hey everyone." The class looked shocked.

"Eh?!" I said in confusion. How is Boro awake at this time? He then jumped down . His whole body being only a couple centimeters tall.

"My name is Boro! I'm the class assistant." He said in. a formal way. He didn't act like this before but I guess he wanted to seem more friendly around the students. I looked around a bit more and saw that Yorimi still wasn't here.

"Ahahha! What is this? Some kind of joke?" Valentine said aloud. He then got out of his seat and bent down to Boro. "Look at this little guy."

"I don't think its a good idea for you to-" I said abruptly but was shutted up after when Valentine retaliated.

"Quiet Teach. Now...you look real fancy showing up like this." He said as he pats Boro's head.

Boro remained quiet and didn't say anything for now until...

"A big blue slash appeared cutting the walls of the classroom dying the slashed area a light blue as valentine's body was cut in half. But he the top half of his body which had its head lost its shocked look as strings of both sides if the body attached themselves back together as he punched Boro out of the classroom crashing outside. He then surrounded the area in a mellow of strings preventing the other classes as he dashed at Boro. Boro only got up and dusted his face off before jumping up and grabbing him by his shirt with his arms and flipping him over crashing into the ground as he was dashing after him.

What's going on? Valentine and Boro exchanged punches with each other really quickly and Boro even kicked Valentine into the wall. The rest of the class watched in shock but did nothing to stop it. I didn't know what to do but I just decided to let Boro handle it.

There wasn't even an ounce of blood in any of their bodies being shown. They were just going at it, in the sandy playground. Because of the link I made with Biro, I usually would be feeling pain but luckily, Boro seems to be extremely durable.

The two finally stopped and were breathing heavily, looking at each other smiling.

"That was good little guy. Let's do that again sometime." Valentine said smirking.

"Heh...Agreed. I haven't had a good fight in a while."

The two then went back to the classroom. Boro floated back while Valentine simply jumped in. I didn't know what to do about to broken wall.


"Yeah, so..."

"Its alright. I'll get the wall fixed." Sakomoto said relieving me. He didn't seem mad at all for some reason.

"So aren't you concerned that these students could probably destroy the whole school if they wanted?"

"Not really, I knew that It would happen so I'd have repairs ready on standby already. The other students don't know about this so make sure it stays that way.


I was walking through the playground during break and saw that Lunar wandered out into the forest. I quickly took Boro who was in the teachers lounge munching on a snack and chased after Lunar.

" Hey! What are you doing?! Let go of me!"

Suddenly a tall man with what seems like a beast fur coat jumps down from a tree blocking my path holding a golden bow.

"What the- Who are you?! I'm quite busy right now." He then points to my voodoo doll after I speak.

"You." Boro then suddenly remember he triggered that explosion that nearly killed this person. "Oh its you...Bounty hunter."

"Bounty Hunter?" I asked confused.

"Yeah. There are people who just go around hunting valuable people or things for cash." Boro said with a blank face.

"Oi. I'm not gonna let you any further. First blowing me up and now hunting a young girl?"

He really got the wrong idea.

"Uh... Sorry Sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about." I said waving my hands nervously. I then take a look at Boro who gives me a guilty look.

"I should've known"

*BOOM!* A huge explosion went off as I dashed through the forest dodging his explosive arrows as much as possible.

"Boro! Can't you stop this man?!" He only yawned. "Of course not. I haven't had a single drink today so I'm too tired. When I was at the bar I secretly went around and drank as much as I can from other people's glasses and cans that I had enough energy to beat him. I'm afraid you're on your own."

I then glared at him as he continuously shot me. I was going to have to use the ability I was given.

"Alright Boro. I'm going to need to use your soulflow or whatever." Boro put a thumbs up in my shirt pocket signalling alright as he went back to sleep.

The purple aura surrounded me once more. As an arrow is shot into my chest causing me to bleed intensely as it blows up in my body. I fell to the ground as the aura slowly disappeared.

"I'll give you my name before I die. My name is Goldenbolt. The bounty hunter. I've seen you on the newspaper already so I'd reckon seeing how much that half-mask goes for." He then tried gripping it and pulling it off but it wouldn't budge.

My eyes began to go blurry once more and I was about to pass out until,

"Wanderer!" I heard a cry as a huge beam of light blasts the the bounty hunter.

I saw a man with red hair jump down as he held out his hand and placed his hand on my head healing me. My eyes blur began fading away and I watch as my eyesight finally heals. It was Kenji. He was wearing black robes and a red cape this time.

Suddenly, an arrow is shot and hits Kenji in the stomach as it blows up. Except it didn't. Instead it stayed midair near him and moved along with him.

"W-What is this?!" Goldenbolt said, clutching his bleeding eye.

"Foolish hunter, you don't know who I am huh? I may be a teacher here but I'm also the best." Kenji then got Goldenbolt in a chokehold from afar using some sort of force technique. He was about to kill Goldenbolt when suddenly a blood blast strikes and cuts a deep wound in Kenji as he turned around to see Kurohana chuckling madly.

"Chehihihi! What a splendid party we have here!" Damn it. I didn't manage to get Lunar. Goldenbolt was in the way.

Kenji turned to face Kurohana about to blast another divine blast at her with his iron sword but instead blood comes out of his mouth as he looked down at his chest — blood began filling his eyes now as his pupils rolled into the back of his head. An arrow implanted through his chest, his heart sticking out bleeding intensely. He collapsed to the ground. This whole time I've been frozen in fear but this time I dashed to him and kneeled by his side.

" Kenji! Kenji! Get up!"

He played lifeless on the ground, blood coming out of his mouth and heart. Enraged the purple aura surrounds me once more as my body involuntarily moves to Goldenbolt and I began landing a flurry of punches and kicks onto him until I finally land a powerful punch to his head.

"Chehihihi! Oh my, you killed the bounty hunter. Thanks for that. Not that I needed him anyway.~" Kurohana said as she cackles. This was bad. Shirakama told me she was a vampire earlier but shes out here in the day and not burning alive.

She then leapt at me and clawed my chest with her nails at an incredible speed. I tried attacking back, moving at a quick speed able to somewhat keep up with her but she only simply pierced her nails into my chest as I yelled, her naiks slicing my insides once more. I collapsed to the ground.

I looked at the ground and my body seeing there was no excess blood spilling out but only the slight nail slash as she hears footsteps approaching and jumped on a tree above. "Well I must be going now. Ta Ta!" She then dashed out of sight.

My purple aura was long gone. I couldn't believe it. I took a look at Boro in my pocket. He had no soulflow left, white and shriveled up. Kurohana was much stronger than I thought. She had so much more control over her speed. I can see why Shirakama struggled now. He even had less soulflow than me at that time.

"Sensei!" I heard a shout then, Tsugaki walked over to me. I was bleeding on the inside and the only outside proof was the nail scratches. I was alive but barely.

"Tsugaki..." He then leapt at me his black cover on his left hand punched at my chest.

"Gah!" I yelled in pain even louder. Goldenbolt and kenji's dead bodies were on the ground. If I died and came back then the both of them would be alive again. The pain is unbearable...

"Sensei! Where is Lunar?!" He said shaking me. He then noticed the dead bodies on the ground. "You...You fucking killed her didn't you?" He then threw me as I crashed into a tree and groaned in pain. He kicked me across the ground. "How pathetic can you be?! Where did Lunar go?" He demanded. "You were trying to hide the bodies weren't you? You're just a plain evil killer. I should've known. I should've always known!" Tsugaki said kicking my body over and over.

"T-Tsu..." I couldn't speak. My mouth was full of blood. My whole face was full of bruises and blood. My body was in complete pain. I was about to die again.

"I should've never trusted you as our sensei. You are just a pure murderer."

With a final kick towards my face slicing it right open. My vision goes black once more.


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