
Raymond The Destroyer

A/N: Paused Raymond is a son of a married couple of commoners who were able to obtain the highest position in the kingdom of Feresia because of their talent. Raymond's father was the royal knight captain of the Feresia kingdom, while his mother was the tactician of the Feresia kingdom. Unfortunately, both of Raymond's parents were assassinated by the nobles because they did not like the existence of commoners in the royal palace. Raymond who found out that both his parents had been assassinated by the nobles felt furious and he vowed to destroy the kingdom of Feresia.

SIENDONIA · Fantasia
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4 Chs

The Village Chief of The Elven Village

"Alright Raymond, nice to meet you," Blake said.

In the middle of Raymond and Blake's conversation, an elf girl was seen running towards Blake's house.

The girl was seen running in a hurry while carrying a basket full of fruit in her hands.

Arriving at Blake's house, the girl didn't knock on

the door and just kicked it with her leg.

Blake's door opened with a loud thud, and it made Ramond and Blake look towards the open door.

At the open door, they could see a girl from the elven race that has long blonde hair and blue eyes wearing pure white dress.

The girl looked at Raymond and then she immediately looked at Blake while frowning and said, "Brother, what are you thinking? Have you gone mad? Why did you bring this human into the village? Did you forget that human ever tried to enslave our ancestors?" as she walked closer to Blake.

What the girl said was true as it was, in ancient times, humans had tried to enslave the elves because of their beauty and their ability to use spirit magic.

At that time, the kings of the humans from various kingdoms united their power by making an agreement that they would divide the elves they got equally to attack the elven village that they thought was an elven kingdom.

The war between humans and elves was fierce because humans were armed with very advanced weapons created by the dwarves that they had rented, and this also made the elves instill hatred towards the dwarves because they had helped humans in the war against the elves.

However, it was a pity for the human side as they had to lose badly because the elves had the help of the spirit kings who lent their powers to the elves.

After the defeat of the humans, the kings of humans decided to write a peace agreement with the elves on the condition that humans were prohibited from entering the elven forest and the elves had to teach the humans how to use spirit magic.

Unfortunately, the peace agreement was rejected outright by the elves because the conditions of the agreement were really unfair.

Since then, the humans and the elves never got along once, they always hated each other because of what had happened between their ancestors.

"Calm down Natasha, I know that humans have tried to enslave our ancestors, but I saved this human because of my conscience as an elf," Blake said as he walked closer toward Natasha.

Natasha pointed at Raymond and then she said, "Huh? Calm down? How can I calm down when I see that naked human? He's so uncivilized you know? How can he be not wearing anything?" as she looked at Blake with a serious look.

"It's not that he's not wearing anything, but I undressed him because he would freeze to death if I let him wear his drenched clothes," Blake said as he pointed at Raymond's drenched clothes.

Natasha looked at Raymond's drenched clothes and she felt a little guilty for calling Raymond uncivilized.

"A- alright, I'm sorry for calling him uncivilized, but he's still human right? How are you going to explain this to father and the villagers? When I walked here, a lot of rumors about big brother bringing a human into the village were spreading among the elves." Natasha said as she put down the basket full of fruit that she brought.

"It won't be a problem as long as this human doesn't make a fuss," Blake said as he looked at Raymond.

"W- what?" Raymond said as he tried to cover his body with his hands he looked embarrassed that Natasha saw him naked.

Natasha who saw Raymond looking embarrassed then laughed, "Pfft... Hahaha." as she held her forehead and pointed at Raymond.

Natasha stopped laughing and then she said, "Hey, big brother, I don't think this human is dangerous at all, but still he's a human, sooner or later father and the villagers will definitely come here." as she looked at Blake.

What Natasha said was true, the elven villagers had gathered at the village chief's house with displeased looks at Raymond's presence in their village.

"Village chief, come out, your son brought a human into the village!" one of the elven villagers shouted at the village chief's house.

The village chief came out of his house and appeared as a man from the elven race with blonde hair and blue eyes wearing white and black clothes from the house.

The man walked closer toward the elven villagers and he looked at them one by one, and then he said, "My son brought a human into the village? Are you sure about what you just said?" as he frowned.

One of the elven villagers answered, "Y- yes village chief, your son brought a human into the village, we saw it with our own eyes." as he looked frightened.

The village chief held his forehead as he sighed, "Sigh..." and then he said, "Let's go to my son's house." as he looked at the elven villagers.

The elven villagers open a way and they let the village chief go first.

The village chief starts to walk toward Blake's house while the elven villagers follow him.

Arriving in front of Blake's house, the village chief and the elven villagers could see Blake and Natasha talking to each other.

"Father?" Blake and Natasha said at the same time.

With an angry look on his face, the village chief said, "Where is the human you brought into the village? Show me right now." while he looked at Blake.

Without saying a word, the village chief went straight into Blake's house and he could see Raymond naked.

The village chief looked at Blake and then he said, "Hmm... what happened? Explain to me briefly." as he pointed at Raymond

"I found this human child by the river when I was in the mood to drink water, I don't know what happened but I felt like I couldn't just leave him so I brought him here," Blake said at length.

The village chief sighed for a moment, "Sigh…" and then he walked towards Raymond.

The village chief crouched in front of Raymond and then he said, "Human child, what's your name and why did you end up by the river?" while he tried to touch Raymond.

Raymond immediately retreated away from the village chief until he finally couldn't retreat anymore because behind him was a wall.

"M- my name is Raymond, I don't know why I ended up by the river, but as I remember I was running with Aunt Mariana to my mother's hometown, Aunt Mariana gave me a map and then... then, Aunt Mariana threw me into the river and then I lost my consciousness," Raymond said at length as he started to shed tears.

The village chief felt sorry for what happened to Raymond, but he couldn't allow a human to be inside the elven village, therefore, the village chief thought, "There might be a place outside the village that this kid can temporarily occupy-"

Before the village chief could finish his thought, he suddenly felt very strong spirit energy emanating from Raymond's necklace.

The village chief pointed at the necklace Raymond was wearing and then he said, "Human child, that necklace, where did you get that necklace from?" while he looked frightened.

Raymond looked at the necklace then he looked at the village chief and said "This one? This is my mother's necklace, she gave this to me and told me never to take this necklace off." while he gripped the necklace tightly.

The village chief stood up and walked closer to Raymond, and then he said, "Huma child, listen to me, I don't know why your mother told you to never take off the necklace, but you must take it off immediately because I can feel a very powerful spirit who sleeping in the necklace." as he brings his hand closer to Raymond's necklace.

Because Raymond was afraid that his necklace would be taken by the village chief, he panicked and shouted, "Don't come any closer! Just so you know! Even though I look like an ordinary child! I could easily break your arm because I've been practicing swordsmanship since I was five years old!"

The village chief ignored what Raymond said as he thought, "How could a human child like him be able to break my arm just because he had practicing swordsmanship since he was five years old? What a strange human child." and he brought his hand closer to Raymond's necklace.

Out of the blue, Raymond raised his hand and he immediately hit the hand of the village chief.

There was the sound of bones breaking, and the village chief's face looked like he is in pain, while Blake and Natasha's faces looked so worried about the village chief as they walked closer toward the village chief.

Blake and Natasha saw the state of their father's hands and then they said, "Father! Are you alright father?!" at the same time.