
Battle for Ravenwood Castle

"The sun elves are converging on the castle.We need to either come up with a truce and end this now or die trying. The choice is yours to make your majesty." Said Azel the royal advisor.

The queen stood from her throne,"If I were to call for an alliance with the sun elves what would you propose advisor?" She asked.

"Offer the hand of your oldest daughter." He said. The queen gave him an outraged expression," You and I both know she would never agree to such a thing. She harbors too much hatred towards the sun elves she would rather die than marry the prince there must be something else we can do?" She asked. "Surrendering is an option my lady otherwise you have to convince your daughter that marrying the sun elf prince isn't the end of the world." He replied.

Little did the queen know that the princess had heard everything and she was not pleased with her options. She wanted the sun elves dead, wiped from existence,but to hear she would have to resign herself to a life married to the son of the bastard who killed her father was in her mind a fate worst than death. She could never be happy in that marriage, she had to do something make an appeal to the gods or something. " Princess Azalea your mother wishes to talk to you," said the advisor," If this is about me marrying the filthy sun elf prince forget it I refuse if I'm forced to marry him on our wedding night we both will die relay that message back to my mother." I said returning to my room and locking the door.

"She didn't take it well did she?" Asked the queen ," Not at all vowed to kill herself and the prince if she was forced to marry she isn't dealing with her fathers death very well is she." He replied. "No especially sense it was the sun elf king who murdered him and she wants the king to suffer greatly so killing his only son is the ultimate revenge either the king confesses to the crime and accepts his punishment or my daughter is gonna do something reckless. So figure it out and get a message to the king !" I ordered.