
Ravens of Nightfall

Demoran_Oliver · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 05: Youth, Excitement and a Fresh Beginning

*"So this is how it's supposed to be, huh? The campus.....it's so.....fresh"* Cyrus deeply breathed in the sharp, cold, refreshing air.

This is the first day of the year long second semester. The first years are getting in through the front gate like ants. Everything looks simple, yet so artistic.

*"Classroom."* Cyrus looked around in hopes of finding someone he knows so that he can ask them about the class he's supposed to be in, then realized the unfavorable odds of doing so. After all, he only knows 2 students and a single teacher in this enormous campus. *"Should I ask someone?"* He looked around again, this time in confusion.

*"Nope nope nope nope nope, nope. I literally don't know anyone. Let's just go and find it myself. How hard can it be?"*

So, just like that, Cyrus spent about half an hour roaming around in search of his classroom.

*"Dumbass. Now look, you're lost. You should've asked someone the way,"* Cyrus thought. Right at that moment he saw a tall person with glasses, clearly older than him, walking out of the office building. *"Is he a teacher here? He has to be, right?"* Honestly, Cyrus didn't really care if he was a teacher or a student. As long as someone can guide him with the directions that's the only thing that really mattered.

- "Excuse me, can I have a moment of your time?"

The man looked at him, "Yes? Can I help you with anything?"

- "You're a teacher here, right? You see, I'm new in the campus and...err...well, kinda lost. Can you please tell me where the second year class-B is held?"

- "Second year? But you said you're new here. Oh, are you an exchange student? Well, I'll be glad to help. Now, I can't tell you where the section B classes are held, because the classrooms are different every year, but the second year classes are held on the 8th floor. If you go there and ask anyone you'll know which class is section B."

- "Ah, I appreciate your help. By the way, I'm Elric Cyrus, second year. You are.....?"

- "Oh right, where are my manners. I'm not a teacher here though, I'm a third year senior. Call me Blaine."

And that's how Cyrus ended up finding his classroom. It wasn't much of a hassle after he went to the 8th floor. Turns out the first room on the left of the stairs is the one for section B. Since he didn't know anyone, he didn't really know where to sit so instead of asking someone, he just randomly picked a seat and sat down.

*"Well, with that out of the way, let's focus on today's tasks then."*

Cyrus took out a handbook. *"Ok then, let's see here now....."* He started checking the list, *"so, library, the gym, the canteen.....oh, and a quiet place to chill. If I had to guess, probably no classes will be taken today since it's the first day. Also, finding the medical unit might be helpful"* As he closed his handbook, a middle aged man with glasses, assumably a teacher, entered the room with some filed papers in his hand.

- "Good morning, students. Everyone may take their seats please, and then we can start today's class." He sighed.

*"The class is unexpectedly silent and obedient, I must admit"* Cyrus thought, *"Not everyone here is new, are they? This many students can't be all transfers can they? But old students wouldn't really be this much obedient, would they?"* He looked at the teacher when he started talking again.

- "I am Alastair Wolfe, your introductory teacher for the day. I'll be telling you about the rules and regulations of the academy. Listen well and try to memorize them if possible. First let me assure you that no formal classes will be held for today. After the orientation class you can take your time to introduce yourself to others, make friends, check out the campus as you please. Now, for what you need to know to keep studying here as our student, listen well."

- "There aren't really too many rules. Classes start at 8 am. For those who moved to the dorms are requested to be present in their dorm rooms before 5 am in the morning. You are free to roam around in the whole campus except for a few employees only areas in your free times. Any conflict among the students are to be solved by the students themselves. No cases will be filed unless someone makes an official complaint or accusations. Open challenges in academy grounds are forbidden. You must officially challenge your opponent in the training center in presence of the head combatant. That's pretty much it for the ground rules. Now, for the interesting part.

Our classes are divided into three sections. A, B and C. Now, I'm sure many of you are already suspecting this, and yes, it is just as you have suspected. Section B contains all the transferred, course changed and exchange students. Which means, all the 27 students present today are new. Welcome everyone.

Just because section B contains all the transfer students doesn't really mean that's the only thing section B is for. Exactly 2 months from now an evaluation test will be held. Depending on how you fair in your exams, your positions in different sections shall be decided. Be informed though, once you've gained your position in a section there aren't many ways you can change that. Which means, once you're in a class, you'll have to be here until the next evaluation test comes up, which would take you a year or so.

The exam is different each year, although the types are always the same. The evaluation test is divided into two parts, the 2 hours written test with a 30 minutes viva exam, and the on-field combat test. The scoring has a 40-60 ratio.

Each section has it's homeroom teacher. Your homeroom teachers are your absolute mentors. Homeroom teachers never change, which means if you are able to keep yourself in a particular section from the beginning, you'll be under the authority of that very same sections homeroom teacher for the next 5, or in the case of the second year students, for the next 4 years, since we have 5 semesters, each a year long. Having the same homeroom teacher every year could prove to be very advantageous if you're compatible with your teacher. The words of your homeroom teachers are absolute, unless, the principal himself decides to interfere, which is very much unlikely to happen, take my words for it.

Ah, my throat is running dry. Well, as I was saying, Just because there is a section A and a section C doesn't mean that you absolutely must get into class A and avoid class C. Superiority has nothing to do with your sections. Both have their pros and cons. Students who are capable and willing to work on field should look forward to get into section A. On the other hand, students who are more comfortable with studying and researching materials and various fields of magic and different realms of the world should get themselves into section C. It really doesn't matter which way you go, because at the end of the day, once you become a certified pro Sirius, you will have to get on the field. Yes, the permit of authorization you currently own isn't an actual license. It's a permit to grant you certain benefits for being one of the Sirius course students. So there isn't really much to think about, just choose whichever one you feel comfortable with and take preparations accordingly.

Lastly, I know you children have questions about the section B, so I'll let you know about it. Section B isn't really a section, it's more like a department, or rather, a part of your course, a sector. This section specializes in undercover Sirius hunts. Kind of like spies, or undercover agents. Call it whatever you may like. Only the 4th year and uppers can join this class. And you can't apply or take an exam to get in either, your 1st three years here will determine whether or not you're capable enough to go undercover. That being said, not many transfer/exchange students make it to section B, but the number isn't completely zero either. And for your information, there's only one section B for all the Sirius course students, not 5. As I said, it's a department, not a section. Now don't ask me why it's like this, because I don't know. It's just the way it is, and the principal has a strange way of thinking, that's all there is to it. Now then, I have absolutely no idea how long have I been talking for, and now that I've informed you everything you need to know, or at least so I think, you are to collect your badge and the prospectus from the academy counter. Now then, go on, scoot. Class over. You're free for the day."

*"I'm beat. That was indeed a long lecture. I wonder if they get tired of it too, the teachers."* Cyrus put in his earphones. He has something like a Walkman attached to it, pretty old model, rare to get a hold of these days. *"I'd love a drink right about now, but it'll probably be best to collect the prospectus. I also want to look around the campus, but again,*" he looked down at his grumbling stomach, *" I am hungry."* After thinking about it for awhile, Cyrus decided to collect the prospectus and then grab something to eat, *"after lunch, I can go around looking at stuff I guess."*

The academy ground is huge, and has all the facilities a professional Sirius faculty can provide it's employees. While it's always great to have a huge campus with everything provided by the academy itself, Cyrus was having trouble with directions. Finding the counter wasn't so big of a deal, because the counter is the first thing you come across after entering the building. The problem was he was hungry, but couldn't find the canteen. After roaming around searching for a place to eat at, he decided to give up and go outside to a restaurant.

*"This place is too big. It's too much of a drag. I liked staying at home studying at my own pace....."* Cyrus stopped and looked around looking tired. He looked behind, there's a door with a sign on it. It's a medical unit. *"Wait....Huh? Well what do you know, it's the medical. I did need to buy myself some medicines, might as well do it right now,"* he slid the door open, and got in.

It was the first day of the second semester, Nine got released from the hospital the day before and had to visit the medic for regular checkups. He just finished taking his check-up reports from the doc and about to head out, and then, his eyes met with another.

Although Mirai or Yami or both visited him everyday and were present when he got discharged from the hospital, they never really told him who "Elric" really was, or that he's going to be attending the same class as them. So Nine was oblivious about this matter. Also, he's just returned from a big incident that put his life on the line, so it's nothing surprising if he completely forgot about Cyrus. But he didn't.

- "You!"

- "How's your recovery going?"

- "Wha-? What are you doing here?"

- "Getting some medicines, of course. It's easy to get hurt when you're always on field, you know," Cyrus replied, seemingly bored yet sounding somewhat sarcastic.

- "Okay, let's take it slow and easy. Are you free now? How about we grab lunch?"

*"Well, what do you know? This guy seems pretty eager. Well I haven't had a chance to get lunch so I guess I can tag along."*

- "Ah, so very kind of you. I was wondering where the canteen was, so it's a big help. Let me just"- he pointed at the cabinet- "grab what I need, 'k?"

After Cyrus got his medicines, they went straight to the canteen. Nine was also fairly hungry so he didn't ask many questions in the way or while eating. Now, after they've had their fill, they were walking towards the bus station.

Cyrus seems to be in a good mood after lunch, although all he ordered was a drink. Walking beside him is Nine, thinking about what might have happened. *"Is he a student here? From the looks of it, he doesn't really know anything about the campus, he couldn't find the canteen and according to him he "accidentally found" the medical unit. Is he a spy? I'd say too young and inexperienced to go undercover. An ambassador from some other academy? Possible. Could also be a transfer or exchange student. What the hell, what's with all these bandages? Heck, I can even see them from under his sleeves."*

- "Well? Talk. I'm really curious about what happened the last time we saw you. Are you a stray? Authorized? More importantly, why are you here?"

- "Woah now, hold your horses bud. That's a lot of enthusiasm for someone who just recently got out of hospital. I'm actually an authorized Sirius from this academy, the Nightfall academy. I know it's surprising, but I was actually in the special course where I did only assignments for the first year. I changed courses recently. It's not surprising for people around here to not know who I am, given that I never set my foot inside the campus before. I was homeschooled till I finished my middle school years. That answers your question?"

- "Partly. What happened that day? You looked pretty beat up. I was surprised to see you walk in that condition. If you ARE an authorized Sirius, where was your team when you got attacked?"

- "let me clarify some of your misunderstandings. Firstly, I didn't really get attacked, I was working on an assignment, and it went wrong. Call it occupational hazard if you may, very common in our line of work. Secondly, special course students tend to work solo. Where would I get a team if I work from home...speaking of which, where's your crew?"

- "My crew? Oh you mean those two. They're probably still at the gym. Normally I also would've been there with them but I'm still not completely recovered, and my sister demands I get back home early" Nine laughed a bit, "Little children really can't be patient. Well, she does have to go through a lot."

-"You have a sister? So you do have someone back at home who looks forward to your safe arrival," Cyrus's eyes were as cold and bored as ever, his voice calm and tranquil, yet somehow this question came out a bit softer than usual, or so Nine thought.

- "What?"

- "Nah, it's nothing. I used to live with my sister too. She no longer lives with me though, she went back home to my parents."

- "So? You feel lonely these days?"

- "...Nah." Cyrus replied after a few seconds of silence.

*"Was that hesitation? What's wrong with his facial expressions? I can't get through."* Somehow, Nine could relate to him. Although by a different scale, Nine thought this peculiar bored looking person was a little like himself. Nine knew the feeling of living the life of a Sirius all alone by himself, and the fears that come with it. This city is cruel, this system is merciless, and this society is demanding. Once you're a Sirius, even just a student, there's no longer any guarantees of your life. Nine has seen even first years get injured beyond recovery, he's seen dreams crashing down. The fear of being left alone, the hesitation of making decisions. Somehow, he could relate.

- "Well, you planning on moving to the dorms then I guess?"

- "I'm still considering it."

- "You really should you know, the dorms have all the facilities you need. It's great to live with people you know, you can rely on. Have you thought about joining a team yet?"

- "Nah. There's still time, we haven't even taken the evaluation exams yet. You guys are already a team right?"

- "Yeah, that we are. Ah well, there's the bus stop. Which sector? I might accompany you on your way home, I also need to head home to check on my sis, so it's not much of a big deal as long as we're going the same way."

- "Ah, no need, go ahead without me. I need to take care of some business here, so won't be taking the bus." Cyrus said with a negligent voice, as if he's thinking about something else.

- "Aa-oh. Is that so. Well, alright. Be seeing you around then." Nine really thought that Cyrus will take the bus, so he was just a tad bit surprised at Cyrus's reply. *"Well, whatever. We all have our business to attend to."*

- "Well, goodbye then. Thanks for your company." Nine got on the bus.

- "Yeah." Cyrus put in his earphones again.

Cyrus wasn't actually busy or anything, he simply didn't want to go back to his empty home this early. So he decided to roam around till night.

*"The whole day's been quite...tiresome. I'm kinda spent. Or is it just me? It's just me? You think? Huh, well, going home and having nothing to do isn't all that bad either. Or so I'd like to think. Really."* Cyrus kicked a small pebble on the ground. *"The first day at the academy was, well, so-so. But yes the rules were very much interesting, yes, very much so. So was Mr Wolfe. As a teacher, he should be-"* his thoughts were interrupted by a smell. A very faint yet familiar smell. The sharp smell of fresh blood.

Cyrus stopped and calmly looked around intending to locate the source of the smell. He was walking for quite some time now and reached a very secluded spot, forest surrounding both sides of the road. He then looked at his left. The source seem to be coming from the left, but he can't detect any barriers around this part of the forest.

*"Ghoul hunting grounds? Leech perhaps? This feels different though."*

Cyrus started walking towards the forest, seemingly unfazed by the gradually intensifying smell of blood and growling noises.

*"Is this it? This is the end?"* Sayori thought. She's sitting on the ground leaning against a tree, trying to conceal her presence from the hideous creature roaming somewhere in the deep dark forest. Her right leg, which has been completely torn off from her body is lying a few feet away from her, lying on the ground. She has lost so much blood by now that she can no longer feel any pain, as if her body has gone numb, blood still flowing out from under her skirt where her leg's been ripped off. She's been fighting back the pain for quite some time, hiding and surviving solely based on her extreme will power to live but now, her body is getting cold due to blood loss, the tiredness is getting the best of her. Screaming for help is plain suicide in this situation, this is a very lonely spot, a secluded forest area. Since nobody even knows where she currently is, there's no hope of any help. Now, seeing no possible way of getting out of here alive, she could only try to think of the good things that happened to her, but looking back, she found nothing but regret and emptiness. She could faintly hear something running towards her, and rising her head slightly, she again saw it. The terrifying sight of a leech running towards her to finish what it started, to hunt her down. *"Huh. It's okay though, it's okay."* She tried to hold back her tears, but warm salty liquids came down her pale cheeks. Just before she fell completely unconscious, the heard someone say the word "Incinerate", and everything went black.