
Raven Fall

3544th year after the conjunction, the world had changed drastically. Mankind has to stand united to survive in the hostile lands while monsters and daemons plagued the world. The living in the present world is extremely harsh or pleasant depending on one's position in the society. Hence the eternal strife of man for a better life. This book explores a grim dark world, with lot of action and adventure.

Soletaken_Eleint · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Vain Hunter

3544th year of recorded year after the Great Conjunction, world of mankind has kept on rebuilding itself to its former peak, but the goal of that peak is unknown as there is no longer any recorded history before the conjunction. Hence the only thing the populace know is that they have to strive as much as possible to reach the unmentioned peak to truly stand a chance in this new hostile world.

And Here lay one of the things mankind dreaded.

"When did this happen?" Nathan Schneider asked the person who had informed them of the murder.

"I'm not sure, I tried calling them out for their regular id check since they haven't done it...a-and they were like this when I forcefully entered the house"

Nathan stared hard at the obese man for a good long time. Desperate people try to run away when they realize they cannot repay their debts, which was not uncommon in recent times. And when they leave in hurry they are bound to leave some things of value behind, that are quickly stolen. Nathan had no doubt that the man had barged in with hopes that he could salvage something, but only to witness the rotting corpses of a family of three.

Three bodies were found in the apartment, two adults and one child. By the looks of it they were killed more than a week ago. The nauseating smell of rotten, acidic smell plagued the whole room. Nathan had witnessed many such, but this was different, he instinctively felt that. He sent the witness away and called his assistant.

"So, any abnormalities?"

" No Sir, we believe its just plain murder"

Listening to his competent assistant, Nathan sighed in his mind 'just a plain murder he says!' . It was not that he didn't understand, this was common place in the Ledster city. At least in the lower sector of it, Most of the crimes in the lower level of Ledster was mostly ignored, they didn't have the man power to keep everything in order in this over populated crime infested place. But if the same happened in the upper sector, the police would wholly drain themselves until they find the culprit.

"Ask the cleaners to mop this up, and send a report to the HQ" Nathan had kept his eyes on the corpses the whole time " oh yes Oliver, take the team back, I have some work"

Oliver gave a professional nod and took off. Nathan watched as his police squad leave, while the crowd of people hurried to move off their way. looking at the dull faces of the people below he felt nothing, no pity nor any kind of compassion. They were lower people of the society and he was raised to care nothing of them. Was the upbringing the only reason or was it the superiority that every man and woman of upper sector felt. Both, he knew it by heart. But it was mostly the superiority that they disdained the lower people. 'That is how humans are' he concluded.

His thoughts were disturbed due to the sound of approaching footsteps. He had expected him, Nathan took a long hard look on the new comer. long hair, lean built with ordinary clothes, he knew looks were deceiving. The man who looked so ordinary could kill him in minutes, without giving him any chance to retaliate.

" Yo!, long time no see" Corvo called out to him with a smile " What you need of me? friend!"

"look inside and tell me if you find anything odd" Nathan said curtly.

Nathan watched as he took a cigarette and inhaled deeply. Corvo bent over, inspecting the corpses one by one, it didn't even take so much a minute to come back. "so?" Nathan asked.

Corvo glanced at the streets while replying "A daemon for sure, clever, intelligent enough to camouflage its presence . if your police cared a drop for the victims, then they would notice that the amount of blood is scarce and their several innards missing"

"As I feared" Nathan noded, and he realized he dropped his guard too much for his liking. And remembered himself what kind of man was he with, Corvo glanced at Nathan and smiled as if realising his sudden tenseness.

"You don't have to fear me so much, we have known each other long enough haven't we?"

Nathan stuck still, entranced by the most distinguishable feature of the man in front of him. Those dark predatory eyes always gave him a pause, a feature that separated him from ordinary criminals. The eyes of a hunter who had witnessed numerous horrors. Though they were not officially sanctioned or legal group, their expertise in hunting daemons was renowned and sought for by the higher echelon. Their group were mysterious, the only thing the government knew about them was that they came for somewhere to the southwest, across the habitable border of mankind and thus they were not easily trusted by the government and always kept a wary eye on them.

"Our kind doesn't get along well...I mean the police and you lot" Nathan released a puff of smoke out "Getting into business, I want you to take care of the daemon. I will pay the amount as usual"

Corvo held his eyes on Nathan for a while "Why do you do it" he asked "Is it pity, duty or curiosity?" Why? yes Nathan had asked himself the same question again and again. none of his colleagues cared a shit about these people, nor the society cared. But here he was, paying a hunter from his own pocket. one had to know that hiring a man from the Hunters brotherhood was costly business, but he still did it, He wished to find his reasons in one of his dealings.

Nathan looked him in the eye, and shrugged. That was all, he was not sure himself. The conversation ended and Corvo left without much word. He had met Corvo somewhere along while satiating his interests about the daemons. There was not much information about them and ordinary people didn't even know they exist.

Nathan sighed, he stayed there for a while until the stench was no longer bearable. Hiring a daemon hunter from the brotherhood was costly but Corvo started taking only half after few transactions, for that he was thankful, if not he would have long gone broke...