
Raven Fall

3544th year after the conjunction, the world had changed drastically. Mankind has to stand united to survive in the hostile lands while monsters and daemons plagued the world. The living in the present world is extremely harsh or pleasant depending on one's position in the society. Hence the eternal strife of man for a better life. This book explores a grim dark world, with lot of action and adventure.

Soletaken_Eleint · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Order of Nox

"A daemon worth the hunt," He said to himself. Crouching, Corvo rubbed the blood between his fingers. The trail was still fresh, he was on the right path. It was a slippery one. cunning beyond belief, it had evaded him for three days till he almost had it in that house...He saved the two but it ended up possessing the woman.

A daemon in its immaterial form was enough of a scare. But once it gains a physical body it was a prologue for a nightmare. The daemon would mutate the host in its image. claws, horns, razor teeth you name it. Daemons were psychic, to begin with, which added was the most dreadful thing to watch out for.

The daemon had shifted its hunting from the lower sector to the upper, thus its every kill would be known and talked about. To close all this a special task force would be sent, and he had to kill it before they arrived. A game...a game to see who kills it first.

Sensing he was close, Corvo starts with a sprint. The metal walls of the infrastructure helped him notice the tiny footy steps coming around the corner. his sword unsheathed he lunged forward in a diagonal slash which to his surprise was blocked by another sword. the one across him was not a daemon but a woman. Surprised, Corvo backed away quickly, but a continued strike followed him. Aiming to serve his head in one clean strike. The blow was heavy, and the strength behind it was unnatural for a woman. 'order of Nox' he cursed.

Corvo's opponent wore a powered battle armor, black with blue shimmering lights beneath. The metal piece perfectly fit her. 'A slim type custom power armor' he guessed, and it showed its full power. she crouched and with the armor empowering her legs, she lunged at a terrible speed. unable to evade he blocked it with the sword that sent him flying back.

'not good' the attacker was skilled and gave no moment for him to regain his footing. "stop..." he called but the only reply he got was a stream of furious blows that would eventually get him. 'the hell, she is not even listening' he had to escape before her team arrives for he was not her match. he would be brought down quicker if multiple people showed up.

In the clash of the two, an unexpected player came into the mix. The daemon had pounced on the female warrior when she was preoccupied. It would be easy to target Corvo, but it probably thought that it would be easier once it took the strong one out.

Noticing the metal-clad warrior would not be able to dodge it, Corvo helped her by giving a hard kick in the abdomen which sent her out of the way of the daemon.

The daemon was now larger than before, its maw wide with razor-sharp teeth ready to rip apart flesh, its elongated claws suddenly came at Corvo's side which he luckily evaded with honed reflexes.

As the female Warrior stood back up, the daemon fled the hallway. And he took a sprint away from both of them.

"I'm going to die if I stay there any longer"

And soon he had run a long way down the stairs of the building, he turned back to check if he was being followed. To his dismay, the female warrior was already on him and pinned him on the ground.

"Wait wait damn it" he screamed as the blade pointed at his neck, ready to end his life. Corvo glanced at the reflective visor, it reflected a misplaced wide grin.

"Got you" Corvo with superhuman strength held her and threw her to the wall before the blade could pierce him. And he was onto her with his metal claws ready to plunge into her lungs.

He was a part of daemon hunters that were biologically enhanced, he was a beast with or without power armor.

With his claw still pointed Corvo spoke softly " let's call it a draw here, shall we. The daemon is getting away and that would do us no good" The Nox Agent remained silent, she was getting on his nerves now. Couldn't they just focus on the daemon instead of him? " I will leave now, and you won't follow me. is that clear?" Again there was no reply.

Taking a step back Corvo lept down the stairs, the height not bothering him as he skipped various levels in succession.

The Order of Nox was an organization that was created to swiftly handle any immediate danger within. The power armor was the top product that the Western Front could produce that could empower even an ordinary human to a dangerous level.

Corvo landed on his feet and began chasing, he was not done yet. The daemon was not so far now, somewhere in the building it lurked, hiding. Sure there was the chance of him meeting the Nox agents again but he guessed that the daemon was running away from them. He had to reach them first. Surely he could let the Nox handle the daemon. But something about the daemon intrigued him, it was not an ordinary daemon. A summoned perhaps.

He wanted to know who had unleashed it, handling daemons was one part of the work, and silencing cultists were his primary job since daemons can't freely access the physical realm.

Corvo stopped just as the daemon burst out from the side door. He had already sensed it, and with his gun ready he emptied the barrel. In point-blank range, it had no escape. rendering its chest full of holes, he brought down his sword to slice it in half.

Blood spattered all over him and painted the walls fresh red. Catching his breadth Corvo bent down to check the corpse. His psychic senses told him that this was not the daemon that had killed the family in the lower sectors. He frowned, they were similar kind but different.

"Where many summoned? That would have taken lots of sacrifices" Summoning daemons by a non psyker would require a large number of sacrifices. That meant it was not done by an individual, That left a lot of speculation...