
Raven Fall

3544th year after the conjunction, the world had changed drastically. Mankind has to stand united to survive in the hostile lands while monsters and daemons plagued the world. The living in the present world is extremely harsh or pleasant depending on one's position in the society. Hence the eternal strife of man for a better life. This book explores a grim dark world, with lot of action and adventure.

Soletaken_Eleint · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

A Warlock

The basement of the building complex was riddled with pipes along the walls, and the place smelt of deep rust mixed with water. Now a new smell permitted this place, the smell of fresh blood inciting the rats and vermin to feast on the remains.

The smell didn't reach through Yena's fully covered helmet. In front of her lay the corpse of the daemon she had been pursuing for a few days. It was a quick job, she concluded. The daemon's ambush failed and met its doom.

Crouching down she removed her black reflective helm off. Her black hair cascaded down, and the smell now assaulted her nose. The fresh smell of blood was overridden by the stink of rats and psychic imprint. She looked at the remains of the mutated body, Her mouth had been forcefully extended and filled with sharp teeth. her hands and feet were similarly mutated to suit the needs of the predator. A horribly mutated flesh of that which once was a beautiful woman, now reduced to a cruel amalgamation of overgrown bone and flesh.

While she was studying the corpse, her team had caught up. " It was done by that person, wasn't it" A child's voice disturbed the oddly peaceful silence.

"Yes, it was, in one blow he was able to shred the Daemon in half. As expected of a Hunter I guess" Yena looked at her new recruit, similarly dressed in black power armor she looked quite menacing if one removed her voice and height. Eve stood beside her, her helm removed to showcase her adolescent features.

Eve contemplated a little while " Should we dispose of him too?"

"no, Hunters like him are unofficially legalized"

"Then why did you go after him then, surely we could catch the daemon first we had ignored him"

"Indeed" Yena spoke looking somewhere past the walls "But I wanted to experience firsthand the power of a Warlock of the brotherhood, and honestly I'm not disappointed. As the rumors, he was as strong as a person using power armor. It would be a lot more dangerous if we both intended it fight to death"

Eve closed her eyes, and Yena could sense psychic energies from her. Minute waves spread from her in all directions and she opened her eyes " He's still within range, we can capture him if we act now. Though hunters are given free rein, we have the right to apprehend a Warlock. They are too dangerous to be left unchecked."

Though seeing the cold glint in the eyes of the child, left her deeply disturbed, but she kept a professional look expected of her rank. "No, if we push too much we are sure to face casualties" she stopped to look at Eve who was about to say something " Even if we have psyker like you, remember that they are bred to take down psychic monsters...including those of the same kind"


Corvo walked unhurriedly in the crowd, The evenings in the upper sector were a sight to see unlike those of the lower sector. Bright Lights lit up every place, the working class returning form their work and the voices of cheerful teenagers resounding near the popular cafes or restaurants. A contrast to those of the lower sector, where one could only see only weary and cunning looks.

Absorbed in the atmosphere, Corvo took a seat in one such cafe. It didn't take long for his company to show up. Nathan took off his coat and sat facing him, The coffee had already arrived and Corvo enjoyed his second.

"So?" Nathan spoke first, his face spoke volumes of how sleep-deprived he was.

"...Ahh the coffee here is indeed very refreshing, try it before it gets cold. and yes I did kill a daemon today but it was not the one we were following from the Lower sector...rather it was a different one but of the same species if you would call it"

"The one that possessed the woman?"

"yes, though it seems we were not the only one after its trail"

Nathan nodded knowingly " Yes, we were told to abandon the case. Order from the higher-ups. we were told it was already being handled"

"The Order of Nox, yes. They were there"

"You didn't happen to clash with them do you?" Nathan stared at him, exasperatedly. for which he only received a weak laugh and a change of topic while slurping off the empty cup.

"By the way, did you know that this cake is from the Inshan region" Nathan sighed at his obvious change of topic.

"Seriously Corvo, I can't tell you enough that the Nox agents are not to be messed with, especially since you are a warlock. you could be executed and no one would bother..." Nathan sighed again and finally picked up his coffee. Corvo could see the genuine concern in him, "Weird man..." he thought. without a doubt the man feared him and yet he drew close to him. A contradiction plagued his actions, but that was what intrigued Corvo's interest in him, he was odd and with a broad perspective unlike those of his occupation.

" So, two identical daemons what does that mean?" Nathan asked.

"A cultist who is experimenting or an organized play" Corvo shrugged. Honestly, he never cared about the reason or motive, only in extermination did his duty lay. He was a monster created to hunt monsters, and only for that purpose, he was allowed. Anything else, he may endanger the brotherhood. The government was unforgiving in handling those over it didn't have control. Though Hunters, especially the Warlocks were useful manpower while dealing with the immaterium. which while being a powerful one was totally not in their hands.

The conversation came to an end after few banter. Nathan headed back to his office. he would be busy for days to come. Corvo too had something to do, The night would fall soon. His time of action, the daemon from the lower sector was still at loose and hopefully, he would finally catch it.