
Raniya's Diary

At the age of 18, I participated in an art exchange program in Italy that lasted for a year. After arriving in the vibrant and stunning city of Rome, I spent about three days settling in before I felt confident enough to venture out and explore. And that's when I had the fateful encounter with HIM! Handsome , dark and mysterious there was an air of danger i could never imagine how deep i would get into that danger or how much it would cost me and how far he would goand what he'd do to protect what belongs to him.

Raniya_Wright · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 4

As we drove back to the city, my mind was racing. I never thought I would or could fire a gun, yet here I am, involved with a man who is dangerous enough that I need one. Leaving him is not an option. I had not known Antonio for long, but I could tell that we would both die sooner than he would let me go.

I clutched the gun tightly in my hand, feeling its weight and the cool metal against my palm. My heart was pounding, and I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I never wanted to use the gun, but I knew I had to be prepared for anything.

As we arrived at my dorm, Antonio took my hand and planted a kiss on my palm. "Amore, be ready at noon tomorrow. I will send Andreas to pick you up." I just nodded and got out of the car, feeling a mix of excitement and fear in the pit of my stomach.

I had to find out exactly who he was. I ran up the stairs to my room and started up my computer. "The only way I'll find out is through Google," I thought to myself. I sat down and typed in his name, my heart racing as I waited for the search results to load.

Nothing and I mean nothing could have prepared me for the information I found. Antonio was the heir to the largest, richest, and most dangerous crime family in the world. Some articles even called him "diablo" (devil). He was trained in special forces and had never been seen in public with a woman. Even though everyone knows who he is, he is treated like a celebrity, I suppose because most people are afraid of him and he has more money than he can spend, so everyone with a cause will try to get on his good side.

I read on, feeling both horrified and fascinated by what I was discovering. His mother, Lucia Dominicali, was the matriarch of the Dominicali family, and she was apparently worse than he was. Despite the danger and the risk, I had fallen in love with the devil himself, and I knew I was playing with fire. But I couldn't help it. The more I thought of him, the more I wanted him, even if it meant risking everything I had ever known.

As I walked out of my last class, Andreas was waiting for me. "Ciao, Signora," he smiled stiffly. "Ciao Andreas, where are we off to today? Are we going to pillage some villages, or is he buying me a cannon?" I asked jokingly. Andreas tried not to smile, but I could see he found it amusing.

We arrived at what looked like an abandoned building. As we walked inside, I was greeted by a soft smile and shining emerald eyes. Antonio walked towards me and kissed me sweetly, softly, and tenderly. As he lifted his head, I looked around and realized we were in a designer's studio, surrounded by the most beautiful gowns I had ever seen.

Antonio took my hand and led me to a rack of dresses. "I had these made for you," he said, his eyes never leaving mine. "I wanted you to have something special for tonight."

I was speechless as I ran my fingers over the delicate fabric, feeling the softness of the silk and the intricate embroidery. The dresses were works of art, and I couldn't believe they were made just for me. Antonio had a way of making me feel like the most important person in the world.

As I tried on different dresses, I couldn't help but wonder about Antonio's world. I knew he was involved in dangerous business, but he always seemed to be one step ahead of everyone else. Being with him was thrilling and terrifying at the same time, but I couldn't resist his charm and his passion. I knew that whatever happened, I was in too deep to turn back now.

After trying on several dresses, I finally decided on a stunning red velvet dress. The dress hugged my curves and had a low back, accentuated by delicate sandal heels and matching jewelry. I felt confident and beautiful, but also a little nervous about the upcoming charity banquet for the children's hospital.

As we drove up to the venue, a sea of paparazzi surrounded us, their cameras flashing incessantly. Antonio, dressed impeccably in his black tuxedo, turned to me with a smile. "Amore, once we get out of this car, there's no turning back. Everyone will know who you are and whom you belong to."

As the car door opened, I stepped out into the bright lights and felt a rush of excitement and apprehension. Antonio took my hand and led me down the red carpet, surrounded by the buzz of cameras and the whispers of the crowd. We were greeted by the event organizers and introduced to various guests, including politicians, business moguls, and celebrities.

As the evening progressed, I found myself drawn into the world of high society and luxury, but also aware of the darker underbelly that lurked beneath the glittering façade. I could see Antonio working the room effortlessly, charming and cajoling the powerful and wealthy into doing his bidding. I knew that being with him meant being a part of this world, and I couldn't help but feel a thrill of danger and excitement coursing through my veins.

Despite the glamour and excitement, I couldn't help but feel a little bit lost and out of place. I was just a simple girl from a small town, thrown into a world of excess and power. But with Antonio by my side, I felt protected and loved, and I knew that no matter what happened, he would always be there for me.

As the evening progressed, I found myself drawn into the world of high society and luxury, but also aware of the darker underbelly that lurked beneath the glittering façade. I could see Antonio working the room effortlessly, charming and cajoling the powerful and wealthy into doing his bidding. I knew that being with him meant being a part of this world, and I couldn't help but feel a thrill of danger and excitement coursing through my veins.

Despite the glamour and excitement, I couldn't help but feel a little bit lost and out of place. I was just a simple girl from a small town, thrown into a world of excess and power. But with Antonio by my side, I felt protected and loved.