
Ranging Desire

Even the surrounding will tremble with fear when the great Lioness and the mighty Alpha are in a cold war with none bowing to defeat... .... The business world being the battlefield and marriage ...the weapon.. What happens when the one you hate so much suddenly fills you with an unquenchable RAGING DESIRE... "Do you know the meaning of the letter 'H' in my name?" Crystal asked Xender while leaning dangerously close to him. Gently she whispered.. "It means Heaven.. I can take you there.." The sides of his mouth raised slightly "You can't take Hell to heaven Becca" ... IT'S SOO ON!

ArmyElla · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 1: Discovery

"I want a divorce"

Rebecca Crystal Camelot casually glanced at the paperwork placed before her. As someone used to seeing and working on a lot of documents while currently working on one she asked.

"Are you sure you can handle the consequences?"


A confident voice said making Rebecca Crystal, the current CEO of THE CAMELOT'S COMPANY look up to see who was confident enough to reply her question.

For a moment she paused while looking at the person. Something was off about this person today...

Something that wasn't usually there but suddenly is...

With her interest now priqed, she dropped her pen and leaned back while taking in the view before her who turned out to be her husband.

The most docile, annoyingly humble and useless guy she ever met, who could not say 'No' to a person and always does whatever she and her family commands. Not that he had a choice, but just the thought of him irritated her to the point of frustration and now the sight of him before her..

But she was curious... Very curious...

Something has changed... Even the air around him seemed different. Usually, people are too scared to approach the cold CEO who could burn you with her fiery temper and choke you with her cold Aura and thus, she was known as the HOT ICE BIT*H with the demure of a queen.

But quite suprisingly, this supposed docile guy with zero confidence was still standing before her and even making eye contact without breaking off? Unintentionally, she raised an eyebrow at him through the rim of her glasses, a habit she shows whenever she felt challenged, suprising herself. She rarely felt challenged but if ever it was to happen it would be in the business world and only against some great business tycoons.. and she was pretty sure that this guy before her whom she never saw as a man was not in that category.

Alexander Kai Rugard stood before his 'wife' in her well furnished and exquisite office. The interior design was dripping with money and elegance. It was the type of office that strikes fear into the heart of anyone who walks into it, especially if it was their first time and they aren't used to money.

If it was on another day, Xender would have felt slightly intimidated and small. After all, she was up there and he was down here.

He has had enough from her and the members of her family whose joy comes from controlling his life without him having a say in it. He was fed up with this thing called 'marriage' and wanted quits. He had been married to Rebecca Crystal for three years now but there was nothing to show for it. No respect, no communication, a lot of boundaries; was it even necessary to mention the word LOVE? Cos it really sounded foreign and strange to him since he was married to the giant ice from the bottom of the Atlantic ocean, the cold wind from the North Pole whose heart was the replica of the freezing snow.

A loveless and arranged marriage was what they had. A marriage planned by her family and his with the sole aim of uniting both families and being a powerful force in the business world.

The Rugard's family was wealthy but was smaller in wealth compared to the Camelot's family. The Camelot's owned various properties all over the city and beyond. Money was like air.. they could buy the world and rule over it. No other family can compare when it got to money. The whole city knew them and their name sent shivers to the business world.

But... Even with all these, they were nothing in comparison to the Rugard's family when it came down to connections! They were the only family in the whole city that could get in the way of the Camelots.

With a snap of their fingers the world would refuse any amount offered by the Camelots and any other family out there. Many families were richer than the Rugard's family but they were one family the whole city feared and respected. The great and the small watched there steps around them and for the careless ones... They met their downfalls quicker than lightening.

With the Rugard and Camelot families joining hands, they became untouchable!

The Rigard family have been quite since the joining of the two families but the great business men and women knew they were the once working behind the scenes and was infact the backbone of the Camelot family whose light over shadowed them cos they were quite and humble. Regardless of their calm nature, they were still one of the top three powerful families in the city.

The son and daughter of the two great families were before each other, each occupied with their thoughts.

"Personally, I have no opposition to this but our families would have the last say and we can both agree that they would not give their consent to this.

Am tired of you as well but am not gonna make a decision that won't benefit me and destroy the hard work of our families". The sweet cold voice of Crystal resounded in the office.

"I don't care what you say about this but it just needs your signature. I already signed and they don't need to know... No one has to know if you don't want to, we're already living as neighbors so it's nothing, it just won't be on paper anymore".

Crystal stared at him for awhile before asking. "What do you stand to gain from this? You'd be going against both families and anything could happen if my lips slipped".

For a moment there, she saw him smirk under his face cap which covered half his face and for some weird reason she found it attractive, suprising herself yet again..

"You're a lot of evil things like a cold blooded being with an empty dark void for a heart but a snitch isn't one of them".

To say she was shocked was an exaggeration cos a lot of people had called her different names but never in front of her. She was neither happy or angry.

"Was that a compliment or an insult?"

"Both. So we good, I'll take my leave now" and with that he left. That was the longest communication they've had in three years...

Few minutes later...

Crystal was staring at the divorce papers with an unreadable expression.

"What exactly is he planning?" She thought.


This is my first novel on webnovel and I hope you guys will love it and and support me cos I'll really need it!

ArmyEllacreators' thoughts