
Summer mid-day's dream

"Riyuu onii-chan, Riyuu onii-chan?" a sweet innocent call from a sweet innocent girl with long brown hair pushed back and braided. Her black eyes intently looking at her sleeping big brother. "O-nii-chan! jeez! wake up! it's my birthday today remember? you're always sleeping anywhere you can find comfy. Mom is back with the cake! I'm going to blow candles! yey!" The sweet girl bounced and jumped, laughing, her big brother still half asleep. "Alright, settle down now Rin, I'm awake." He said, eyes still closed and yawning. "Hurry!" his sister pulled him with two hands, making him almost lost his balance and almost fall of the bed. Balancing himself. he hurriedly followed his sister and they both ran downstairs.

"Happy birthday to you~ Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday... Happy Birthday to you~~" **woosh** The sound of clapping and cheers from both their Mother and Father and her big brother filled the air, as the small girl tried hard to blow all the candles out in one go.

**beep...beep...beep** "I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Amamiya." The doctor broke the sad news to the parents. "No! Why? Why does it have to be my baby girl" The mother couldn't contain her tears anymore as her husband hugged her and comforted his wife patting her back, both faces wore pained expression. The young boy stands still in front of the door. Hand on the doorknob, his other hand holds a bouquet of freshly picked flowers. He didn't intend to listen. His parents ordered him to go out and pick flowers for his sister, but his excitement to see his sister's face as he gives her, her favorite flowers hurried him, only to stumble upon such a tragedy.

Gloomy sky and rain greeted the family as they bury their youngest. It's as if the sky is crying for the loss of an angel. Too young to be taken by death. The boy had no more light on his eyes unlike normal little boys with glistening eyes. He looked at the casket as it is lowered down on the ground. His face, expressionless, its as if he doesn't know how to cry, but his silence is screaming the pain he is feeling. He loved his little sister very much as if she is his most precious treasure. People gradually leave as the casket has been buried. One by one the people on the grave disappeared, leaving the parents and the boy. "Let's go Riyuuji. Let Ri-chan sleep. She is now free from suffering." his mom said, her hands lay on her boy's shoulder. "No! I don't want her to sleep there?! Why did she leave me here?" the boy shouted and shook his mom's hand frantically off his shoulder. He ran away. He ran as far as he could until his lungs can't take it anymore. Feeling his lungs and heart as if they're going to burst at any moment, the boy fell to his knees and cry. He cried so much, it echoed on the endless sea of trees he was in.

"Hey that's the new boy right?" a girl said to her classmate. "Why isn't he talking? He looks scary.." she added. "I heard he lost his sister to some kind of illness, so they moved here because they didn't want any memory of his sister. New life? I guess?" the other girl said. Yes, he could hear them all. Their whispers about him, about his families life, about how his sister died. He could hear them all, but he doesn't care. Nothing is important anymore, because his sister is gone. They can do whatever they like, he thought.

Boys laughing can be heard, but there is one that is huffing and puffing as if that one is out of breath. "Hey, look he really isn't saying anything even after we punched him this much. What a loser." a boy said. "I hate the look on his eyes, it's like he doesn't care who is in control here." **bam** another boy said and then punched him. They punched and kicked him but he didn't fight back. He even wanted to die there so he could see his sister. "Let's go guys, this is getting boring." the third one said. After a few more punches, they left him on the ground. Back against the dirt, he looked on the dim orange sky until it got blurry. But he isn't crying because of the physical pain.

A hand appeared out of nowhere and wiped his tears away, panic and surprise made his body flinch and sit up backing away in the process. "Are you okay? does it hurt that much?" a girl said. His eyes even though one was swollen, suddenly opened wide in surprise. The girl in front of him looks like his sister, only with shorter hair and brown eyes, is she his sister? Did she come back? No impossible. "Those guys, you know they aren't really mean boys. But you were so silent and weird, maybe they didn't know how to react to someone as quiet as you. I'm sorry for what they did. I'll talk to them okay?" She said as she searched her bag, for something. "Here!" she said handing over a white handkerchief, but the boy was still in shock he wasn't even able to digest the stupid things the girl said. They stared at each other. The girl's hand stretched towards the guy holding the handkerchief. Feeling as if he isn't going to move. The girl came closer and wiped his tears and blood. She also took out band-aids and dressed some of his scrapes and wounds. The boy suddenly jerked which surprised both of them as they both fell on their butts.

"Did I put too much force? Did it hurt? I'm sorry." she said as she stands up and brushes off the dirt off of her dress. He stared at her wordless as she says, "Try to talk tomorrow so they can get to know you. Don't worry! I'll tell them to Sensei so they'll be punished!" She said with a triumphant smile. "Whatever the reason violence is still not the answer. I have to go now, be careful on your way home." She said then started walking the other way. He stared at her until he can no longer see her silhouette.

**Ring** the sound of the phone ringing woke him from his sleep and his nostalgic dreams. It was noon when he fell asleep on this hot summer day. "Why did I suddenly dreamt about something that happened in the past." He thought. Still, in a daze, he remained on top of his bed. Eyes closed, his hand lay on his forehead. A few minutes later the doorbell rang. He knew all too well who would it be. He then stood up to get the door as the doorbell wouldn't stop ringing.