

This would be interesting to read If done correctly. Welcome everyone to the #1 DMMORPG that will shake the world, Yggdrasil. A large game where you can create your character, explore the unknown world, and collect powerful items. The only downside is that some of the really good items are either hidden somewhere in the world or you have pay lots of money to get some. Soo, let's make this pay to win game into something a little bit more fair. Ever want to have the gear that everyone else has but don't have the cash to pay for that expensive item, than put your hacking skills to the test. Want to be the number one player in Yggdrasil, remove level limits on your character. You want a whole army of NPCs that do anything you with no end in sight, make a powerful base that has no NPC limits or levels. Want an all powerful weapon or armor, make it in the developer tools and one shot everything and take no damage.