
Chapter 21: Hateful

Later, when everyone was gone, the desolation of the house made Chloé feel intensely lonely. Urgently, she searched for a clue about where Kemal had gone. The bathroom light was on but there wasn’t any other sign of where he’d been.

Just as she was about to put Lily back in her crib, she heard the familiar voice of her husband calling her name.

"Kemal!?" she called out. "I can hear you! Where are you?" Relief washed over her despite his earlier absence. She needed to see him and feel his warm embrace.

Still distant, he repeated her name, but it sounded like it was coming from different rooms. She rushed around the first floor trying to locate where he could be. After he was nowhere to be found, she waited quietly, straining her ears. When she heard him in the loft, she dashed up the stairs.