
The News of a New Heir

The news of Itsuki Kurogane's wife's pregnancy circulated swiftly throughout the Kurogane family, eliciting a variety of emotions from the key players.

After hearing about a potential new heir, the Kurogane elders convened to discuss the family's long-term prospects. Ouma and Ikki Kurogane, the previous heirs, were criticized for being unable or unable to fulfill their duties. The council chief, known as Mizuki-sama, went up to his loyal underling Akeno-sama and said, "Fantastic news, Akeno-sama. Finally, our family will have a new leader to follow, and I pray that he or she will be different from the rest."

Akeno-sama nodded in agreement, "Indeed, we cannot predict the amount of magic this child will possess, but we must ensure that they are given the proper training and guidance to reach their full potential." The council members murmured their assent, eager to see what this new heir would bring to the Kurogane family legacy.

The elders knew that an individual Blazer's might was not the sole criteria in assessing his or her value to the family. "We must also take into account their allegiance and dedication to the family," Mizuki-sama said, "and instill in them a feeling of duty and obligation towards the Kurogane name."

Nonetheless, several of the elders were concerned about the possibility of another letdown. "What if this next successor mimics Ouma?" Tatsuo, one of them, expressed his worries.

The council's head, Mizuki-sama, spoke out "We must refrain from jumping to conclusions. It is still too early to assess the new heir's potential. We must wait and observe how they progress."

Masaru, another elder, chimed in, "Indeed, we must consider all possibilities. We cannot take any chances with the future of the Kurogane family."

A somber nod was given by Mizuki-sama "Obviously, we'll have to take some sort of action. We must put our faith in the next generation, however." He paused, smirking at the group: "We cannot allow anxiousness to control our actions."

However, despite Mizuki-sama's words, some of the elders still couldn't help but worry about the potential for another disappointment. "What if this new heir is just as weak as Kurogane Ikki?" Tatsuo voiced his concerns once again.

Mizuki-sama leaned in, his eyes fixed on the other elders "We must have faith in our family's history and customs. Our responsibility is to help the new heir realize their full potential."

The other elders nodded in agreement, their earlier worries now soothed by Mizuki-sama's reassurances. They all understood the importance of the Kurogane family's legacy and were willing to do whatever it takes to ensure its continuation.

But, they were also aware of the importance of exercising prudence. "We can't afford to be let down again, so we need to be realistic in our expectations," Tatsuo said. We will accept a new heir who possesses a magic ability of C rank and teach them suitably."

Nodding his head, Mizuki-sama expressed his assent "Yes. Future generations have the potential to change the world for the better, but only if we have an open mind and manage our expectations."

Sora felt a tinge of jealously toward the unborn kid as she listened to the elders voice their fears about the next heir. Unlike Ikki, she realized that Shizuku had the potential to become a formidable leader. Despite all of her affection for Ikki, she was powerless to keep him safe on her own.

When Sora pondered this, she had the epiphany that she might be able to assist with Shizuku's training. "I think she'll appreciate Ikki more if I help her" Although she realized it was a long shot, Sora was determined to do anything she could to safeguard Ikki.

When delivering the tea to the elderly, Sora kept her thoughts to herself. Yet, she couldn't help but see a future where she had shaped Shizuku into a fearsome Blazer, thereby securing Ikki's place in the family.

As she pondered these thoughts, one of the elders, Masaru, turned to her and asked, "Sora, what do you think of the new heir? Do you think he will be a worthy successor?"

Sora hesitated for a moment before responding, "I believe that with proper training and guidance, she has the potential to be a powerful Blazer and a worthy successor to the Kurogane family."

One of the elders, Hiroshi, spoke up, "But Sora, how do you know that the new heir is a girl?"

When Sora realized her error, her eyes widened in shock. She had revealed private details regarding the baby's development. She stuttered in embarrassment as she said, "I-I... I apologize, I can only speculate. I apologize for going too far; it wasn't my intention to do so."

The other wise men and women glanced at Sora, perplexed by her sudden display of shame. They disregarded her afterward, assuming that it was just an honest error on her part.

Meanwhile, Sora was berating herself for her blunder. She was aware that divulging her future knowledge was risky. She vowed to be more cautious in the future.

Sora nodded solemnly, understanding that loyalty and dedication were necessary attributes for any member of the Kurogane family to be of any use to the elders. As she proceeded to serve the elders tea, she couldn't help but worry about the family's future she have seen in manga ,and how she might utilize it to, hers... 'Ekhem' ikki's advantage.

Ikki bedroom

His bedroom decorated with traditional Japanese interiors, with shoji screens and tatami mats covering the floor. The walls were adorned with colorful paintings of dragons and samurai warriors. As the maids cleaned the room, they gossiped among themselves.

While he watched the housekeepers tidy up his room, Ikki's thoughts were all over the place. He yearned to learn, to experience new things, and to see the world in a different light than he had thus far. "Why Do I Need To Be Stuck In This Flabby Body!" he exclaimed. He had been alone in the void for incalculable eons, with only his own thoughts for company.

He kicked his pudgy legs and babbled to himself, so taken with the sound of his own voice that it didn't bother him to repeat it a thousand times in the blank. He imagined what it would be like to converse with the maids. and scaring them a little. 'Ha theirs jaws would drop in shock'


Ikki continued to focus on his breathing recalling many Japanese phrases he had stored in his memory palace. He had spent countless hours memorizing them, and now, he could recall them with ease.

"Konnichiwa," he muttered to himself, remembering the greeting for "hello." "Arigatou," he added, recalling the word for "thank you."

Three months had passed since Ikki first began using his memory palace, during which time he had diligently perfected his methods. He had trained himself relentlessly, spending countless hours seeing the rooms and the data he had stored in them. Learning to control his mental fortress wasn't simple, and he experienced frustration and exhaustion along the way. But every time he felt that he just got more pumped up.

One day, While he was studying Japanese he found that he could recall information from his memory faster than ever before. He had a mental "Instant Room" that allowed him to recollect knowledge instantly. Ikki was ecstatic because this was a major progress. He was confident that this method would serve him well in his future activities.

Seeing how his new approach could help him recall knowledge more quickly and accurately than ever before.

'Maybe now I can recall something about the time before the Void.

He attempted to remember his life before void, but all he could recall were fragments and painful recollections of hollowness.

'Haaaa... yes let's never go back ther'

Ikki grinned to himself feeling new emotion he gained by his action.

'But who knows..... maybe just one more time, this body is just so responfull compared to my soul form!" he laid in his cot, realizing that he had gone a long way in the past three months. He had worked hard.


As Ikki slept in his crib, two maids, Yumi and Aya, were tidying up his room. Yumi glanced over at Ikki and said, "I heard that the family is getting a new heir."

Ikki's ears perked up at the sound of their conversation. He didn't know what an heir was or what it meant to carry on a family name, but he was curious nonetheless. He watched them with half-lidded eyes noddding to himself

'Indeed I don't know why but when the see me with closed eyes they tend to talk more'.

Aya nodded and replied, "Yes, a new baby to carry on the Kurogane name. I hope this one turns out better than the last two."

Yumi snickered, "Well, it's not like their mother is doing much to help. She's always so distant and cold to everyone, even her own children. No wonder they turned out like that."

"Hahah don't be riddculous"

Aya shook her head in agreement, "Yeah, it's a shame. I feel sorry for Itsuki Kurogane. He's such a nice guy, but he's stuck with a wife who doesn't care about anything." she leaned in closer to Yumi and whispered, "Hey, have you ever thought about dating the head?"

Yumi's expression of shock was clear as her eyes widened at the unexpected query. "What? Certainly not, don't be ridiculous. He's already taken, and even if he weren't, he'd be completely out of our league."

There was a grin on Aya's face." I've seen the way he looks at you occasionally, his wife is often so cold and aloof, he might need some cheering up."

Yumi's face flushed at the idea, but she pushed it out of her mind. "No, there's no way I'd ever do it to myself. It can't be right.

Aya shrugged. "Suit yourself, but I'm telling you, there's definitely something there between you two."

Yumi shook her head, rejecting the thought outright. Itsuki was off limits..

So Yumi shrugged and said, "Well, at least he has his kids. I'm crossing my fingers that this one does better than the last two.

"I just hope it don't turn out like Ikki," Aya lamented. "The poor kid had no idea that no one ever comes here but us and Sora."

Yumi nodded, "Yeah, it's sad. But it's not like he's going to be of any use to the family anyway. With that kind of weak magic, he's never going to be a strong mage knight.... he was just unlucky to be born in this family."

The housekeepers went on with their chitchat and cleaning as usual, completely oblivious to the fact that Ikki could comprehend every word they were saying.

Trying to process what he had just heard, Ikki's thoughts were racing. He didn't know why his family was so worried about his strength, or why the housekeepers assumed he was fragile.

The more he considered it, the more mortified he became. Do everyone seriously think he's that worthless? He had never questioned his place among the other babies.

He felt disgusted by his own plump little figure when he stared at it. They kept mentioning this Ouma guy calling him a genius; why couldn't he be talented like him?

While the maids were cleaning his room, he felt increasingly alone. They were one of the very few humans he'd ever encountered, and he craved contact with the outside world.

He closed his eyes as he lay in his cot and attempted to relax. There was a long road ahead of him, and he knew he had to be patient. And yet, he couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment and a pang of nostalgia.

The maids continued to talk, unaware of the effect their words had on the young Ikki. He listened intently, determined to understand more about his place.

Itsune study

Itsune Kurogane was sitting at his desk, staring vacantly into space. The idea of his sons, Ikki and Ouma, brought an overwhelming sense of loss over him.

The pangs of remorse Itsune felt would not go away. To protect the honor of the House Kurogane, he had abandoned his boys. For the sake of tradition, he had been willing to forego his own happiness and that of his children, and now he wondered if it had been worthwhile.

He realized he made a mistake, but it was too late to turn back. He was forced to face the repercussions of his choices and wondered whether there was any way he could ever make amends with his sons. He felt an overwhelming sense of guilt and sadness at the prospect of never again seeing their happy faces or spending time with them as a family.

Yet, "what's the use of living in the past?" Itsune tried to ignore his internal turmoil by thinking to himself. He tightened his fists, resolving to be a more effective leader and parent going forward. He would see to it that the Kurogane family thrived, but he wouldn't let that success come at the expense of his kids' joy.

Itsune drew a deep breath, put aside his feelings of remorse, and went back to his job. He knew he had to put his family first and not let his emotions get in the way. For the sake of the Kurogane family name, he needed to be a stalwart. On the other hand, he couldn't help but question if he'd had made the right decision, the time whe had a choice presented to him.