
The new Invention!

Once the cold winter months drifted away, and the Kurta clan was painted in the bright colors of spring, the flowers bloom and the air filled with the sweet smell of new life. A new adventures awaited!

One day, Kurapika came to Ikki with a playful glint in his eye. His grin widened

"We have a surprise for you."

Ikki raised an eyebrow. "What kind of surprise?"

"The kind of you will need" Kurapika eyes glinted suspiciously.

Kurapika then turned to Ikki with a determined look on his face. "Come on, let's go. I'll carry you on my back," he said.

Ikki hesitated for a moment, feeling embarrassed at the thought of being carried like a child. "I don't want to be a burden," he said softly.

Kurapika shook his head. "You're not a burden, Ikki. We're friends, and friends help each other. Now, come on, hop on," he said, crouching down so that Ikki could climb onto his back.

Ikki took a deep breath and climbed onto Kurapika's back. He wrapped his arms around Kurapika's neck, trying to suppress his flushed cheeks.

As Kurapika stepped out, Ikki felt the rush of wind against his face. He closed his eyes, enjoying the sun warming his skin, and the sensation of moving was just too good.

"Are you okay?" Kurapika asked, his voice muffled by the wind.

Ikki shaked his head left and right. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for doing this," he said, his shoulders relaxing.

Kurapika chuckled. "Don't worry about it. It's not every day that I get to be a pack mule," looking at him with slightly tinted eyes and smirk.

Ikki laughed, his body shaking a little as if with relive.

As they walked through the forest, Kurapika and Ikki enjoyed the serene atmosphere around them. The leaves rustled gently in the breeze, and the birds chirped melodiously. Ikki closed his eyes and a slight smile adorned his face.

After a while, they stumbled upon Pairo, who was sitting by a stream, humming a tune to himself. When he heard Kurapika and Ikki approaching, he smiled and waved at them.

"We're going to craft you a new wheelchair," Pairo said, a bright smile on his face.

Ikki watched with curiosity as Kurapika and Pairo began to gather pieces of scrap metal and wood. They rummaged through the pile, selecting the pieces they needed and discarding the ones that wouldn't fit.

Kurapika took the lead, directing Pairo as they began to assemble the wheelchair. They worked quickly, but with precision, fitting each piece together like a puzzle. Ikki couldn't help but marvel at their teamwork and how well they knew each other.

As they worked, Kurapika and Pairo bantered back and forth, teasing each other like old friends. "Be careful with that hammer, Pairo. I don't want you breaking anything," Kurapika quipped.

Pairo rolled his eyes, "I know what I'm doing, Kurapika. Unlike you, I actually have experience with this kind of thing."

Kurapika laughed, "Oh, please. The last time you tried to build something, it fell apart within five minutes."

Ikki smiled at their playful banter, feeling grateful to have such good friends. As they finished assembling the wheelchair, Kurapika and Pairo stepped back to admire their handiwork.

"Voila! The Kurta clan's latest invention," Kurapika declared with a grin.

Pairo nodded in agreement, "Not bad, if I do say so myself. Now, let's take it for a spin!"

The two friends took turns pulling Ikki around the forest, their laughter ringing through the trees. "You guys didn't have to do this," Ikki said, a grateful smile on his face.

Kurapika ruffled his hair. "Of course, we did. We can't have you dying of boredom."

Ikki let out a chuckle, feeling the wind rush through his hair as they rode through the forest. "You guys are like my own personal chariot drivers," he remarked with a grin, enjoying the playful banter and camaraderie.


Ikki sat in his reinforced wheelchair, twiddling his thumbs and staring off into the distance. He had already read through the only book in the house for the third time and was desperate for something new to occupy his mind.

Just then, Pairo and Kurapika burst into the room, their faces alight with excitement. "We have a surprise for you!" Kurapika exclaimed.

Ikki's ears perked up at the prospect of something new to do. "What kind of surprise?" he asked eagerly.

Pairo grinned mischievously. "We're going on an adventure!"

Ikki's heart swelled with excitement. It had been weeks since he had left the confines of the house, and he was itching for some fresh air and new sights.

Kurapika nodded in agreement. "We're going to explore the village library."

Ikki's eyes widened with surprise. He had no idea that the village even had a library. "Really? I had no idea they had one."

Pairo nodded eagerly. "Yep, it's small, but they have some interesting books in there. And the best part is, we have the key."

The trio set off towards the village, Ikki bouncing in his wheelchair with anticipation. As they approached the library, Ikki noticed that it was a small, cozy building made of wood and thatch. There was a small garden in front of the building, with colorful flowers and herbs growing in neat rows.

Kurapika unlocked the door, and the three friends stepped inside. The room was small and dimly lit, but lined with rows of books and scrolls. Ikki scanned the shelves, his eyes widening at the titles and topics he had never seen before. There were books on history, science, and even some fantastical tales of adventure and magic.

Ikki couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. The books in front of him were intriguing, but he couldn't help but wonder if there was more out there. As he scanned the titles, he noticed that there were only a handful of genres represented. He wondered if the villagers were missing out on a whole world of literature.

"Hey, Kurapika, Pairo," Ikki spoke up, catching his friends' attention. "Do you think the village has access to a lot of books?"

Kurapika shrugged. "I don't think so. I mean, this is the only library in the village, and it's not very big."

Pairo chimed in, "And not everyone here can read, or has the time for it. Plus, some might not be interested."

Ikki nodded, taking in their words. He knew that many of the villagers worked long hours in the fields or in trades, and that not everyone had the privilege of education. But still, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of such limited access to knowledge.

"I wish there was something we could do to help," Ikki said, voicing his thoughts out loud.

Kurapika grinned at him. "Well, maybe we could talk to the village chief and see if there's any way we can help in the expansion of the library."

Pairo nodded, "And we could also offer to read to some of the villagers who can't read themselves."

Ikki smiled, feeling a sense of hope. "Yeah, we could do all of that. And who knows, maybe we could even start our own little library here in the forest."

The three of them continued to brainstorm, their voices carrying through the quiet library. Ikki knew that it was just a small idea, but he couldn't help feeling excited at the possibility of making a difference in the village's access to knowledge.

Another day,

ikki lied thinking about his techniques that grew increasingly complex. That's when his only friends, Pairo and Kurapika, came up with a plan to cheer him up.

The two boys moved stealthily, their movements careful and precise as they approached the hive. They had to be quiet, or else they would surely wake up the bees. They both held their breaths as they worked to extract some honey, using only their bare hands. But their efforts were not without consequence.

As they snatched a chunk of honeycomb, Kurapika lost his grip and caused it to crash onto the ground. The loud thud echoed through the forest, and they both froze in terror, waiting for the inevitable.

Suddenly, they heard a low humming sound, and the hive began to shake. The bees were starting to wake up. Pairo and Kurapika knew they had to act fast. They grabbed as much honey as they could carry and made a mad dash for their wheelchair.

But as they fled, their panicked footsteps and the jostling of the honeycomb jolted the hive once more, causing the bees to fully awaken. They were quickly swarming out, ready to protect their home and their precious honey.

Kurapika and Pairo were running as fast as they could, their hearts pounding with fear as they heard the angry buzzing of the bees getting closer and closer. They knew they had to outrun the bees if they wanted to make it out alive.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Kurapika cursed under his breath, his eyes wide with terror as he looked over his shoulder and saw the swarm of bees hot on their trail. "We shouldn't have taken so much honey!"

Pairo was equally panicked, his half-blind eyes darting around frantically as he tried to keep up with Kurapika. "I knew this was a bad idea!" he yelled, his voice strained with exertion. "Why did they have to wake up?"

The boys could feel the bees' hot breath on their necks, and they knew they were running out of time. They had to find a way to lose the bees or risk being stung to death.

The chase was on as Pairo and Kurapika sprinted through the forest with the swarm of angry bees hot on their heels. They dodged trees and jumped over fallen logs, narrowly avoiding the bees' stingers as they buzzed past their heads.

Pairo's disability made it even more difficult for him, he quickly grapped Kurapika arm for guidance. Despite this, Kurapika worked seamlessly masterfully, communicating with Pairo through shiftments of his body weight and avoiding major obstacles.

Ikki watched in amusement as his friends ran towards him, frantically waving their arms and cursing under their breath. "Adventurous Kurapika strikes again!" Pairo yelled.

As they approached their wheelchair, they could feel the bees closing in on them. Kurapika quickly lifted Pairo and helped him onto the side chair of the wheel chair, while Ikki watched in amusement from his seat.

"Come on, Kurapika!" Pairo shouted. "We need to get out of here!"

Kurapika didn't need to be told twice. He quickly pushed the wheel-chair, and they all quickly made their escape, the bees still buzzing angrily behind them.

As they rode away, the boys couldn't help but laugh at their foolish adventure. "Well, that was a close call," Kurapika said, wiping sweat from his forehead.

"I can't believe you woke up an entire hive of bees," Ikki teased, grinning from ear to ear.

Pairo just rolled his eyes, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

"Yeah, well, at least we got some honey out of it," he said, holding up the sticky chunks of honeycomb.

Despite the danger, Ikki couldn't help but laugh at his friends' misadventures. "You guys are crazy," he chuckled, "but thanks for the entertainment!"

Pairo laughed, "You should've seen the look on their faces when they woke up to find their honey missing!"

Ikki chuckled and shook his head. "You guys are something else," he teased. "I never know what to expect when I'm with you two."

Kurapika grinned mischievously, "What's life without a little adventure?"

Ikki chuckled, "I suppose you're right."

Pairo, who was still panting, added, "Yeah, and besides, we got you some honey to sweeten up your day."

Ikki smiled at his friends, quickly rubbing his eyes with his sleeve. "Thanks, guys. But do you think we could find something a bit less dangerous to do? Maybe read some books or something?"

Kurapika and Pairo exchanged a knowing look. "Well, we could always tell some stories," Kurapika suggested, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Ikki rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but be intrigued. "Alright, fine. But no more bee stings, please."

Pairo looked at Ikki with a twinkle in his eye, "Speaking of adventure, we should go explore the forest tomorrow. There's a hidden waterfall that I've been dying to show you."

Ikki's eyes widened with excitement, "Really? That sounds amazing!"

Kurapika raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure that's safe, Pairo?"

Pairo waved his hand dismissively, "Of course it is! We'll be fine as long as we stick together."

Ikki beamed, "I can't wait!"

Kurapika chuckled, "Well, I guess we have our next adventure planned out then."

As the sun started to dip below the horizon, the three friends huddled together, sharing stories and giggling until their hearts were full of warmth and joy. Ikki felt overwhelmed with gratitude for the wonderful friends he had in his life.

He cherished the sense of adventure they brought into his world. As the night came, Kurapika and Pairo settled Ikki settle into bed, ensuring that he was tucked.

"Sweet dreams, Ikki," Kurapika said, gently rubbing his head.

Pairo added, "Sleep well. We have a big day tomorrow."

Ikki smiled, feeling content and happy. "Thanks, guys. Goodnight."

As he drifted off to sleep, Ikki couldn't help but think about the adventures that lay ahead.