
A Night of Dedication

Deep into the night,

Long after the party had ended and the last of the guests had left, Ikki remained awake in his dimly lit room. He had chosen to dedicate the night to studying swordsmanship, one of the few areas where he felt he could excel despite his lack of magical abilities.

Ikki's eyes skimmed the pages of an old book on sword arts written by a renowned swordsman who had served the Kurogane family. He looked at the detailed pictures and explanations of the different forms and techniques. He made careful notes about where he could improve and how to improve his skills.

Ikki was lured to the "Heavenly Radiant Posture" while reading. This technique emphasized fluidity and precision, as well as the capacity to swiftly target an opponent's weak spots. He had a feeling this style would suit him well since it relied on grace and agility rather than the raw force he sorely lacked.

With a fresh piece of parchment, Ikki began to jot down the key elements of the Heavenly Shine. He noted the importance of maintaining proper balance, the need for a strong core, and the crucial role of footwork in achieving swift and accurate strikes. One of the importance to exectue the technique was a flexible body; a good swordsman should be able to move like water and adapt to different situations.

He was very aware of his own flaws, such as his tendency to give away his moves or reach too far when he was trying to hit someone. He made a list of his weaknesses and resolved to focus on them during his practice sessions. He knew that only through consistent effort and unwavering dedication could he overcome these challenges and become a true master of the sword.

Despite the late hour, Ikki's energy and determination did not wane. He could feel a fire burning within him, fueled by his desire to prove himself. As the night wore on, he continued to immerse himself in the world of swordsmanship and imagine the day when he would finally demonstrate it.

Before he knew it, the first light of dawn began to creep through the cracks in his window shutters. Ikki blinked in surprise, realizing just how much time had passed. With a sigh, he closed the ancient text and placed it back on the shelf, his mind already filled with new ideas and strategies to implement in his training.

Ikki felt both tired and excited when he laid down on his futon. He knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but he was more determined than ever to walk it and achieve his dreams. With these thoughts in mind, Ikki finally drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with images of the stances he perfects and the promise of a brighter future.

In the depths of his slumber, Ikki found himself in a surreal dreamscape. The landscape was a blend of reality and fantasy, with elements of the Kurogane mansion mixed with bizarre floating islands and gravity-defying structures. 

Then, with a gasp, he realized that he had entered lucid dream, a rare occurrence where he could take control of his dream and manipulate it to his liking.

Determined to use this opportunity to his advantage, Ikki decided to practice the Heavenly Shine Strike in his dreams. This technique involved twisting his body to harmonize three key components—balance, power, and focus—before striking with full force.

He knew that, under house arrest, his physical training was limited, but in his dream world, he could push himself without restraint. "This is my chance," Ikki thought. "I can improve my technique, even if I'm confined to this house and this family."

Ikki was able to make a practice area in the dreamscape by putting his mind to it. The area had a training dummy and room for him to move around freely. He started to practice the Heavenly Shine Strike. As he hit the dummy with incredible force, his movements were graceful and fluid.

As he trained, Ikki paid close attention to his body's movements, analyzing how he could better harness the power of his muscles to improve his performance. He tried out different angles and footwork to find the best combination of speed and strength.

Ikki's weapon, Intetsu, a fairly small katana, was ideal for his child physique as it adjusted to suit his age. Due to its small size, he was able to perform rapid, precise motions, making the Heavenly Shining Strike an optimal technique for him to master.

The dream environment allowed Ikki to push his body beyond its normal limits, testing various techniques without fear of injury. As he practiced, he could feel his understanding of the Heavenly Shine Strike deepening, with each repetition bringing him closer to mastery.

"This is it," Ikki thought, his determination growing stronger. "I will perfect this movement in a dream where I am no longer trapped by my flesh, tiredness, and weak body." "I can see myself."

"HAHAHHA, this is so fun!" Ikki felt unprecedented joy swell inside him as he swung his sword.

Ikki kept practicing in the dream world with renewed energy, sure that each time he did so, he was one step closer to making his dreams come true.

POV Sora

Sora sat on the edge of her bed, her mind racing as she recalled the events of her day at the Kurogane mansion. It had been a long day, filled with tasks, observations, and gathering information. As the sun dipped below the horizon, she couldn't help but let her mind wander, reflecting on everything she had seen and heard.

"I can't believe some of the things I uncovered today," she reflected as she replayed the events in her mind. I was able to gather some potentially good blackmail information on a few family members. Hah!   That might be useful eventually, particularly if it can help guard Ikki.

During the day, Sora saw numerous "acts" inside the Kurogane family, some little, some major. She studied the interactions of the family members, their covert affiliations, and their concealed resentments. Every detail was properly recorded and saved.


Sora had been quietly navigating the dimly lit halls of the Kurogane mansion when she stumbled upon the heated argument. She quickly dove behind an ornate pillar, her curiosity piqued as she strained to catch every word.

The two Kurogane cousins, Kazuki and Aiko, stood toe-to-toe in the shadows, their faces flushed with anger and frustration.

"How could you, Aiko?" Kazuki hissed, his voice shaking with emotion. "You know how much our family values loyalty and honor, and yet you throw it all away for a reckless love affair?"

Aiko clenched her fists, and her eyes narrowed. "Love is not something you can control, Kazuki! "I never asked for this, but I can't deny my feelings either. "Our family's obsession with power and control has already caused enough pain."

Kazuki's eyes widened, his expression a mix of disbelief and betrayal. "And what do you think will happen when our family finds out?" They'll tear us apart, Aiko! "You're not just risking your own future, but mine as well!"

Aiko's gaze softened, and she reached out to touch Kazuki's arm, but he recoiled from her touch. "I never wanted to hurt you, Kazuki," she whispered, tears brimming in her eyes. "But I can't keep living a lie." "I won't let our family control every aspect of my life."

The two cousins stared at each other, the weight of their shared secret heavy in the air. As they kept arguing in quiet voices, Sora stayed hidden and listened to every word. She knew that this information could be used to her advantage as a tool to wield in the complex web of Kurogane family politics.

And so, with a newfound sense of purpose, Sora committed the details of the secret love affair to memory, ready to use them as a weapon if the need ever arose.

As Sora continued to muse over her day, she couldn't help but be amazed at the sheer number of spicy rumors she had picked up from the mansion staff. There was gossip about infidelities, family feuds, and even some whispers about hidden magical abilities. Sora knew that rumors like these could be just as useful as the truth because they often showed where the Kurogane family was tense or weak.

In her own thoughts, Sora couldn't help but feel a certain level of disdain for the family members who engaged in these ruthless power plays.


The Kurogane mansion bustled with activity as the extended family gathered for a yearly reunion. Hiroshi, Yumi, and Kenji, three members of the Branch family, were having a quiet conversation in a quiet corner of the mansion's large garden.

Hiroshi, a middle-aged man with a calculating gaze, glanced around to make sure no one was within earshot. "You know how the elders are," he whispered, his voice tinged with frustration. "They hold all the power and influence in this family, and they'll do anything to maintain it."

Yumi, a woman in her thirties with a sharp wit, nodded in agreement. "Which is why we have to play their game." "I've managed to secure a rare and valuable artifact that will surely catch Elder Kazuo's interest."

Kenji, the youngest of the three and eager to prove himself, chimed in. I've heard that Elder Yoshiko has been looking for a particular magical tome for years. "If we can get our hands on it, we might be able to sway her to our side."

The trio exchanged knowing glances, well aware that bribing the elders was a common tactic among the branch family members. Each sought to improve their standing within the family hierarchy and gain favors that could ultimately benefit their own bloodline.

Hiroshi let out a small sigh, rubbing his temples. "We need to tread carefully." If we're caught, the consequences could be severe. "But if we play our cards right, we might just be able to tip the balance in our favor."

Yumi and Kenji nodded in agreement, and the three of them dispersed to continue their scheming. Unbeknownst to them, Sora had been observing from a nearby rosebush, taking in every detail of their conversation.

"These bribes only reveal their desperation to secure a more prominent position within the family hierarchy," Sora considered.

As Sora thought about these family fights and sneaky deals, she became even more determined to help Ikki rise above the messed-up family politics. "Ikki is different," she thought. "The future will see him overcome his natural limitations with titanic work, never stopping at such lows."

"Ikki has gone so far in such a short time," she reflected, her face black with joy. "I can sense the yearning in his eyes to become a formidable mage knight."

"I will stand by him," she vowed silently, her determination tinged with a touch of obsession. "Together, we will show the Kurogane family."

Sora's thoughts were full of determination and a fierce desire to protect Ikki, but she also found comfort in fun, creative activities.

One such activity was drawing, which allowed her to express her feelings and dreams on paper. Sora decided to do her hobby on this particular night after thinking about her day and making up her mind.

Settling into a comfortable position on her bed, Sora propped up some pillows and grabbed her sketchpad and pencils. She flipped to a blank page, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she imagined the future Ikki in her mind. With a gentle smile, she began to draw, her hand deftly capturing the lines and angles that would bring her vision to life.

As Sora sketched, she pictured a strong, confident Ikki standing tall, his sword gleaming by his side. She could see the hard-won respect in his eyes and the air of determination that surrounded him. She drew the lines with care, capturing every detail she could imagine, from the way his hair fell around his face to the curve of his powerful muscles.

As her drawing took shape, Sora imagined a future where Ikki had achieved his dreams, earning respect and taking control of the Kurogane family and the world. She pictured them standing side by side, facing whatever challenges life might throw at them, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and warmth in her heart.

Sora, lying leisurely on her bed, continued to sketch Ikki in her diary. As she drew, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she couldn't help but add a subtle, playful touch to the drawing, capturing a more intimate side of Ikki without crossing any lines. She giggled softly, knowing that it was just a harmless, private indulgence.

With the drawing finally complete, Sora took a moment to admire her handiwork. It was a snapshot of the future she envisioned for Ikki and herself, and she knew that she would do everything in her power to make that dream a reality. Sora let out a contented sigh as she put her sketchpad down on her bedside table and drifted off to sleep, allowing her dreams of a better future to carry her.

Pov Unknown

In a dimly lit study filled with shelves of worn books and various memorabilia, the old man sat in his favorite armchair, the leather well-worn from years of use. A thick, knitted blanket was wrapped around his legs to keep him warm as the fire in the fireplace crackled and cast moving shadows across the room. The walls were covered with framed photos and medals that told the story of a long, eventful life with both wins and losses.

The old man himself was still quite fit for his age, a testament to a lifetime of discipline and hard work. His face was old and had lines and wrinkles, but his clear, piercing eyes had a strong look that didn't match his age. His silver hair was cropped short, and the steady rise and fall of his chest revealed a quiet strength that remained within him.

His eyes were fixed on the letter he was holding in his trembling hands. His face was a mix of sadness and worry. The letter was from an old friend, Ryouma Kurogane. The two of them had fought side by side during World War II in a world where magic and technology clashed in a bloody conflict. Their bond had been forged in the heat of battle, and though the years had separated them, they were still close.

The room itself seemed to echo the old man's thoughts, as memories of their shared past permeated the very air. The smell of old paper and pipe tobacco mixed with the faint smell of wood burning on the fire, creating an atmosphere that seemed to take the old man back to when he and Ryouma had fought on the battlefield, he as a commanding officer and Ryouma as a monster who bulldozed any threat.

He sighed and muttered, "Ryouma, you old fool." "It's been ages since we last spoke." He glanced at the letter again, his brow furrowing. "You want me to take care of your great-grandson, Ikki, huh?" What are you thinking? "I'm not exactly a spring chicken myself."

The old man leaned back in his chair, his eyes growing distant. "Ah, the war... So many young lives were lost. But we survived, Ryouma: "We made it through, and we thought we had the world at our feet." He chuckled dryly. "Funny how life turns out, isn't it?"

Looking back at the letter, he continued, "So you think Ikki has that same spark we had, do you?" "The one that pushed us to fight, even when all hope seemed lost?" He shook his head. "I've seen that spark snuffed out too many times. But if you believe your instincts, he really may be something.

The old man sighed again, his voice growing more resolute. "Alright, Ryouma.   I'll do it. I'll take Ikki in for a while and watch over him. But don't expect any miracles. " "The world's changed, and we're just relics of a bygone era."

The old man's mind wandered, reflecting on how much the world had evolved since their time. "Magic and technology have advanced in ways we couldn't have imagined back then," he thought, a hint of bitterness seeping into his musings. "The younger generations don't even understand the struggles we went through or the sacrifices we made."

Despite his reservations, a small part of him couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for Ikki. He's Ryouma's great-grandson, after all. It's hard to turn my back on the kid completely. But if I'm going to do this, he'd better show some damned effort and not waste my time.

His thoughts continued to swirl, a mix of cynicism and concern. "I hope he's prepared for what's to come." The path of a mage knight isn't an easy one, especially for a weakling like him. I won't go easy on him. He needs to learn the harsh realities of this world.

The old man's gaze flicked to a dusty photo on the mantel, showing him and Ryouma during their time in the war. A tiny spark of sentiment flickered within him, just for a moment. "Ryouma, you old bastard." I can't believe I'm letting you rope me into this. But for your sake, I'll give it my all.

He paused for a while to collect his thoughts, his face softening. "I'll teach him all I know, as little as it is."he sighed and finished "I picked up a few tricks."

The old man gently folded the letter and put it in his pocket with a grimace. He would keep his pledge to Ryouma, but the kid may have to learn, grudgingly, that humans are nothing in this world full of monsters that can manipulate aspects of reality.