
A missing part

While the spirit was wrapping itself around the book "Basic Truths," a golden line was engraved on its essence: "Ahamkara is your will, your rivalry, your desire, the ball of perception that offers you new concepts, the birth of innovation." The words echoed in the heart, evoking profound feelings of longing and grief. It was filled with existential doubt, and it asked itself, "Am I solely a shell to it?"

The soul looked out over the red desert and the far cleft mountain and saw itself reflected in the twinkling stars like a mote of dust floating in the vastness of the universe. Shivers ran down its incorporeal form as it realized it had no center or identity of its own and was merely a receptacle for the orb of consciousness.

The white, milky soul shook, and a crimson and gold aura danced about its periphery, propelling it into the vastness of space. Across the black void of space, the soul raced, sending a shockwave that reverberated across the solar system and onward to the blue planet. Nothing, not even total darkness, could compare to the void and isolation of identity loss. "I am glad to me,... to myself that this moment came true, that I ESCAPED THE VOID!!!"

In other words, "I'm going to go out and have some fun and meet some new individuals!" As it descended through the air, the soul let forth a mighty roar. On some level, it knew that the small unassuming island that was to the right of the inverted triangle. Will be its new home, as the soul gazed upon it with its being it started to laugh in a childish way" hahahahha I know this shape" then it blinked and... The Island ad the shape of a fruit it had once enjoyed, "My new residence would be my last or is it merely the beginning would be its new permanent residence? Then It pondered, "But why is it in the reverse image?". Then as if expressing the bubbly feelings of happiness that permeated the soul, it was in anticipation of all the new knowledge it may acquire and the escape from the grasp of nothingness.

The soul was hurtling towards its new home when it had a glimpse of the last remnants of its previous world: a shelter where humans resided. Then the soul felt the impact, and darkness engulfed it.


Researchers at the brand-new observatory stood, eyes glued to the monitor, tracking the light's progress across the cosmos. The scientists were taken aback when they saw a huge scar on the surface of Mars that stretched dramatically across the globe.

One of the top scientists, Hirofumi, stood there in disbelief, attempting to make sense of what he had just seen. His coworkers shared his perplexity and confusion. They started wondering aloud what had occurred and why.

They were trying to solve the mystery when a loud shout echoed across the main hall. That was Yamamoto, the observatory's head honcho, and a slender, silver-goateed elderly guy dressed in a kimono that seemed to have no sense in such a modern place, he orderd them to investigate.

Top scientists Hirofumi and Ayako were charged with examining the data to determine the source of the deep scar on Mars' surface. They poured through the information and were shocked by what they found. It didn't come from space; rather, it originated deep inside. The landscape of Mars looked as if it had been scarred by the simultaneous explosion of thousands of nuclear bombs in a linear move.

As this was revealed, the other scientists all let out gasps of shock, and one foreigner even took out his cross and began chanting in dread "Zdrowas Mario ,wszyscy święci Panie mój etc....". Everyone in the room felt Yamamoto's deep gaze, and the atmosphere became ominous. He surveyed his surroundings thoughtfully, and then stated, "This is now a critical issue for the safety of the country. Everything is now classified, if any of you dare to speak about it you'll be charged with treason."

Yamamoto was pacing back and forth, looking nervously around at the assembled scientists. He thought to himself, "This is unprecedented. We need take immediate action to prevent more harm."

As though he or she were afraid to speak out, one of the scientists finally did. "How, sir, are we expected to keep this a secret? The public should be informed about this."

Yamamoto confronted him with a serious look on his face. "While I share your worries, we simply cannot allow the situation to escalate into a full-blown panic. Before making any statements, we must collect further data."

The voice of another researcher joined the conversation, "But what if the scar is already known about in other countries? Would they not suspect us if we remain silent?"

Yamamoto gave him a stern glance. "For this reason, I have already taken measures to quietly warn our allies. However, we cannot afford to have our opponents find out about this. What kind of technology may have triggered this is a mystery to us."

With that, he stormed out of the room, leaving everyone speechless. He hurried out of the building, pulled out his ancestor of phones, and dialed "Central Information." To this a mellow voice replied, "Hai hai, moshi moshi." then he sharply retorted "ID 156787," a frigid, cold voice devoided of warmth responded, "What happened?" A grumpy rebuttal from Yamamoto was "code 077. Put a stop to any and all further reportings of the matter registered in the observatory room 12A assign monitoring on all People involved." Once Yamamoto's call ended, he looked outside into the dark and pondered what type of problems awaited him.

The scientists dispersed with lingering concerns about what caused the big impact on Mars' surface and why the details were soon classified. The events of that day would remain indelible in their minds, and they would always be aware that they had discovered something extraordinary.

In a secret after-meeting :

Still attempting to make sense of the baffling findings, Hirofumi and Ayako poured through the data. Hirofumi gave a startled exclamation. "I believe I may have discovered it!"

"What is it?" Yamamoto inquired as he approached the monitor for a closer look.

The planet seems to be experiencing some kind of disruption at its core, Hirofumi said. "It's completely different from anything we've ever seen. It's as if a tremendous supernatural force is tearing the world apart at its core."

The pupils of Yamamoto's eyes shrank. "What was formerly true no longer holds. We must determine what type of force may have created this and whether or not it poses a danger to Earth."