
Another Day

I saw an ocean.

A man- if you could even call him that- was walking across it. The flames that made its tempestuous waves were licking at the hem of his cloak, he didn't seem to notice though.

His surprisingly bright eyes that directly contrasted to his dull appearance were fixated on a throne in the distance.

The Throne, made of ghastly, tortured faces screaming for release, was whispering to him, fueling his determination. 

I knew this guy, but I couldn't have.

"I really didn't want it to come to this, Korialinth." He suddenly appeared before The Throne.

The screams synchronized for a moment, "I'M SO SORRY RHAKHAIYAN, IF ONLY I HAD KNOWN I WOULDN-!"

"Shhhhhh Brother, it's all right. Our time's up, besides it was a fun life, wasn't it?


Then he touched The Throne


I sprung from my sleeping position like I had been jolted awake. It was the same freaking dream for the fourth day in a row and it was getting worrisome. I had asked Cleo to cut it out the day before and even she seemed confused as to what was happening.

And to make matters worse it was a Monday, so I couldn't even stay home and make stuff. I mean, there's still that reactor core I got from dad and I'm itching to use it.


And great, mom was mad too.

Five minutes later, I ran downstairs, my silver-white hair falling in front of my eyes. One dark blue eye, and a deep golden one. I really was an oddity

I jumped over the railing, and landed with practiced grace. I ran into the dining room.

" 284, 285, 286, Oh Kyran honey you're already here?"

"Yeah, sorry I was late."

"Good, I made you some breakfast, now eat up."

A flash of black hair and an impact later, my little sister Cleopatra was in my arms

"Did you have that nightmare again?"

"Yeah I did Cleo"

"Mind if I take a look?"

I nodded and she touched my forehead. I felt a foreign force enter my head, her Mind Aether probably. It poked and prodded but didn't seem to find anything. She pulled back, seemingly troubled.

"I'm not strong enough. There's something there, I just can't find it." She said.

"It's alright." I replied.

Zariah was down after that.

"Oh c'mon mom, Zari was down like ten minutes before me and she didn't get any lecture." I righteously complained.

"That's because Zari's the responsible one."

"That's right." She said, shooting me a wink.

I finished the rest of the breakfast in silence, to avoid getting tag teamed again. We said goodbye to mom, told her to send our farewells to dad, and set of for school.

We walked of the mountain that housed our mansion, in the year 4517, this was as safe as it could be.

We got into town, SonaChromas performing their spectacles, Shifters presenting their goods to little kids who stopped outside of their stalls, Seers trying to read futures and even a team of Earth Mages building a new office.

We stopped by our favourite panini place and ordered 3. The day was going well so far so I knew something bad was going to happen.

And happen it did

"Yo Strike Slip!"

When I heard my school nickname( see: schoolwide ridicule) I knew I was screwed.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I was technically the weakest person in the world, being an Ember at 17 years old.

Now this NPC decided it was a good idea to come between me and my panini.

Just another day, I guess.

Sorry the first chapter's so short, it'll get better at some point.

I'll also take any criticism I can get, thank you.

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