
Raised By Wolves

I am a wolf. I had a momma wolf and a poppa wolf. multiple brother and sister wolves. I am a wolf! the two leggers need to leave me alone I am a wolf! I know I'm different but I am a wolf! running away a newly shifted werewolf pup is taken in by common wolves. when discovered by another werewolf how will she cope with her new world. This book comes after Orphan wolf picking up right where it left off... kinda.

RUHU95 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs


"Matthias! Addicus! In here now!" I hear my mate roar through the house.

"Yea Dad?" The eight year old Matthias answers his father as he skids to a stop in the doorway only to be slammed into by his little brother Addicus.

"Have you seen the state of the living room? Who do you think did that?" Alic asks looking down at his guilty faces sons. Both boys shifting from foot to foot avoiding their fathers gaze.

I step out of the kitchen to see the destroyed room. Both pups eyes lock onto me.

"Meme did it! We tried to stop her!" My eldest accuses as he looks at his baby sister in my arms. My mate turns to me and walks over taking his daughter as she reaches out her arms to him.

"So you are telling me that Emily, your two year old sister, was able to remove every couch cushion, empty half the book shelf, reach the crayons, color the wall a good two feet above her head, ball up an entire notebook worth of paper and throw it around the room... and honestly I dont want to know what that green stuff on the TV is..."

"It's slime, daddy!" Addicus offers with a smile on his four year old face. I have to bite my lip so I don't laugh. Well at least he's honest!

"Thanks buddy." Alic says shaking his head obviously trying just as hard not to laugh. "Anyway... do you really expect me to believe this little princess did all that?"

"Well... you see... I was making a fort with the books and cushions, I'll admit to that, but I had nothing to do with the walls or TV." Matthias admits.

"And the paper?" Alic asks looking at the wastefulness.

"I wanted a snowball fight but Matty said it was to warm for snow! When I started to cry he made me my own snowballs! My slime wasn't as good a snowball as the paper." Addicus answers.

I see Alic crack. I mean you cant be mad at a boy for making his little brother happy can you?

"Well..." Alic says picking up a paper ball. "I think you boys need to learn what a real snowball fight is like!" He yells flinging the ball at Matthias. Both boys smile as Alic hands me Emily and picks up a couch cushion to use as a shield.

I watch my boys laugh and throw paper balls until the little ones end up tackling their father who allows himself to fall with the boys on top of him. Emily simply laughs as we watch the mayhem.

"You three will have my living room clean by dinner." I tell them and Alic nods.

"Of course, My Queen." He says standing up with the boys. He begins directing the boys to age appropriate cleaning tasks as I take our daughter back to the kitchen to cook.

I love my little family and the pack we protect. Things have been quite the past few years. Only a few rouges had to be re-rouged? I guess would be the word or I could just say made into a King's Rouge. The demon wolf attacks have stopped and the Alphas have accepted their King. It has been peaceful. We can only hope the peace lasts.