
Rainbow After Tomorrow

Maddison Iyves, that's me. And for twenty-six years...I live such a horrible life. During the day, I feel lifeless, pointless and I don't even know what's the point of living. During the night, I can't sleep and even if I do, there will be a never-ending nightmare. And I woke up, the cycles repeatedly around and around. Should I give up? I already did but here I am, still feeling miserable, so what's the point of it? I'm tired. Until I meet him, somehow similar to the person who ruined part of my life but yet so different. Ayden Winter. Who are you? Are you the poison or are you my remedy? Because you keep triggering my past and at the same time you comforting me too. Who are you? And why are you slowly destroying the walls that I build for over twenty years? Or maybe you're not the one who wracked the wall. Maybe it's me who let my wall down for you. And you show your photography. It's called Rainbow After Tomorrow. As a rain, when it's stopped, there will be a clear sky and rainbow, showing that rain is over. The same goes with life, it's not going to be hard forever. One day, just like the rain, it will stop. Maybe it will stop today, or maybe it will stop tomorrow. ----- WARNING!!! This novel contains disturbing scenes and mature content. (Involving mental health issues.) Thank you for reading!!! I really want to say, that you made me the happiest girl!!!! English is not my first language and this my the first book that I wrote in English, please bear with me. Do let me know your opinion in the comment section, your opinion is all matters to me. Meet me on Instagram: ashamrzki The cover is from Pinterest, credit to the owner. Update: Monday to Friday (1 chapter/day) Love, Asha

Ashaaa_Lim · Urbano
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69 Chs

Purple Date

I thought...seriously...that moving out is so hard since we need to pack stuff and move them out to a new house. I didn't know...unpacking the stuff would be harder. I sighed, staring into the space, don't know where should I start first.

I looked at the boxes that filled the living room. Jade and Diana already escape, they said because of work, they can't stay any longer. But...I know. They ran away! It's the weekend! Today is Saturday! They run away because they know I'm going to force them to help us unpacking stuff.

I glanced at Ayden, who was busy in the kitchen. He was busy putting away my kitchen tool inside his cabinet. I stared at that tall back.

Hmm...that back is kind of tempting. He only wears a plain white t-shirt and dark grey sweatpants but my man doesn't know how to be decent. He looks good in anything. And those wide shoulders look sexy for no reason. I glanced at his exposed neck since he's tying up his hair, staring into his neck tattoo. Hehe, I just love it. That neck tattoo...cute. I want to bite it. Leaving a mark on his beautiful tan skin.

I gasped. Wow, calm down, woman. I quickly avert my eyes before I strip him with my eyes. I need to calm down. I take a deep breath and slowly let it out.

Oh, I have an appointment the day after tomorrow with Dr Ward. My first appointment with a psychiatrist. I am somehow nervous about it. Hmm...it's fine. He's not going to eat me.

But what if he does?

I gulped down my saliva, thinking about it making my hair rise. Goosebumps.

My ears twitched as I heard my favourite sound, Ayden's laughter. Ah, I'm a sucker to his voice. It sounds like a symphony.

He sat next to me, grabbed my clothes from my hands, and replaced them with a glass of orange juice. Yes. Orange juice. Why did everyone will give me orange juice? Diana, and him? Did I look like a big fan of orange juice?

"Why are you laughing?" I asked, sipping my juice. Wow, fresh one. Did he just freshly squeeze them? Awe...

"Because you're pondering so hard, it's all over your face. Wrinkling," He said, kissing my cheek and looking around the living room. "And you haven't made any progress, baby." he grinned.

I poked his dimple, subconsciously. He looked at me with a dumbfounded smile and I looked at him with a poker face. Not really, my face is burning since I don't even know why I do that. Damn it, I should control myself even more. He let out a soft laugh, rubbing his cheek softly, saying 'ouch' before he hugged my shoulder. Sly.

"Princess…" he folded clothes that he took from me, and put them aside. "I think I never told you this before…" he paused, turning his body toward me, as his hand moved to my collar, fixing it since it fell to my left shoulder. It's his t-shirt again. I was too lazy to unpack my luggage, I just took out Diana's stuff and gave it to her. I'm getting lazy lately, I blamed it on my comfort. This is my comfort zone, I'm getting lazy day by day. And I just let the luggage wide open and abandoned it in the middle of the living room. I flinched when his finger caresses my collar bone instead of the t-shirt collar.

"...you look a bit sexy when you wear my shirt," he said, with a lower voice, cold but hot. His eyes fell to my neck and went up to my eyes. Those grey-blue eyes, getting darker. "It's a bit dangerous for me," he added. No, baby. You're dangerous to me.

"You're better packed your stuff quickly, princess. Especially your clothes. I'm trying so hard not to pound you." he added, laughing.

It sounds sexy but it's a warning, I think. Like 'pack your stuff now, lady! You're wasting our time now.', it's sound like that to me.

"You're too alluring…" he said, eyeing me from my face, slowly down to my neck to my chest. I see his Adam's apple moving up and down, giving me one bad idea.

I leaned forward, exposing my breast, and he averted his eyes within a second. He clicked his tongue, annoyed. Oh, that was fun! What great self-control.

"Princess...at least wear some undergarments." Undergarment? Haha, he could say bra! I let out a laugh and straighten myself, and keep putting a hanger on my clothes. I heard him let out a very. Heavy. Sighed.

And I just let out a giggle.

"You have an appointment on Tuesday, right?" he asked and started to help me put a hanger on my clothes. I nodded. Looking at him tidying my piles of clothes.


He pondered and grabbed his phone on the coffee table. "Nine in the morning, right?" he asked again. And I nodded. Again.

"Okay...I'll go with you."

"Obviously," I said. And he looked at me with a pout. I mean, obviously! Did he think I wanted to go there by myself? I hate hospitals! Of course, I will drag him along.

"Princess. Should we go out? For a date?" He scooted closer, raising his eyebrows with a grin.

I can feel my heartbeat rapidly beating. Date? I can feel my eyes start to get bigger as I hear that. Twinkling at the word 'date'.


"Lavender field," he said with an alluring smile, he looked straight into my eyes, leaning closer and closer.

I glanced at the clock, it's currently eight in the morning, yes, both of us woke up super early and started cleaning the house but aren't he late? To go to work?

"What about work?" I asked him, but I was hoping that I can go to the sunflower field with him but lavender sounds pretty too.

"I took a day off." Again? I think he is slacking off a lot lately. He rubbed my neck that was covered with a bandaid and left a kiss on it. I shuddered.

"Do you want to go? Right now?" he whispered as his index finger caressed my collarbone.

I nodded slowly.

"Yes," I said.

"Get dressed, we're going out now," he said, whispering.


I slowly opened my eyes as someone tried to wake me up. Are we here? I closed my eyes again, frowning, trying to open my eyes. My whole body's hurt, and I think I am about to snooze again.

I heard a chuckle escaping from a man next to me and the seat belt clicking. My body was finally free from the seat belt but I still closed my eyes tight.

"Wakey wakey, princess." I opened my eyes and squinted. It's too bright, it's blinding. I stretched my body and took off my pillow neck. My eyes looked around, we've arrived? I straighten myself from the seat, looking down at myself.

Did he put his jacket on me? I glanced at him, who looked stunning on his redshirt. The one that I bought. He tucked in his hair behind his ears. He has no single accessories like how I imagine (piercing, necklace and bangles), but this is even better. Oh wait, he does have one accessory. His watch.

I looked down at myself. Do I look good today? I just wore a cream long sleeve blouse that Diana gave me yesterday. And match it with light denim. And of course, my no brand sneakers are on. And my necklace, the one that Ayden gave me. I think I look decent.

"Still sleepy?" one of his fingers rubbed my under-eyes. I shook my head lightly. I glanced at his watch again. More likely, I was staring at his manly hand. That vein...I shook my head lightly.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around again. But I only see cars. This is a parking lot. Obviously.

"Lavender Field, " he said nonchalantly. I looked at him with a sour face. I know that! But where?

"Somewhere…" he said with a grin, if he's a superhero, he probably has the power to read someone's mind. Mindreader! "Let's go." He got out of the car and I just did the same. I put his jacket on. He was already waiting for me, with a huge grin.

I glanced at his camera that hung on his neck, wow. That's exactly what I imagined!

He immediately raised his camera to his eye, and his finger clicked one of the buttons. I heard the 'click' sound and frowned.

He let out a wicked laugh and looked at me with a smile.

"Gorgeous!" he said, half-whispered. His hand slyly slipped into mine and led me to walk with him. As we finally reached the entrance, he bought two tickets for both of us.

I gripped his shirt since there are quite a few people here too. Despite it being a weekday. I do feel uncomfortable since I don't like crowds but I want to challenge myself. I can do it!

As soon as we walked through the entrance, I was fascinated with the view. All I could see was a sea of purple and the smell of lavender filling the air. It's beautiful.

"It's so beautiful!" I exclaimed, excited like a child. He tightened my hand. "What should I do, it's so beautiful!" I stomped lightly due to the excitement.

He let out a small laugh, let go of my hand, took my hair tie off from my wrist, as his hand gathered my hair together and he tied them into a ponytail. Maybe because it's quite windy.

"Let's take a walk, take a picture, and eat, and whatever you want, princess," he said, and his hand is back on mine. We walked around, and sometimes I flinched since the bees buzzed around and I could hear a humming sound pretty clear.

In amongst all that purple sea, the glittering yellow wildflower field caught my eyes! red, blue, white and purple flowers dotted amongst the golden petals, I loved it!

"Can I walk inside the crop?" I looked up at him since he's too tall. He smiled at me and nodded.

"Yeah, shall we?" He led me again, inside the lavender crop. And I let go of his hand and walked further by myself.

Bees keep buzzing around but I think that's their nature. Sometimes I keep dodging and run away from it, squeaking since they keep flying and buzzing around my face but it's so beautiful.

This is my first time coming somewhere like this! I felt touched, so touched that I could cry.

I looked up to the sky, it's so bright. And I looked around me, it's purple. Lilac. Violet. You named it. Ah...I never thought that I would be this excited to see colours. I never know I could get excited again. When was the last time I get excited before? I couldn't remember.

I feel warm despite its windiness. I feel like I finally escaped. I feel so free, I could run anywhere I could. Nobody could harm me, and nothing can stop me from running. No bad dream, no fear, just me in the field. I could see people laughing, I could hear them loud and clear. Children running and toddling. Cute.

I feel so full inside. Warm too. It scares me.

It scares me.

But I'm happy.

I turned my head to Ayden, who was busy taking a photo. My photo, I think. I laughed at him. I don't even know why but I want to laugh. I just feel ticklish. He looked so beautiful. The flower doesn't suit him but he standing there, surrounded by the flowers, just beautiful.

And he slowly dropped his camera and walked toward me slowly, with a huge soft smile. I love him. So much.

I love him! So much!