
Rainbow After Tomorrow

Maddison Iyves, that's me. And for twenty-six years...I live such a horrible life. During the day, I feel lifeless, pointless and I don't even know what's the point of living. During the night, I can't sleep and even if I do, there will be a never-ending nightmare. And I woke up, the cycles repeatedly around and around. Should I give up? I already did but here I am, still feeling miserable, so what's the point of it? I'm tired. Until I meet him, somehow similar to the person who ruined part of my life but yet so different. Ayden Winter. Who are you? Are you the poison or are you my remedy? Because you keep triggering my past and at the same time you comforting me too. Who are you? And why are you slowly destroying the walls that I build for over twenty years? Or maybe you're not the one who wracked the wall. Maybe it's me who let my wall down for you. And you show your photography. It's called Rainbow After Tomorrow. As a rain, when it's stopped, there will be a clear sky and rainbow, showing that rain is over. The same goes with life, it's not going to be hard forever. One day, just like the rain, it will stop. Maybe it will stop today, or maybe it will stop tomorrow. ----- WARNING!!! This novel contains disturbing scenes and mature content. (Involving mental health issues.) Thank you for reading!!! I really want to say, that you made me the happiest girl!!!! English is not my first language and this my the first book that I wrote in English, please bear with me. Do let me know your opinion in the comment section, your opinion is all matters to me. Meet me on Instagram: ashamrzki The cover is from Pinterest, credit to the owner. Update: Monday to Friday (1 chapter/day) Love, Asha

Ashaaa_Lim · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Purple Date II

I swung my feet slowly as I tasted a cold lavender ice cream. We've been taking a lot of photos just now, my legs already gave in and Ayden finally, FINALLY, said we should eat. Ayden's queuing again since he said he wants to try lavender and lemon cake, lavender shortbread and sweet lavender scones too. I glanced at the whole cafe, it's getting packed now.

"What's wrong with your hands?" I looked at the cute voices asking coming from the table next to me. She probably three? Four? So small! And cute! Did she talk to me? Her eyes were on me though, staring into a non-existing hole."What's wrong with your…" her mother cupped her mouth before she was able to say more. Haha! I laughed as a reflection.

"We're so sorry, she just able to start talking, she keeps chatting non-stop." I looked at my sleeves that slip lower and twist my hands to look at my scars. Ah, she saw these. I smiled and show her both of my hands.

"I'm got hurt, that's why," I said to her.

"Is it still hurt? Blow it like this." she blows her hands cutely, showing me how to make it feel better. Her lips were so small and pouty, as she smudged with chocolates. Her eyes were huge and hazel, and her cheeks were puffed, a bit rosy. Her hands are so small, chubby, and she had a baby tummy, cute!! She wore a very princess-like white dress, and she had that dirty blonde hair, tied with piggy tails style. Awe...I laughed. "Pain gone!"

"It's not hurt anymore, I feel better," I said to her, laughing. "But if you blow it for me, it will be even better."

She looked at her mother and her mother looked at me, concerned type of look. She mouths me 'I'm so sorry look.

"It's fine, I don't mind." I said. The girl tapped her mother shoulder in hurry. She bowed at me, putting her daughter and she toddling at me, and I stood up and crouch down in front of me. She grabbed my hands, and eat my ice cream instead. I looked at her mother who already screams her name, Hannah, and her father just laughed at her audacious act. I looked at her cute little face as her eyes widened and held my hand with both of her tiny hands to get another bite.

Ughh...my heart can't handle this cuteness.

I looked to the left when I heard another clicking sound. He smiling as he looked at his camera again.

"I'm sorry, but I took a photo of your daughter without permission, sir," he said, looking at the father, but the father just nodded.

"It's fine! We're sorry she just a little bold." her father said. And just like that, she finishes my ice cream. And finally, blow my hands. She spitted a little, which make her mom squeak and picked her up right away, apologising. I just laughed, I mean why would I get upset when a little angle just blows my hands to heal me.

Ayden in another hand, exchanged his number with her father since he wants to give photos of the toddler to them.

I sat on the chair again, sipping into my lavender tea, that Ayden just got for us, and eat the scones. Hmm heaven.

And I heard another clicking sounds which make me frowns a little.

"Are you perhaps coming here for work, Mr Winter? Ah, right, you said that you have another project coming soon and you asked if I could be your model but I didn't remember that I said yes to your offer. And I thought this was going to be our first date, but instead, you are on a date with your camera."

He slowly looked up and put down his camera on the table, resting both of his hands on the table. He smiled widely.

"I'm just too happy that today is our first outdoor date! And you are so beautiful, princess. And I want to hang all of these photos in our house soon. And don't worry baby, I won't use you for my project. I will follow the right procedures if you allow me to. Besides, as you said, this is our first date. Isn't it normal for me to snap my girlfriend's picture because she looks like a goddess today?"

He took a bite of lavender and lemon cake with eyes gazing at me. The heat started to rush over my face and I could hear people from the other table squealing. Did they hear him? God, that's embarrassing.

"Ah, don't get me wrong. You always look like an angel but today you are even prettier than that." He added.

I looked down and finished my scones.

"Stupid…"I muttered. But I love him.

"No, I'm crazy." he nonchalantly replied, shrugging his shoulders before he added more, "Crazy for you, princess."

"Is she a princess?" again, the toddler speak, and she looked at me with dazzling eyes. We both looked at each other. Ayden smirked and looked at that cheeky girl.

"Yes, my princess. She's pretty, right?" he uttered proudly.

"Yesh! Pretty!" She said, happily. A little shy when Ayden smiles at her. So cute!!

"Yeah, she's mine," he said, chuckling.

"Stop! People are going to hear you." I said half-whispered and he leaned a little forward.

"I know. I need to tell everyone that you are mine. She's pretty, right?" he looks at the toddler and she looked at me with dazzling eyes. She pointed at my scones, so she wants my scones now. So I passed one for her, she grabbed it and munched it. Her mother is already bright red, apologising, and I keep saying it's okay.

And I looked down. I could hear people start to mock me but saying 'princess' repeatedly. Laughing and squealing.

I heard him chuckling again, is this revenge or something? It feels like he's plotting an act of revenge on me. He keeps teasing. Look at that. His smile looks like he is teasing me, it's mischievous and wicked. Is this a payback because I teased him at home, a few hours ago? Tch!

"Princess, I forgot to tell you, we will be sleeping here tonight."

I looked up. Huh?


"Here. We're staying out," he said, munching his cake.

"But I didn't bring clothes." I frowned. What am I going to wear? Then he pointed to himself. I don't get it.

"You have me, I'll buy something for you." Oh, I forgot that he is rich. But I have my own money, sweetheart. I don't need your money. "Don't be like that, let me buy something for you. My treat!"

He read my mind again, huh? "Then, should I buy something back for you?"

"You already did. A lot. Let me buy you something too. Besides…" he leaned forward even more and grinning widely. "...Let me spoil you today, princess."

You spoil me every day, Mr Winter. For example, how you let me skip my work because I'm your girlfriend too. At this rate, I probably got fired without even knowing I got fired. Or perhaps, I'm quitting without quitting?

"Hm?" he raised his eyebrows, waiting for me to answer him.


"Ah, should we buy lavender stuff and bring it back home? Like soap? Candle? Essential Oil? Tea?" he looked around as he said that then he frowned. He let out a very heavy sigh.

Then he looked at me, his eyes went up and down and stopped at my face. Did I smudge something on my face? I wiped my mouth, but he still frowning, looking down. I looked down at my plate.

"What? Do you want to go now? Let me finish this first." I said, drinking my tea slowly since it's a bit hot.

"Take your time, baby. I am just wondering why people keep staring at you but I think it's because you're too pretty," he said. And I'm choking. I coughed, it hurt. And What the hell is he talking about!

People staring? If they do, it is because you're too gorgeous and keeps talking sweetly, calling me princess in public, and talking about staying out, and you said it loud and clear that you want to spoil me! They are staring because of you, dimwit!

Yes, I only said that inside my mind. He quickly stood up and sat next to me, patting my back softly. He looked like he was holding his laughter. Jerk!

I glared at him, how could you.

"That's why I told you to take your time, eat slowly, princess," he said softly, smiling like an idiot.

"You're so annoying."

"I know, you told me that before. Tell me something that I don't know." He grabbed cold water and gave it to me. "And I only said the fact, you are pretty. Here, have a drink."

"Is this a payback? This is revenge, right?"

He looked at me with a frown, eyes on my lips. He slowly curled up his lips.

"Revenge? Why would I? This is a date. I want to have a date with you. That's all."

I squinted my eyes as I drank the cold water he gave me.

He told me to finish his cake and we walked to the shop. I said goodbye to the toddler and her parent, she even waved at me and said, 'bye bye princess!' loudly, which make the whole cafe silent and laughing. Ughhh, even Ayden chuckling. I mean she is cute but I'm embarrassed. We enter the souvenir shop and it is filled with lavender stuff. Ayden just follows me around and I don't even know what I should buy.

"Can I buy something for Diana?" I looked at him and he nodded.

"And buy something for yourself too, princess." He said.

I walked to the bath and shower section. There's some stuff. I took two lavender foaming bath soaks in the largest size, one for Diana. I glanced at the foam bath wildflowers. I want that too. But Ayden said he's paying. Can I take more than this?

I glanced at Ayden who was in the essential oil section, grabbing something and putting it in the basket. The baskets are filled with a few things. He looked all serious with a light frown on his face. He looks a little icy. But hot!

My eyes went back to the foam bath, and I took one. Just for me. I walked to Ayden and put these three inside the basket.

"Can I get shampoo and conditioner too?" I looked up at him and he looked at me.

"Yes, my dear. You can," he said. And I'm back at the bath and shower section but now for shampoo and conditioner. Took one of each of them and one body scrub. My hands are full now. I searched for Ayden and went to him.

I put all of my picks into the basket, and now the basket is full. I glanced at Ayden to see if it's too heavy for him, but he didn't react at all to the weight I put into the basket.

"That's all?" he asked me, glancing at me for a few seconds before his eyes back to the shelves.

"Yeah." I looked at what he looked like right now. He took one lavender lotion, slumber gel, massage oil, and hand cream and put it inside the basket.

He walked to another section with a full basket. He is so far from being done. One of the sales assistants even approached us to give us another basket and he gladly took it. Which means, he has more to buy.

So I walked around and grabbed two boxes of lavender tea, one box of lavender grain while at it. I can try making lavender scones using this.

I went back to Ayden and turned out he's done and looking for me too. Haha. He looked so cute with both hands holding the full basket.

"You're done?" I asked and he let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, you?" he asked me back. I nodded. "Let's pay for these and we go shopping somewhere else."

Oh. Right. I forgot about the fact we'll staying out. As we finally went to the counter to pay. He did buy a lot. And the amount he paid. A lot too. I thought I might feel uncomfortable but turned out I just feel weird. It's not uncomfortable but guilt? Hm, that's quite not right. It's just, I'm only being treated by Diana and Jade. Jade and Diana. And now Ayden. It's not uncomfortable. Is it just weird? No no no, not that one too.

This is a pleasant feeling.

Another indescribable feeling has been unlocked.

As the bags exchanged, Ayden grabbed my hand and we both walked out of the shop.

"Where should we go next?" I asked him, a little bit excited. This is fun, coming here, sightseeing, eating some light meal, shopping. It's just fun.

I feel a little uncomfortable since there are a lot of people here since I'm not used to crowds but it's fun!

"Hmm, I'm not sure actually. But we will figure it out soon, baby. Or should we go eat our lunch first?"

Hmm, I'm quite hungry too. I only ate ice cream, cake and tea.

"Lunch," I said.

"Alright! Let's have lunch first!" he said, cheerfully. I think he is teasing me again. Because I said that out of excitement. And he teased me because of that.

Geez. Meanie!