
Rain World: The Knight

I stumbled upon this captivating game known as "Rain World," and an overwhelming desire to craft a fanfiction story about it immediately welled up within me. As I delve into this creative endeavor, I'm utilizing ChatGPT to enhance and refine my writing. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the result. ps. this synopsis is even edited by ChaTGPT

chaoticCatholic · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Talking to Spearmaster

Kinda shitty chapter


Entering the shelter, Finn immediately caught sight of a haggard, purple slug cat. who he swiftly approached, his mind abuzz with words ready to burst forth.

{Spearmaster we need to talk.} As Finn began to speak, the spearmaster turned his head, weariness etched across his face. The fatigue in the spearmaster's expression almost convinced Finn to reconsider his decision to speak, leaning towards allowing the slug cat to rest. However, understanding the necessity of the moment, Finn suppressed that inclination and carried on.

{You need to slow down} Finn's words left the SM momentarily perplexed, their brow furrowing in a subtle display of confusion. They made a valiant effort to resist the encroaching pull of drowsiness, determined not to succumb to slumber.

{What do you mean?} Spearmaster inquired as he exerted effort to shift into a seated position, creating ample space for his tail, adorned with protruding spikes, to find a comfortable spot on his lap. His gaze remained fixed on Finn, who wore an expression of deep concern.

{Well you've been getting yourself into a dangerous situations due to your need for speed} Finn, carefully choosing his words, directed his gaze towards the spearmaster. The spearmaster's countenance betrayed a complex blend of emotions in response to Finn's statement.

{I was just slightly careless no need to worry it wont happen again} Spearmaster's words flowed forth with an air of confidence, as though he believed they were enough to satisfy Finns worry. However, for Finn, these uttered phrases bore a singular interpretation—an unwavering, impassive mantra of 'I shall not chnage'.

{SM listen i think you should slow down or else you will end up dying before you can complete mission or whatever} Finn's words appeared to kindle an inner fire within the spearmaster, prompting him to rise abruptly. His tail, adorned with menacing spikes, began to grow, gradually evolving until it reached the point where they nearly fully blossomed into deadly spears.

{My mission is important!} The Spear Master spoke, his demeanor tinged with tension, as if poised to leap into action against Finn at any moment. Yet, as seconds passed, he managed to suppress the inner turmoil that had gripped him. With no other recourse, his voice resonated through the connection, carrying an unmistakable aura of surrender.

{I'll be more careful} SM said as he laid back down and drifted off to sleep not caring weather Finn wanted to continue to speak or not.

'Guess that's the best i'm getting for now' Finn thought as he laid down close by SM who snored lightly.

*Next day*

Finn awoke early, his body benefiting from heightened regenerative capabilities driven by his exceptional endurance. As he rose, he felt his stamina fully restored, and he stretched his limbs gently. Casting a glance towards his two companions, he observed them slumbering soundly nearby.

'Some hunting wont hurt' Finn thought idly as made his way out of the shelter into the flooded area of the water front facility with his feet splashing in the ankle high water as he began to move searching for prey.

*1 hour later*

[exp gained 323]

'Decent haul' Observing his status with satisfaction, Finn couldn't help but smile as he skillfully dispatched yet another lizard that had seemingly materialized out of thin air. A subtle grin adorned his face as he efficiently stowed the creature's remains into his inventory, a practiced motion born of countless similar encounters. With his gains secured, he commenced his return to the shelter, his steps resonating with a sense of contentment.

*20 minutes later*

Finn arrived just in the nick of time to witness the Spearmaster emerging from the shelter. The seasoned warrior appeared notably refreshed compared to the weariness that had weighed heavily upon him the previous night, almost as if an insurmountable mountain's burden had been effortlessly lifted from his shoulders.

{Good morning} Finn exclaimed, his eyes filled with delight as he gazed at the Spearmaster. In response, the Spearmaster met his gaze, a genuine smile gracing his features, radiating an air of profound relaxation that was markedly different from their previous encounter from yesterday.

{Good morning to you Finn ready to keep moving}The Spearmaster inquired, his curiosity evident in his voice, prompting Finn to nod in confirmation. As their conversation unfolded, Finn's observant eyes caught sight of Echo, who emerged from the shelter with a sleepy yawn, adding to the growing group's presence.

{Good to see you echo ready to head out?} Approaching the batfly, Finn addressed it with a hint of curiosity, which echo responed in kind with a vigorous flap of the wing as it quickly shook off its drowsiness, its transition to alertness surprisingly rapid.

{Yeah lets go}


Short chapter i know but was not feeling it


Name: Finn martin

Race: Slugcat(The knight)

Level: 7(626.7/700)

HP (Health Points): 159

MP (Magic Points): 57

STR: 15.90

AGI: 8.7

END: 15.90

WIS: 5.7

INT: 5.7

skill points: 0

stat points: 1.5


[Bone shield(LV 7/10)]- allows the user to create a shield of bone with size determined by amount of mp used.

[Indomitable(Maxed)]- You shall not bend....



[Name: Echo]

[Relationship level: 90](Blood brothers)

[level: 11](69.3/300)

[Skills: vision share,stealth,High speed flight,Bash]

(Note: none)
