
Rain World: The Knight

I stumbled upon this captivating game known as "Rain World," and an overwhelming desire to craft a fanfiction story about it immediately welled up within me. As I delve into this creative endeavor, I'm utilizing ChatGPT to enhance and refine my writing. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the result. ps. this synopsis is even edited by ChaTGPT

chaoticCatholic · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs



A loud beep resonated through the chamber as Finn watched the vats holding the slugcats open up, immediately draining all the liquid. The newborn slugcats were left sprawled upon the floor, except for one that appeared visibly larger. This size differential didn't worry Finn, who had faced creatures many times his size in the past.

What did worry him, however, was the fact that this slugcat had dozens of small but numerous bone plates covering its arms, hands, and feet, functioning like armor. Some plates even had small but sharp spikes on them making them deadly weapon or in simple terms biological knuckle dusters.

'I'm not going to enjoy this,' Finn thought quietly to himself, his sense of weariness already creeping in as he watched the slugcat clench and unclench its hand. It appeared to be slowly getting accustomed to the bone plates on its hands, and at one point, it took a jab at the metal part of the vat it came out of, leaving a large concave dent in the shape of its fist. The slugcat's display of strength and adaptation didn't bode well for Finn, who knew even if he wont lose it would hurt every step of the way.

{Chief?} Suddenly, the slugcat and Finn made eye contact, as a question traveled through the mental connection. The slugcat was addressing Finn, seeking him to answer this question.

{YES!} Finn answered, his response carrying a slightly edge as he observed the slugcat before him. The slugcat's eyes sharpened, and it seemed ready for battle, exactly as Finn had expected. Finn began to materialize a shield, preparing himself for the imminent confrontation.

{CHALLENGE!} With that declaration, the Leader slugcat, whom Finn had dubbed "Brawler," charged forward, swiftly covering the short distance between them. Finn, seizing the opportunity, threw out the shield he had created moments ago, causing Brawler to come to an abrupt halt as it attempted to punch at the shield flying towards it. A action Finn couldn't help but find rather insane.

Contrary to what Finn expected, the shield shattered upon impact with Brawler's bone-covered fist, something Finn had never expected, as he stared dumbfounded at the seemingly unaffected Brawler. However, being the resourceful fighter that he was, Finn didn't miss a beat. He quickly sent two more shields in Brawler's direction before charging in himself, ready to take on the formidable brawler.

The Brawler, determined not to be outdone, met the two shields with swift punches. However, instead of shattering like the first shield, they fell apart like chalk, creating a cloud of dust that hit the brawler in the face, temporarily blinding him. This gave Finn a momentary advantage in the fight, and he swiftly seized the opportunity and threw a shield making sure it was twice as dense as his regular shield before throwing it at the npw blinded brawlers center of mass, which thanks to finn close proximity slammed into the blinded brawlers chest casuing him to begin flying backwards.

'Please be enough' sadly for finn it's never enough as not even a second after being sent flying by the heavy shield the brawler had recovered as he quickly made his way towards finn who attempted to use 3 more shields each swiftly dodged by the brawler due to their largely telegraphed paths.

'OH SHIT' finn screamed as he ducked down to dodge a haymaker from the brawler who he noted had very long arms as he summoned another shield and attempted a shield bash which proved useless as it was countered by the brawlers who slammed its fist into the shield and easily pushed back finns offensive.

'Tough bastard' finn thought forgetting he was fighting a new born as he once again went for another charge but this time with another shield which even though looked the same as the one before was instead made 3x denser and much heavier but with finns strength he moved with it just like before as he went for a shield bash but this time he was ready as he waited for the punch from the brawler that came pretty quickly.


As the Brawler's fist met Finn's shield, a loud booming noise resonated through the chamber, followed by a cracking sound. Within seconds, it became evident that the bone plates surrounding the Brawler's fist had broken upon impact with Finn's shield, showing that Finn's defense had overwhelmed the slugcat leader's offense with relative ease.

'Shit,' Finn thought as the Brawler refused to give up. In less than two seconds, Finn's face was met by the unbroken hand of the slugcat leader, which rattled him to the point of nearly blacking out. However, Finn quickly recovered thanks to his high endurance and, with a surge of adrenaline, retaliated by slamming his fist into the Brawler's face. The impact was enough to instantly knock the slugcat leader out.


so I dont forget the genders and weapons of the slugcats which follow mc

crescent..male.. the broadsword wielding front liner

star..female...dual wielding axe beserker

diamond..male...The skillful glaive user

minus..female... The short bow wielder

plus..male... The long bow wielder



Name: Finn martin

Race: Slugcat(The knight)

Level: 9(389.2/900)

HP (Health Points): 162

MP (Magic Points): 58

STR: 17.5

AGI: 10

END: 16.35

WIS: 5.9

INT: 5.9

skill points: 0

stat points: 1.15


[Bone shield(LV 9/10)]- allows the user to create a shield of bone with size determined by amount of mp used.

[Indomitable(Maxed)]- You shall not bend....



[Name: Echo]

[level: 11](215.8/300)

[Skills: vision share,stealth,High speed flight,Bash]

(Note: none)
