
Rain World: The Knight

I stumbled upon this captivating game known as "Rain World," and an overwhelming desire to craft a fanfiction story about it immediately welled up within me. As I delve into this creative endeavor, I'm utilizing ChatGPT to enhance and refine my writing. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the result. ps. this synopsis is even edited by ChaTGPT

chaoticCatholic · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs


Staring at the notification that hovered in front of him, Finn was rendered utterly speechless. His gaze shifted from the message to the fruit, then to the spot where he had left the lizard's lifeless body. A profound sense of disappointment washed over him, akin to a child who had just missed out on the opportunity to visit Disneyland.

"Am I truly going to have to hunt for more lizards?" Finn pondered, his predicament growing significantly more challenging as he realized his inability to consume fruits, a factor that would have enabled him to completely evade conflicts with the wildlife unless completely necessary.

This meant that he now needed a weapon even more than before, as he doubted whether his tactics of summoning the shield in lizard's mouths would be as effective against different types of lizards.

'Perhaps I can fashion a spear? No, that wouldn't work, as I lack the knowledge of how to do so.'Finn contemplated for a moment, and then, his gaze shifted to his shield, igniting a sudden spark of inspiration within him. He swiftly rose to his feet and dashed toward the lizard's lifeless body, which remained exactly where he had left it.

'Bones are sturdy right? maybe I can find one of good length and sharpness to use as a weapon' Finn persisted in his excavation of the blue lizard's remains, unwavering in his determination. His relentless efforts were rewarded when he uncovered a spine bone that bore an uncanny resemblance to the almost perfect shape of a spear.

Standing up from the lizard corpse while clutching the spine spear, Finn flashed a smile that heightened his already endearing countenance. With the spear gripped firmly in his right hand and the shield held securely in his left, he projected an aura of greater menace than his charming appearance would suggest.

Finn calmly contemplated, 'I should wait until my MP is full,' as he observed his slowly regenerating MP, which currently stood at 35 and would probably require a bit more time to reach its maximum capacity.

*15 minutes later*

As his mana points finally reached their maximum, Finn felt a surge of energy coursing through him, leaving him fully prepared to embark on his hunting expedition. However, with a keen awareness of the dangers lurking in this unfamiliar world, he maintained a sense of caution as he proceeded in the direction from which he had initially spotted the blue lizard. This path led him to a narrow street adorned with an overhead sign, its peculiar letters unledgable to Finn.

'Why is this so familar' Finn noted as he continued down the path, with a sign suspended above it. He kept a vigilant eye, as he could hear distant roars and the rustling of tall grass in the vicinity."

*ROAR* x2

Suddenly, Finn's attention was captured by two nearby roars that reverberated through the air. With swift determination, he altered his course and advanced toward the origin of the uproar. As he drew nearer, a formidable clash unveiled itself—a battle of ferocity and determination between a blue and a pink lizard. Finn also noticed a small creature not too far from the battle that also noticed him.

Finn immediately recognized the creature as a scavenger, thanks to the countless hours he had spent playing Rainworld and forming bonds with these creatures, whom he affectionately referred to as "scavs."{Image}

This also implied that he possessed an understanding of the consequences should he choose not to aid the injured scavenger, as in the game, scavengers take note when assistance is withheld, potentially resulting in a deterioration of relations with them. Such a situation was not something he could afford, rep is harder to raise the lower it is

'Better to wait for them to tire each other out,' Finn thought, for even though he would help the scavenger, it didn't mean he had to rush in and potentially end up fighting both lizards

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long. The pink lizard quickly gained the upper hand in their fight, sinking its teeth into the blue lizard's face. The blue lizard let out a piercing screech as it hastily retreated from the victorious pink lizard. However, as the pink lizard turned its attention towards devouring the scavenger, it suddenly realized that something had pierced through its back.

Suddenly, the pink lizard commenced thrashing about, embroiled in a desperate struggle to dislodge Finn. In its frantic attempts, it unwittingly exacerbated its own injuries. Despite its unwavering efforts, the lizard's resistance proved in vain, leaving Finn to savor the sweet taste of triumph as he tightened his grip on the spear, plunging it even deeper into the lizard's flesh. The creature emitted an even louder screech than the blue lizard that had fled earlier.


After a final struggle, the lizard collapsed, granting Finn an additional 15 experience points, which brought his experience bar to a quarter of its capacity.

Exhaling a slow, measured breath, Finn deftly extracted the gleaming spear from the hide of the colossal lizard. With a practiced eye, he shifted his gaze towards the scavenger, a rugged figure whose body appeared surprisingly intact, save for its leg, shattered into two agonizing segments. Despite the grievous injury, the scavenger remained astonishingly composed, its unflinching gaze locked onto Finn's.

"#&#&#99*#(" The scavenger spoke as it turned its gaze towards Finn, who cautiously approached to inspect its injured leg. The scavenger displayed no signs of concern as it gingerly rose to its feet, relying on a nearby spear as a makeshift crutch, causing its injured leg to dangle loosely as it waved its arm to have Finn follow it, which he did as he doubted the scav was bad enought to lead him into a trap after saving it.

Finn did also make sure to rip off some pieces of meat from the lizard before he left which he noted tasted like smoked suasage.


If this chapter proves challenging to read and appears poorly composed, the author sincerely apologizes. There was an innate reluctance within the author to engage in extensive editing of this particular section.(Wow Chat GPT really took my single sentence of "if its hard to read of sorry as i dont want to edit this shit" and edited it hella good)

also if you need me to post creature images just comment it and i'll out it up