
Rain World: The Knight

I stumbled upon this captivating game known as "Rain World," and an overwhelming desire to craft a fanfiction story about it immediately welled up within me. As I delve into this creative endeavor, I'm utilizing ChatGPT to enhance and refine my writing. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the result. ps. this synopsis is even edited by ChaTGPT

chaoticCatholic · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Karma Gate and overseer

Moving through the vast array of towers for the next few hours no enemy insight, Finn and the spearmaster found themselves confronted by a large, imposing door. It bore a peculiar sigil crafted from radiant light, casting an eerie glow in its immediate vicinity.

'Huh what is that?' At that precise moment, Finn's discerning gaze detected an intriguing presence adjacent to the gate—an enigmatic, worm-like entity adorned in a peculiar, crimson translucent skin. Its most striking feature, a sizable, radiant orb, served as an ostensible eye for the creature, fixating intently on the oncoming spearmaster and, subsequently, on Finn himself.

'A overseer? Finn found himself perplexed, his curiosity piqued by the sudden appearance of the overseer. He couldn't help but wonder why it had chosen this moment to reveal itself. As he observed the enigmatic figure weaving effortlessly in and out of the labyrinthine cracks in the walls, it became apparent that this entity possessed an astonishing agility, moving at a velocity that bordered on the impossible. Finn strained his eyes to track its movements, yet it eluded him like a phantom, its form blurring and merging with the shadows. The overseer drew nearer with each elusive step, as if harboring a pressing desire to engage in conversation

Unfortunately, Finn found himself disappointed when, instead of engaging in the less likely conversation with the overseer, it instead projected a peculiar series of images which unfolded in the air before him. These images portrayed a uniquely configured, azure-colored robot, firmly affixed from its rear by a sinuous mechanical appendage then it switched to a map of what seemed to be the nearby area with 3 red blips seemingly symbolizing finn and his crew.

{Do you know what this means SM} Finn, casting a concerned glance toward his companion, noticed a subtle shift in demeanor. The typically impassive expression on the companion's face had given way to a faint furrow of the brow, revealing the Spearmaster's growing discontent. Finn inquired, his voice laced with curiosity.

{Is something troubling you?} Finn asked as the spearmaster seemed slightly on edge as it watched the images flash by in a repeating pattern.

{My iterator wants us to head to its fellow iterator looks the moon} Spearmaster, feeling a sense of urgency, let out a small sigh as he embarked on a sprint towards the karma gate. The giant door opened seamlessly before him, and a growing unease of being left behind compelled Finn to hasten his steps, echoing Spearmaster's determined stride.

*10 minutes later*

Journeying through the tunnel, Finn and the spearmaster came to an abrupt halt as the path before them unexpectedly sloped downward, leading into a mysterious cavity brimming with water. The spearmaster wasted no time; with swift determination, he leaped into the watery depths, catching Finn off guard. Finn, hesitant but determined to muster the courage, prepared to follow suit. However, just as he readied himself to take the plunge, a sudden force from behind thrust him forward. Laughter filled the air as Echo gleefully pushed him into the water, leaving Finn startled as he swam after spearmaster.

Upon reaching the opposite side of the water tunnel , Fin emerged gracefully from the water's embrace into a vertical precipice. The spearmaster's nimble prowess allowed them to effortlessly scale the rugged surface, deftly fashioning footholds with their spears as they ascended. Finn followed swiftly, ascending the same spears with agile grace. He reached the pinnacle just moments after Echo emerged from the water and took flight.

'Hope he slows do-' Before finn could even finish his thoughts he saws something fall from the roof above him but as if having eye's at the top of his head the spearmaster executed a graceful backflip, swiftly returning to their initial position, while expertly throwing a spear which struck the fallen object right in its center of mass.


Observing the creature, which he swiftly identified as a dropwig, squelch in agony before succumbing to its demise, Finn found himself perspiring slightly. He maintained his pace alongside the spearmaster, while Echo, the faithful companion, trailed behind them. They emerged into an expansive open-air space, where the ground was partially submerged in water.

'That thing looks way to fucking SUS' Finn's mind contemplated the scene before him, fixating on the heart of the water-filled expanse. In its midst, a colossal plant emerged, resembling a headless snake adorned with a dense, lush mass of seaweed-like foliage.

{STOP DONT GO INTO THAT WATER} Finn's thunderous shout pierced through the connection, causing the spearmaster, still entrenched in their unwavering concentration, to freeze in their tracks. Their gaze shifted towards Finn, marked by a subtle annoyance, as they patiently awaited his response.

{dont you see that thing in the water?} Finn gestured toward the object situated in the heart of the water, prompting the spearmaster to turn his gaze in that direction. As he did, a dawning comprehension washed over him, and it became evident that he had at last grasped the meaning behind Finn's indication.

{I'll take care of it} SM, with a determined expression on his face, cast a menacing glare towards the kelp. With a swift motion, he hurled spears, at it causing the writhing tendrils to unveil a ghastly visage that was to terrify to finn. However, this horrifying spectacle did little to deter SM from his relentless pursuit of turning it into a porcupine.

{Lets go} Spearmaster said as he threw his 10th spear into the already dead kelp causing finn to slightly lock up as he hopped into the water with the fast swimming spearmaster


Name: Finn martin

Race: Slugcat(The knight)

Level: 7(296/700)

HP (Health Points): 159

MP (Magic Points): 57

STR: 15.90

AGI: 8.7

END: 15.90

WIS: 5.7

INT: 5.7

skill points: 0

stat points: 1.5


[Bone shield(LV 7/10)]- allows the user to create a shield of bone with size determined by amount of mp used.

[Indomitable(Maxed)]- You shall not bend....



[Name: Echo]

[Relationship level: 90](Blood brothers)

[level: 11](37/300)

[Skills: vision share,stealth,High speed flight,Bash]

(Note: none)
