
Rain World: The Knight

I stumbled upon this captivating game known as "Rain World," and an overwhelming desire to craft a fanfiction story about it immediately welled up within me. As I delve into this creative endeavor, I'm utilizing ChatGPT to enhance and refine my writing. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the result. ps. this synopsis is even edited by ChaTGPT

chaoticCatholic · Videojogos
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43 Chs

ADVANCING ⁱⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒᵖᵖᵒˢⁱᵗᵉ ᵈⁱʳᵉᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿ

just comment if you need a image for certain creatures as i can easily provide it.


In their pursuit of an agreement to engage in combat against the formidable MLL, Finn and his group initiated meticulous preparations. Spearheading their efforts was the skilled spearmaster, who meticulously devised a strategy designed to minimize potential errors, particularly in the eventuality of a dire situation, such as the premature removal of one of their comrades from the impending battle.

{Okay do yall understand what to do?} The Spearmaster, with a searching gaze, directed the question to both Finn and Echo. They responded with nods of comprehension, their expressions revealing a shared understanding. However, wary of leaving anything to chance, Spearmaster proceeded to reiterate the plan, which comprised two distinct components.

-We lure the MLL out and then we blow it up with the spear bomb in my inv-

yep that simple!

{You start it first echo} SM swiftly sought out an elevated vantage point, his heart racing with anticipation. In his possession, he held the bomb-tipped spear, a surprising acquisition that left him pondering the origins as Finn did not hold it previously.

As the plan continued its steady progression, Echo took the lead, determined to draw the attention of the MLL. It was unmistakably clear that Echo's actions had left the MLL far from pleased. In the ensuing moments, Finn bore witness to Echo's swift response—a display of remarkable high-speed flight that allowed him to retreat with astonishing agility. It was at this precise juncture that Finn's eyes widened in astonishment, for he saw an elongated, obsidian tendril emerge from the pit's rim, adorned with ominous, pulsating azure swellings that unveiled it to the world.

{GET READY} The commanding voice of the SM reverberated through the connection, sending a shiver down Finn's spine as he instinctively clenched his shield, his eyes locked on Echo soaring gracefully above him.

{Wait} SM observed the MLL's gradual approach, its sinuous tendrils extending to drag it nearer with deliberate, unhurried precision.

{Wait} SM spoke again, his voice trembling with unease, as the sinuous tentacles of the MLL drew near, its tumorous forms gliding dangerously close to Finn, almost grazing him. Each slender appendage moved with a deliberate, almost sentient grace, as if they were sentient beings, carefully exploring the surroundings in their relentless quest to locate the elusive Prey.

{NOW} SM let out a resounding scream as Finn charged towards the MLL main body, his shield poised for action. With a powerful swing, he slammed the shield into the tumorous monstrosity, sending it hurtling backward. As it recoiled, it emitted a peculiar, disconcerting squelching noise, a testament to the force of the blow and the disruption it caused. Stunned and unable to mount a counterattack, the MLL main body lay momentarily vulnerable before Finn's relentless assault.

{Finn dodge!} Hearing echo's words emanating from their connection, Finn wasted no time in decisively retreating from the rapidly recovering mother long legs allowing for spearmaster to throw the explosive spear he held.


Upon the moment the spear became firmly embedded within the heart of the MML's main body, a mesmerizing transformation unfolded. It commenced to sizzle, emitting delicate, sporadic pops that added an eerie symphony to the unfolding spectacle. These peculiar emissions seemed to provoke an even more frenzied reaction from the writhing, grotesque mass of tumor-like growths, causing it to writhe with heightened intensity.


The spear detonated with a thunderous blast, shattering the MLL into three substantial fragments that scattered in all directions. This triumphant turn of events filled Finn and his companions with jubilation. However, their elation proved short-lived, for Echo's keen gaze discerned something amiss as she scrutinized the fractured remnants of the MLL.

{FINN ITS HEALING} Echo's panicked voice resonated across the communication channel, instantly diverting Finn and SM's attention towards the MLL body. It was a scene of peculiar fascination, as the body slowly coalesced, pieced back together by the strange growths extending from the wounded area.

'We got 5 minutes tops'

Finn wasted no time, his thoughts racing as he urgently pulled SM along towards the pit. With swift determination, he crafted a makeshift bridge over the chasm, ensuring a safe passage that they both hastened to traverse. Echo followed closely behind, their footsteps echoing in the underground abyss.

As they pressed forward, they reached yet another subterranean cavern. This chamber appeared vacant, its emptiness accentuated by the faint hum of a vent at its far end. A rush of relief swept over Finn as he realized the presence of the vent, providing a much-needed escape route. Without hesitation, Finn and his companions swiftly crawled into the welcoming embrace of the vent.

'Damn that's bright' As Finn emerged from the vent, he found himself atop a buildings ledge which was insight of a building crowned with intricate antenna arrays. The sight left him pondering the significance of his surroundings.

'GARBAGE WASTE TOWERS' Finn thought excitedly as he knew they were not too far from the water front facility but once he remebered that was in terms of game distance he was slightly sad.

'Oh well life keeps moving atleast there are only cenetipieds and lizards from here' Finn felt a surge of optimism as he trailed behind SM, slowly descending from the towering building.


Name: Finn martin

Race: Slugcat(The knight)

Level: 7(296/700)

HP (Health Points): 159

MP (Magic Points): 57

STR: 15.90

AGI: 8.7

END: 15.90

WIS: 5.7

INT: 5.7

skill points: 0

stat points: 1.5


[Bone shield(LV 7/10)]- allows the user to create a shield of bone with size determined by amount of mp used.

[Indomitable(Maxed)]- You shall not bend....



[Name: Echo]

[Relationship level: 90](Blood brothers)

[level: 11](37/300)

[Skills: vision share,stealth,High speed flight,Bash]

(Note: none)
