
Chapter 2: Back in Detention

Arty and the Teacher were bickering about Nonsense until the teachers Bellows ENOUGH!!! ARTY SHUT YOUR DAAAMN MOUTH OR I WILL GIVE YOU 3MORE MONTHS OF DETENTION AND THAT GOES DOUBLE FOR ALL OF YOU CLEAN THOSE DAMN DRY ERASERS NOW THE BUCKET OF DISHWATER IS OVER THERE GET CLEANING I am going to step outside and get some air see you in 2 hours *walks away and slams door* Luna realizes its Arty gets up and helps him at first he says thank you without looking at her then Luna reaches out holds Arty's hand and says your very welcome Arty, caught off guard he beams directly at Luna smiling at him immediately he blushes and yells Luna HII ITS ARTY ITS SO NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN YOUR SO BEAUTIFUL I MEAN YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL WHAT I MEAN TO SAY is you look very nice *nervous laugh* Luna laughs and says thank you Arty you don't look so bad yourself *winks*. There is 2 people you need to meet and in that moment Arty was in bliss thinking about those words like a love struck puppy then face to face with the others Adarah sizes up Arty even though she is a tad bit shorty than him she's a scrappy girl and Shirogane lifts up his glasses at first Arty is taken back but then in his heart he feels like this is familiar he stands side by side with his second Luna in game and he can see Adarah the sharpshooter and the resident Strategist next to Adarah, Arty goes into his Leader persona with confidence he introduces himself by his gamer tag name and in that instant Adarah and Shirogane are taken back but soon realize that just like Luna, Arty modeled his Avatar after himself. Adarah was taken back she stated there is something that I have to do first before we move on so forgive me Luna but I need to know everyone confused she steps up to Arty and plants one onto him (Arty thinks wow this is my first kiss ever I feel like I'm melting) Luna breaks it up and screams at Adarah WTH are you doing, Adarah giggling and says I told you if I ever meet Leader I was going to kiss him cuz he's so cool he deserves someone who will take care of him, Luna and Adarah bicker about the etiquette of not being so dang forward. Shirogane steps up to Arty and then instinct kicks in for Arty he stares down his new guy friend and will dodge him if he gets too close Shirogane says what do you mean there was a pop up window in front of you. Arty restates to everyone that when the teacher told him to do the his task a quest pop up showed up similar when a quest pops up in game, Luna checks Arty's temp by touching his head c'mon I'm not sick but Luna says you are a little warm, Adarah *scoffs* I bet he's warm in other places too!! *giggling*. Luna gives a death glare, Arty says look I know this is nuts but I'm not crazy its right in front of me. Shirogane lifts his glasses as it glares he says this may be a theory but Arty can you say "Party Invite" then our names, Arty *shrugs* sure why not after he said it Arty sees pop-up windows in front of all his friends, everyone else is shocked by seeing a pop up in front of them Adarah and Shirogane do not hesitate a moment longer and hit accept Luna follows suit, once they accept they feel a rush of energy that wasn't there before, Shirogane treats it like a game and says "Status screen" another pop up shows up and it shows their own individual stats [as shown in the previous pages]As everyone follows suit Arty then also treat it like a game and finishes his quest once he does a window pops up and said exp up 30 point next LVL.... 10 more EXP points, Shirogane has now gained a understanding of how this works certain "Action" commands like using clay gave him a crafting ability his base ability was sharing it with Party leader A Passive skill that treats day to day life as a video game character with 2 unique status effects one the party leader can share any skill he obtains as well as base skills the second effect the user of skill will embody the mind and body of a video game character so the human body can adapt and have perfect control to all Stats when increased [note- there is no level cap or stat cap]. With that Shirogane asked Arty "can you dissolve me from the party I wanna test something" & and as the strategist thought he couldn't access the status screen or the inventory while dissolved as Arty re-invited; Shirogane then asked his Leader could you please bring up your skill tree he complies and Shirogane shows Arty he can allow everyone to learn the skill "A Gamers Life" with the epic effects attached to it, Luna then notices something while they have everyone in the party there is a mini map she also figured out a there is a Menu feature and put the language setting to Universal Luna can speak Spanish and so can Arty but Adarah and Shirogane couldn't understand after they changed the settings as they were being spoken to in Spanish Adarah and Shirogane can Fluently understand shocked but amazed, Adarah figured out that a HUD feature was available and Shirogane noticed that they could form a "guild" so everyone agreed the Moonlight Reavers are the here to stay once everyone agreed all their own titles as once within the game now becomes reality and as a special bonus they all get a golden pop up that's titled "Welcome to your new story", the pop up contained they all would be able to receive one item within game they played before and bring with them to the real world, as each one thought hard and careful, Luna got her epic grade sword the Masamune with all status effects possible. It's strength required 15 with each level up the sword grows with the wielder becoming even sharper and more attuned with the wielder. Shirogane obtained the God eyes INT. Must be 15 to use the eyes will be stronger with each level up and the level varies on how good the perception and Intelligence. Adarah Had this insane idea to move all their extra equipment to Adarah's Pouch Shirogane made the suggestion to use his Laptop that he had the game installed on to do it now just to make sure it was in her pouch before doing anything else especially all their funds, Trash items everything expect due to certain restrictions Epic and above class items could not be transferred, after all was done Adarah then evenly gave it back each their own equipment. The Leader had a Legendary God Tier level 7 item since he can get only one item he grabs the unopened chest and presents it to everyone, At first Adarah slaps her head saying your betting on a gift box to give you something good when Arty tells them its God tier Chest shocked they all group up to see what comes out. 1st a "Gods Familiar" sealed in a bottle, required level 50 - All stats must be 60 special effect if bottle opened with all stats 100 plus user will gain Gods Familiars divine blessing of second chance 2nd Item God's Divine protection includes spatial Armor No Lvl Restrictions - item description this armor when worn it adheres to the wearers will allowing it to appear whatever the user desires stats read Defense 500, Strength 500, Power 500, Agility 500, Perception 500, and Mana 200. 3rd item Infinite sword - weapon description this weapon can change its shape to any bladed weapon as the user wills it to be special effect if swordsmen class level is high enough user will be able to change the sword into ANY WEAPON imaginable even 2 sword style ;) 4th item Gods Priestess 2nd Guardian - status effect of Gods Priestess reset to level 10 [Guardians description- a priestess will match the age of the users 1st Guardian is able to change its form at will able to grow and share all skills, traits and 1/3 of stats as the 1st Guardian. Priestess is but a title which can be altered in how its treated name will be up to the 1st Implanting Knowledge to Guardian Unique skill given "Record Keeper" allows user to relive a Moment in time with all that was seen and unseen, one last thing the 2nd Guardian Priestess will follow your path whether you become evil or good she will Guard you till the end of time remember Have a fun time, Arty and Friends.

Adarah is creeped the heck out because everyone read the description and even with the new skills they possess the question on everyone's mind who or what gave Arty these Abilities and why now, also the other elephant in the room a girl came out of the Treasure Box pledging allegiance to Arty as if he was a king a shocked Shirogane and Arty because she came out naked Luna see's Arty's expression an slaps his eyes the priestess about to go into action looks at Luna he Death Glare to the MAX simply saying to Naked Beauty "CLOTHES NOW" is handed a schools gym uniform Adarah gives her shirt because well she is a bit more stacked than Luna and so is the Priestess after a while Arty can only smile and says "well I guess fate brought us together for a reason even before this day cuz the game Rain Over Sunset(R.O.S.) gave us the training to understand our new power we are the "MOONLIGHT REAVERS" and together were the Elite Party that can take out anything now we have to figure out how to train ourselves and be better" Shirogane looks at Leader and says right we have already acquired a few skills besides the A gamers life skill, we all learned observation, crafting, Universal language, HUD options, mini map, chat menu obviously we still need to exchange numbers just in case there is a range issue and if not make sure to always wear a Bluetooth talking in the middle of the street to each other without anything on we would look crazy. When were home or if we do group activities then we should be OK, thankfully we are in the supply room where they keep the clay, from the looks of it there is a tier system after you hit level 100 we have multiple tiers of class advancements just like R.O.S. so that means just like our special gear there must be certain requirements to reach secret tier 6 and god tier 7. Our 2 hours are almost up and we haven't even upgraded our stats the look of confusion strikes everyone Shirogane says "look at the status screen and see your stats points unused? we have 15 each so now we can work on that and it looks like the base stats we have reflects on our IRL status way of how we lived so far. Remember don't spend it all at once use 5 points for now ADARAH I'm talking to you cuz we all know as soon as you gain a level you always blow it all on one stat you think you need. Adarah beams a pouting death glare at Shirogane, Luna interjects and asks why shouldn't we waste all the points at once, Well (pushes up his glasses with a glare shining off it) I have a theory that I need to figure out but it's at my house and it we need those extra points if my theory works then it would be most beneficial. Well that's our strategist for you always thinking of ways to improve our fighting styles as Leader said.

Player 1 - Arty Morre Title: The Savior

Strength - 10[+2] Defense - 10[+2]

Mana - 5 Stamina - 8

Intelligence – 12 Agility - 8

Perception- 8 Wisdom - 8

Points unused - 11

Player 4 - Shirogane Argenti Title: The Strategist

Strength - 4[+1] Defense - 4[+1]

Mana - 10 Stamina- 4[+1]

Intelligence – 25 Agility - 4[+1]

Perception - 4[+1] Wisdom - 15

Points unused - 10

Player 3 - Adarah Ignatius Title: The Free Spirit

Strength - 10[+4] Defense - 10[+4]

Mana - 5 [+2] Stamina- 15

Intelligence- 10 Agility - 15

Perception - 15 Wisdom – 5

Points unused - 9

Player 2 - Luna Azura Title: The Quiet Swordswoman

Strength- 15[+5] Defense- 15 Mana - 6

Power -10 Stamina- 10 Intelligence – 15

Agility -10 Perception - 10 Wisdom - 8

Points unused - 10

The teacher walks in and says c'mon you worthless good for nothing's time to go home so I can go home he takes a hard stare at the Priestess sucks his teeth in and tells Luna that she needs to get better clothes they look too tight on her, as everyone is about to file out Luna points at the teacher noticing a level indicator title and name, then gazing at each other donning the names as their avatars in game one by one rushed outside by their teacher who looked at Arty and his friends like total weirdos, as everyone talk amongst themselves Jack's been waiting patiently outside for his best friend. There is a reason Jack was chosen to be Arty's Guardian even if Arty hasn't been aware, Jack has already fought demons, evil spirits, doppelgangers, ninjas, assassins, spies, mercenaries. So through his vast experience of dealing with these lowlifes and monsters Jack is a very strong individual he has a unique ability because of his Guardian title whomever or whatever Jack fights with he will gain the knowledge and experience that comes along those he has slain so with the ninja he learned to step and run without being heard also most recently he picked up a cursed sword that if the wielder is not good enough the sword will shine red but if it accepts the blade will shine Purple. The assassins/mercenaries/Spies Jack obtained the art of combat/hand to hand/Guns of all kinds/ explosive expert, from the evil spirits, demons, and Doppelgangers Jack picked up multi shadow clones and Mana control able to influence and make any all beings who enter his zone fight him instead of going after Arty even after all of those experiences soon Arty and Jack will be closer than ever. As Arty gives his homie a pound Jack says damn Arty first Luna and now you bagging this new girl in front of Luna too...…[Note for the reader there will be a small side chapter explaining Jacks exploits] Arty with a look of confusion realizes that Adarah is clinging onto Arty's arm oooh since when did you start doing that, Adarah clearly trying to stir something Luna giving Arty a death Glare, Shirogane on the other hand looks at Jack's level and he's already at level 30 (we all need to work hard) Shirogane coughs and introduces himself and so does Adarah, Luna does the same but Jack can't stop laughing seeing Luna pissed off Jack reminds her of when they met. Luna then laughs as well after a while before Jack can slip away he is Greeted by the Priestess she Yells 1st Guardian its a pleasure to meet you..... Shirogane uses his gods eye to see Jack's Status and see's Mana Control notices that he can feel Mana because Jack looks toward Shirogane, As Jack walks to Arty everyone looks at Jack confused what did the Priestess mean that Jack is the 1st Guardian. Jack then comes clean and tells them his story and why he is considered a Guardian that protects Arty. Jack thinks that Arty's new friends may be a threat to Arty after feeling a surge of Energy from all 3 of them while they were in their room Shirogane interjects and asks Arty to invite Jack to his Party, Jack clearly confused trying to get Arty to leave because he cant trust new people when Arty uses the skill Jack looks at the pop-up and is weirded out he says he must have not gotten much sleep trying to brush off the pop-up everyone is telling Jack to accept it. Once he does everything that has happened to Jack makes all the more sense now his skills his traits and unique skills even Stats were laid out before him after some more talk Jack brought the 2nd Guardian to his home and everyone went home to their area. Shirogane gets home he asks his dad if he can enter Uncle's Library after dinner, most people are aware but his family won the lottery shortly after his Uncle eccentric with his share made a private Library on their 2nd floor filled with books he would read and future read Luckily his Uncle didn't mind if Shirogane went in to view all that was to be offered. Now the reason Shirogane's Uncle is so eccentric was primarily cuz his Uncle is the Principal at his school while at dinner he convinces his Uncle that he would make amends by dragging his classmates to a new wing of the mansion and transfer the books of the 2nd floor library from this house to the new Library that he would take responsibility for his actions and teach them to be more responsible individuals. His uncle approved under one condition that his own daughter she wanted to be a Teaching Assistant she will chaperone, she will watch you and won't catch you playing that silly game you got in trouble for; Shirogane your cousin is in the 10th grade and isn't interested in games she reminds me of my wife plus at your age we were never interested in that sort of thing right brother. After dinner Shirogane slipped out of his room while everyone was asleep well everyone but his cousin who was sleeping over the guest bedroom texting checking news on the latest update on Rain Over Sunset she perks up hearing movement goes and checks and sees her cousin going towards the Library (why is he going back there I have to check this out.....what is he doing *a bright light engulfs the inside of the library*). Shirogane's perspective and thoughts 5min ago - Finally everyone's asleep, looks like my cousins up probably texting her friend hmm I wonder how powerful is Gods eyes in IRL cuz in game it can see first person see the level of unknowns as well as weakness points for those bosses that look indestructible, let's concentrate while focusing with G.E. to change perspective like in the game then zoom whoa I'm in the guest bedroom there's she is looks like I might be forced to bring her into the fold what is she looking at wow the new update looks nice but this is way cooler all a sudden my cousin stops and cuts off the phone showing her reflection. After Shirogane stops using them he thinks she's probably gonna get some sleep. It's Good to know that G.E. doesn't show up in reflective sources now time for my theory to be put to the test *in the Library* doesn't look like anyone notices I'm back here luckily I put these heavy curtains on in the game when someone uses a skill book a bright flash of light appears to test this out i came here to see if that is true I know my uncle has doubles of books so were gonna use this as a test run, *Engineering for Beginners* once touched a pop up appears he taps confirm to learn Passive skill and just like in the game the light appears, Test completed let's go with a book I know is considered fantasy If I have it right..... Here it is The principal of the 8 elements - Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Energy, Light, Darkness, Null *pulls out the book a pop up shows up and reads this is a *Legendary skill book* , a second pop up reads

*Are You Sure to Learn This Skill [YES] or [NO] *

Obviously presses yes a bright light engulfing the library..... I can feel the world the plants the earth, I feel the fickle of flame, the water the moisture in the air, oh the air swirling gusting, what's this feeling ah the natural energy electricity, the light and dark the power of life and death, this last element NULL its knowledge personal magic with all these elements I can be the real me The Mage Tactician. As my cousin bears witness to this she drops to her knees gazing into the void of disbelief and slapping herself across the face to make sure she ain't dreaming, as Shirogane still processing all the knowledge the basic spells that go along with what was in the book he asks her for a pen or chalk something she looks to her right sees paper and pen on a desk gives it to him more paper at amazing speed Shirogane makes a diagram of sorts places them in order on the floor and does an incantation then tells Salamander lowest fire spirit I Shirogane Argenti wish to make a pact with you as Mana flows "will you pact with me" the fire spirit is at thigh level it's a girl with fiery hair eyes red burning but was completely naked and of course my cousin blames me Salamander looks at around finds a dictionary and reads it entirely then sees the encyclopedia set of the world but focuses on human interaction manners and clothing and focuses her flames to mimic clothes and wears a fire emblem tunic she has a hood for special weather needs as well as a fire staff and responds to Shirogane as master I will pact with you both Shirogane and his cousin looks upon the newly equipped and my cousin and I fan girl over the new attire and her voice so polite but Salamander is no name for a girl said Shirogane I got it from this day forward your name is Sara the Mage Tacticians Apprentice. Suddenly Shirogane's cousin as she said what the heck how are you doing this how is this all possible and so Shirogane explains what happened and while tho as he tried to teach and invite his cousin to the party but is unable to do it and asked her to hold off until tomorrow afternoon when everyone is here, in the meantime please will you cover for me I have to set up some things for tomorrow please cousin I have my the extra sleeping bed here *pushes a secret button* and outcome a full size bed from the wall Sara pushes the bed to her amazement and asks what is this contraption Shirogane explains but just places her on the bed tells her to sit and stop being so dang formal apprentice or not Sara is a part of the Moonlight Reavers part of the team. Sara beams with admiration at her master and smiles, Shirogane intrigued he uses his skill Observation on Sara a full profile shows

Summon Spirit of Fire - Salamander aka Sara

This summon spirit has made a contract with Shirogane Argenti also known as The Strategist aka The Mage Tactician this Fire Spirit is linked to casters Mana, Intelligence, and Wisdom. The spirit is of the lowest form to evolve Mana control of certain requirement must be met and once Fire Spirit reaches level 100, 5 tier evolution is available lowest, low, medium, high and spirit lord form when Spirit Lord Form reached Summon may change appearance at any given time.

Level - 1 status - normal

Strength - 30 Power - 30 Perception - 20 Agility - 20

Stamina - 20 Mana - 8 Intelligence - 10 Wisdom - 10 Potential "S GRADE"

Skills - Fireball attack, Party Attack up, Fire Shield, Fire Wall, Burn Curse, Party Regen, unknown, unknown, Unknown.

After Shirogane uses Observation he focuses on to see what he can do to improve himself since his MP meter is at 1,000 he already lost 1/4 of and is at 750 it's only been an hour so at this rate not good Shirogane checks his Stats, Mana - 8, Intelligence - 10, Wisdom - 10 these 3 are most important looks like he needs increase his Int. and Mana. Int. - 13 (+5) and Int - 15 (+5). As Shirogane searches for books he puts his head phones but then realizes if Sara grows with me then music is a part of that on low level went through genres and of course she into rock and metal let her put on some headphones so she can listen to my playlist while that's going on Shirogane is searching the library for other skill books anything to Mage related he will put in one pile, one handed sword style for Katana and Samurai Sword techniques in another pile, how to craft metal and other material in game and IRL that will be for Leader, Martial arts and spirit wave form for Adarah whoa that interesting who would have think it with that was a skill book better leave this for Adarah, even though I would love to know how to use fortification magic for blunt objects this would be perfect for Luna as well as Leader luckily I have 2 copies and if push comes to shove then buying more books would be a priority would also have to skip school but it's worth it good there is way much more to do as Shirogane Spent the entire night picking out skill books for the party it dawned on him what kind of player is his cousins and also introductions would have to be done( geez what a pain) The next day Arty and the Gang make their way over to Shirogane's place after they were told by the principle that they would have a study seminar with Shirogane and his daughter from high school will be attending to make sure everyone does a good job, Jack tagged along because after all he was Arty's best friend and well Arty secretly wanted to know why it's says Jacks title as Arty's Guardian, observation was used on Jack but since he is at a high level its unseen, Shirogane was able to view a portion of his skills in action thanks to G.E. but didn't tell the party because all would be made clear soon. Soon everyone was standing at Shirogane's House and Jack whistles like it's his first time seeing it as they are introduced by Shirogane's Mom and Dad everyone was led to the back yard where like out of a fantasy world there lies a library 2 floors high and 2 bathrooms 2 guest bedrooms a full functioning Kitchen fridge packed with snacks juice and water, to everyone's surprise the library looks like it's in shambles but that would be corrected when everyone learns why. Shirogane guides everyone to sit down, while his parents and Uncle leave for the rest of the day Shirogane locks the doors Jack tense feeling it's a trap is about to make his move blowing his cover that he kept secret for so long. Shirogane's cousin steps out from freshening up Jack is smitten by her voluptuous beauty she is taller yes but at age 13 Jack has witnessed love at first sight, She then introduces herself as Shana in game she is considered an Assassin/Ninja was never a part of a guild or party just did solo play she was a natural and grinded for a week straight she took out a mob of enemies single handled using guerrilla tactics she weakened the mob to the point of submission. In IRL Shana is a model student excels at running, volleyball, tennis, she works out at the gym regularly as well does mix martial arts black belt 3-dan. Shirogane asks Leader if she can join the party just then those words Jack was taken back shocked at Arty he is their Leader Jack blurts out practically yelling "Arty what the heck is going on here" Arty then contemplates but it's better to show he speaks firmly into the air "Party invite Shana and Jack" then as Arty says that Jack sees a pop window Shana knew what to expect so when it popped up she pressed yes and so did Jack. Arty fiddled with his party invite options last night so that upon a party invite A Gamers Life would be taught instantly, as well as the basic skills everyone else learned day one, everyone else noticed Shana's level is at 20 and Jack somehow gained 2 levels from yesterday although Shirogane explained why, Of course Arty forgives him everyone else is still Suspect about his situation so then Jack explains everything about how he became Arty's Protector about the divine angel that he saw who gave Jack the power he felt running through his body acquiring skills as he listed off all his encounters of the other kind and now that everyone is caught up there is a bigger matter to attend to Shirogane claims 4 things come to mind obviously there is no such thing as classifications because we can be anything or anyone here, 2nd thing I like you all to meet another new addition to our group "summon Sara !!" a fire poofed in midair then a person no a little girl came from the flame and Sara introduced herself and stated she was looking forward into working with everyone. Now then Shirogane bellows out welcome everyone now were onto our 3rd thing as you can see there are books in front of you now that I know my cousin was a ninja in game I'm sure you want to be the real deal I will find you books relating to that now the 3 of you get the book assigned for you Leader picks up the book Adarah sighs doesn't bother and Luna follows Arty's lead as soon as Arty has the book in hand a pop up window comes up and Arty says " NO FREAKING WAY ITS A SKILL BOOK" Adarah perks up and rushes to her pile of books and after a while everyone has their own unique abilities as they did in game Leader has his Dual wield skill coupled with Ag, Str.& Def. Up, also everyone has some basic hand to hand skill so everyone knows how to fight.