
Chapter 18

Raikage's Office

"What! I'm only 16!" N yelled but Z just shook his head in disagreement.

"But you are a kage level shinobi. People have begun to call you the Shinobi no Kami" Z responded causing N to go wide eyed.

"WHAT!" There have only been 3 Shinobi no Kami's in history and all of them had been extremely strong shinobi! They were legends and inspiration to all shinobi! But he was only 16!

"You have 2 bloodlines, can control 4 out of the 5 nature transformations, are the perfect jinchuriki of the strongest Bijuu and you are the fastest man alive" A said causing N to see the logic in their argument.

"You think I could do it?" N asked, still unsure about this.

"Yep, and you have me and pops here for help and advising you in anything you don't know"

"Fine, I'll take the hat" N said causing Z to clap in approval.

"Your inauguration will be in 3 weeks" A said before N sighed before disappearing in a flash.

3 Weeks Later

N had told his friends and family and to say they were shocked was like saying that Matatabi was a little bit perverted. N was going to be the youngest Kage in history!

Now all of Kumo was gathered around the Raikage tower to hear the announcement that their Raikage was going to say. A walked out of the tower onto the balcony above everyone and begins the announcement that would change Kumo history.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Kumo, I am sorry to inform you that I, your Yondaime Raikage, will be retiring and instead, taking the position of Jonin commander." A announced. There was mixed reactions from the crowd as their Raikage was leaving but he would still be keeping them safe.

But the thing that everyone was wondering was, Who's the new Raikage?

"Please welcome to office your Godaime Raikage, N Yotsuki-Namikaze" A announced causing cheers and applause to erupt from the crowd.

N was the child of their Sandaime Raikage and brother to their Yondaime Raikage not to mention he was the Shinobi no Kami. N walked onto the balcony in his golden Raikage hat and kage robes which is unlike any of the other kage robes.

He was no longer wearing his akatsuki cloak and is instead wearing a black cloak exactly like his biological father's but instead had white lightning bolts on the bottom and had the kanji going down the middle that said "Godaime Raikage" in white.

As N walked out, the cheers increase until they are almost deafening but N stopped them with a raise of his hand.

"Thank you people of Kumo! I would like to say that I will protect this village like my forefathers, with all of my might! This village is my home just like yours and I will treat it as such. You are my family, my brothers and sisters in arms and in heart. The Will of Lightning sparks in all of us!" N preached causing cheers before N smiled and walked away.

Raikage's Office, An Hour Later

""I've only been Raikage for one hour and I already have paperwork!" N cried before N gets an idea. Why not just have more of me to do the work?, N thought before forming 3 Raiton- Kage Bunshin and leaning back into his chair.

The shinobi world is crazy at the moment. Kumo and the Akatsuki are at war with the Hakumei who are trying to destroy us all, they do not care about village affiliation or rank. They will destroy all of us. The other shinobi villages must know about this, N thought to himself before hitting the seal on his desk that summoned his brother, father and Darui to his office. N waited about 5 minutes before everyone enters and A and Z facepalm.

"Kage Bunshin, why didn't I think of that?" A and Z said in unison. N smirked before gets a serious look as he remember why he called them.

"I want to call a Gokage Kaidan (Five Kage Summit)" N said causing his predecessors and Darui to raise an eyebrow.

"Why?" Z asked as Gokage Kaidans were not called often.

"We need to rally again the Hakumei" N said causing his "council" to nod as that is something worth gathering the kages.

"Where?" A asked as you can't have a Gokage Kaidan at a village as it was highly irregular.

"I'll send a letter to Mifune. I met him during my adventures with the Akatsuki and he is one of my only rivals when it comes to Kenjutsu" N said causing Z to sigh as it seemed that N knew every Kage level shinobi in the nations. N quickly wrote a letter before sending it away in flash to Mifune.

"Okay, now we wait" N said causing everyone to nod and leave. N kicked his feet onto the table and began to read his Icha-Icha, giggling pervertedly the whole time.

Raikage's Office, Next Week

N was going through the Uzumaki scrolls on weapon forging when he hears an eagle fly across his village before landing on his window sill. N pets the bird before taking off the scroll to read the letter that Mifune wrote him.

"Hello N-kun, Congratulations on becoming the Kage of your village as I know that was your dream. Onto business, I have talked to my council and we will allow you to host a Gokage Kaiden in our lands as a neutral territory. Good Day, -Mifune" N read with a smile on his face. He nodded and began to write letters to the other four kages. Once he finished, he sent them away in a flash.

"Once again we wait" N said before leaning back and waiting for the response.

Forge of the Uzumaki-Namikaze Compound. A Week Later

N was hammering at 2 piece of chakra metal before he stopped, walked outside and raised the still piping hot pieces of metal in his hands toward the sky. He then called down a bolt of lightning that struck the pieces of metal before he took it back inside, hammered at it a few times before repeating. This continues for several hours before N feels someone come into his barrier seal.

"Hello Yugi-chan" N said as he continued his work before he quenched the blade handles in Hero water that he had borrowed from Shibuki from Takigakure. He then quickly wrote several seals onto the handles before once more going outside and pumping billions of volts of Shiroton chakra into the handles. Once the shock is over, N got a successful smirk. Their handles were black and looked much like a katana handle except that it had no blade.

"N, the responses from the Kages are here" Yugito said with paper in her hand causing N to go wide eyed before flashing in front of her and grabbing the letters. He quickly read and gets a serious look before looking at his girlfriend.

"Call Darui, Z and A. Tell them to meet me at my office in 30 minutes and to prepare for a trip" N said before putting away all of his stuff but Yugito was wondering what he had made.

"What did you make? It just looks like handles" Yugito asked causing N to smile and push chakra into handles. Out of the handles form katana blades made of white lightning making Yugito to get a shocked look.

"I based it off of my uncle's Raijin no Ken and I found out my clan, the Uzumakis, actually created a seal that captures Elemental chakra and releases it in a solid form. I had to try so I created Isamu (Courage) and Isao (Honor)" N said before cutting the flow of chakra and placing the blades on his belt.

"Let's go" N said before Yugito and him shunshin off of the compound.

Raikage's Office, 35 Minutes Later

N was sitting in his chair with A, Z and Darui standing in his office with their traveling equipment ready.

"The Kages have responded and we will be meeting in Tetsu no Kuni in 2 weeks. We must leave today in order to make it there" N said causing his bodyguards to nod in understanding before they all walk out of the door towards the Gokage Kaidan.

2 Weeks Later, Tetsu no Kuni

The Kumo group reached Tetsu no Kuni quickly and had waited for the rest of the Kage's to reach Tetsu.

During that time, N and Mifune had done several spars and the battles were extremely close. Incredibly close to the point that 4 training fields had been destroyed and no one was allowed to be within 500 meters of the battle.

After all, it was Battojutsu versus Iai however in the end, Mifune won more times than he lost, knocking N's ego down a couple pegs.

But after a week of waiting, the other 4 kages reached Tetsu and it was time for the meeting. Everyone meet in a room with a semicircular table with a table in the middle that Mifune sat to mediate. N sat down first right in the middle with his bodyguards behind him and waited for everyone to sit down but he just really wanted to see their reactions when they saw him.

Baki was the first one enter and when he saw N, he was surprised to see the Genin from the invasion 3 years ago to be a kage however that is not what Kankuro and Temari were thinking as they rushed N. However A and Darui stopped them before they could attack him.

"Where is our brother?" Temari asked with rage evident in her voice but N was the one who was upset at her 'care'.

"Gaara came to Kumo in a time of need and has thrived with us. He is an S-Ranked shinobi, can control Shukaku, can sleep, has a girlfriend and plans to start his own clan. He is happy and just for your own guilt for being bad siblings you want him to leave to come back to Suna then you will have to go through me and his rather possessive girlfriend" N argued causing Temari to tear up before turning away while Kankuro was giggling that his little brother had a girlfriend.

N sat back in his seat and waits to see who would be next and is surprised when it is his aunt, the Pink haired banshee, The Scarecrow and Hiruzen-jiji. Tsunade looked at him and began to tear up before she ran and wrapped him in a hug.

"N-kun!" She yelled as she squeezed the life out of her nephew.

"Hi Tsunade-obasan (Aunt Tsunade)" N said causing her to scowl as it made her feel old.

"You're only 16 and you're Raikage?" Kakashi asked as only 3 years ago, N was in the Chunin exams.

"Why not? After all, he has already succeeded me as the Shinobi no Kami" Hiruzen pointed out. His age was catching up on him as he now was walking with a cane but N knew not to underestimate the former Shinobi no Kami. N was smiled and was about to respond however he sees another kage enter.

"N-kun!" The tall red head yelled as she hugged N before she looks around and runs to hug Darui.

"Daru-kun! You haven't sent me a letter in so long!" Mei yelled as she hangs off of Darui who is blushing. N along with A and Z raise their eyebrows before N flashes next to Darui and Mei and begins to sing.

"Sing with me now, Sha-la-la-la-la-la, My, oh, my, Look at the boy too shy, He ain't gonna kiss the girl,Sha-la-la-la-la-la-OW!" N sings before he gets bonked in the head by Mei who then looks at N with a far too sweet smile that makes N shiver.

"I would shut up, N before I kill you" Mei said causing N to nod. N then looks around to see Onoki walk in with Kurotsuchi, Akatsuchi and Kitsuchi and breaks into a full smirk when Onoki sees him.

"YOU!" Onoki yelled as he pointed at N who just flashed him a foxy grin.

"Hello Onoki-Ojiisan (Old Man Onoki). Didn't expect me?" N said causing the old man to scowl.

"Aren't you a little young to be a kage?" Onoki said with a condescending smirk which N returns with a genuine smile.

"Aren't you little old to be a kage? After all, all of our villages are on our Godaime Kage but you're too stubborn to retire" N said. Onoki scowled and was about to retort when Mifune stepped out and gestured for everyone to sit.

Everyone sat down with N in the middle with Mei on his left and Tsunade on his right and Baki next to Mei and Onoki next to Tsunade. Mifune looked around before gesturing for N to begin.

"Thank you my fellow Kages. I am the Godaime Raikage, N Yotsuki-Namikaze. I have called you here so that we may gather against a new threat, the Hakumei. They are an organization that is hunting Jinchuriki" N explained causing Baki, Mei and Tsunade to raise an eyebrow but Onoki stood up.

"So? Iwa could take them alone!" Onoki argued but N just gives him an "Are you serious?" look.

"Roshi has already been taken and the only reason why Han is not is because he is under the protection of the Akatsuki" N said causing Onoki to get a shocked look as that was not common knowledge.

"How do you know that!" Kurotsuchi yelled before she drew a kunai on N. All of the bodyguards jumped out, weapons at the ready to protect their own kage if the need came. Kurotsuchi pauses but puts away her kunai, causing the bodyguards to hesitate before jumping away.

"To answer your question, Kumo and our allies currently know the location of all the jinchurikis as we wish to protect them from the Hakumei who are trying to combine all nine Bijuu to recreate the Juubi" N explained making Onoki laugh.

"So? It's just another stupid monster that we can seal and use like a weapon!" He responded.

N growled before slamming his fist onto the table causing it to crack, "The Juubi is the strongest thing to ever walk this earth. It the Sage of Six Paths and the White Eyed God to fight the beast and even then, the only way beat the beast was to seal it inside of the only true user of the Rinnegan"

There was silence until Onoki said in a low but still audible voice, "Rumors are that your village currently has 5 bijuus…"

"So what?" N responds, scowling at the implications.

Onoki folded his hands in front of him and leaned back with an arrogant smirk, "We would like our bijuu back"

N stands up and struck the table once more, shattering it in anger just like his big brother used to before yelling at the old man, "To turn them into weapons! To treat the Jinchurikis as if they are garbage!"

"They are our property!" Onoki argued.

"You are a fool!" N yelled causing the old man to scowl but N wasn't done.

"The Bijuu belong to no one! They are their own beings, granted life by the true god of shinobi and are sealed within their jinchuriki by power hungry fools! All 4 jinchuriki of Kumo are perfect jinchurikis, meaning we are partners, equals with our Bijuu!" He roared at the old man who did not respond. There was silence as everyone took what he said in. That the genin from 3 years ago had became a strong kage that would not hesitate to fight for what he stood for. Just like his family, both biological and adopted.

N leaned back in his chair and crosses his arms before saying, "So no, you will not get the Gobi back"

Baki paused to take everything in before pointing out, "If the Hakumei and the Juubi are such a threat, one or two villages will not be enough to defeat them"

There was silence once more as the kages understand the implications until Mei said what they were all thinking,

"We must band together, all 5 nations"

Tsunade looked like she was about to respond when strange plant like creature with green hair, white skin and a single yellow eye that kept shifting to look into all of the kage's eyes.

N glared at the creature and spit out his name like it was a curse,


The white-skinned creature smiles showing its shark-like teeth and yelled, "N-sama!"

All of the bodyguards and kages jumped up, pointing their weapons at the "What is this thing?"

N scowled and placed one hand on Kazekiri. "He is the lead spy for the Hakumei!"

Instantly the blade was out and at the neck of the creature. "Why are you here?"

Instantly, Zetsu sang like a canary. "Sasuke Uchiha is here!"

A slammed his hand onto the table, cracking it. "Where!"

"Downstairs" Zetsu said. N didn't wait for him to finish as he ran out the door, A and Darui right behind him. It was time for a bug to be crushed and Naruto was just the person to do it.