
Chapter 28

"Welcome to Nifflheim, Realm of the Primordial Ice and Cold, Leonhard!!" Ruri snaps me out of my daze, when she talks and practically gets on top of my shoulders storing her moon somewhere, she sits on my shoulder and urges me inside, crossing one of the cold rivers by a wooden bridge.

I approach between two towers that have a wrought iron sign that has the word NiflHeim, the strange thing is that the windows of the tower have small smiling faces, which mysteriously look very friendly, the path that unlike the game is very well maintained It is illuminated by streetlights every certain distance and we finally entered the city.

Most of the buildings are tall, about 3 stories, among them several towers rise up, they all have strange roofs that look like a witch's hat that have faces drawn like the ones you draw on pumpkins, Ruri explain me most of those towers are witches' houses... the way to distinguish a witch's house from a normal one is a small window that they have on the second floor, which practically has the figure of a witch flying on a broomstick.

"It is a beautiful city." It's the only thing I can say, no matter how gloomy or dark the city may seem, with graves everywhere and some zombies walking the streets or some ghosts in alleys. Yes, a totally normal city... but seriously I expected the city to be very similar to the one in the game.

I walk towards the city center or at least where I think it is, since again the difference with the game is enormous and I have not seen monsters roaming the city, at first everything was normal, but the more I walk into the town I feel how more of its inhabitants stop and stare at me, several of them are even following us, while Ruri happily explains some buildings and locations to me.

While we kept walking an idiot couldn't really resist the temptation and he tries to bite me of course I put him in his place before he could bite me, even so the bastard named Alreg starts to cause a commotion saying that I want to kill people and while I was deciding whether to kill him or not the people in a section of the street start to move to the side... shit.

Some skeleton swordsmen are walking in front making their way through the inhabitants, around them some lude are lighting up the sorrundings with their pumpkin lamps, a pair of Quves are coming up behind and several Whispers are flying around it... and in the middle of all this a huge Knight in heavy armor with a spear and a huge shield in the shape of a cross, mounted on a ghostly horse.

[Lord of the Dead LVL: 94 HP: 60,338,300/60,338,300 MP: 2770 / 2770 Race: Demon Element: Shadow 3

Lord of the Dead or Lord of Death is the champion of the undead and death. It possesses unholy strength and remarkable power. It does not possess free will and it mind is.]

What kind of description is that? but what the hell do I do, I know I can face it but that doesn't eliminate the fear I feel for him... thanks Gamer's Mind, now how the hell the MVP of this place have find me? hmm I have nowhere to hide easily, I'm going to have to fight my way out of here... huh? Ruri took my arm, does she want to stop me so they can kill me? It was a good idea but unfortunately they face me. As I prepare to use Grand Cross and free myself Ruri speaks.

"My Lord, that ghoul attacked my friend Leonhard! And when Leonhard defended himself he started framing him!" Huh? She is defending me...?

Even before Ruri spoke both Wanderers that are skeleton that looks a lot like a samurai went to the 'Ghoul' Alreg and stopped him, while the rider continues to advance towards us slowly. Now that I look at it, his horse looks like a Nightmare although it's clearly much bigger than a normal one...

[Wanderer LVL: 74 HP: 8,170 / 8,170 MP: 175/175 Race: Demon Element: Wind 1

Wandering Man is a walking corpse that had been a warrior managing a wandering life. He attacks enemies using skillful fencing. He has been rumored to cut even a small flying bugs into 2 pieces without exception.]

The Lord of the Dead, just looks at me for a bit, and with his hand points to the Ghoul, the Wanderer grabs him by the neck dragging him towards the Lord, I don't know why they search the ghoul but when they finish they tie him up and take him away, then the Lord proceeds to throw me a white piece... a piano key?

After that and without showing the slightest intention of hurting me, he turned around and continued on his way, while Alreg continues kicking and screaming a bit while they drag him, I don't know what punishment he will give him but it doesn't seem good, while I stand there a little stunned

'What the hell just happened? Why don't you attack me? Or were they aggressive in the game because some idiot did something the first time they come here?' while I have my doubts the Lord of the Dead that has already turned around to leave, for the first time it speaks.

"I hope you meet my expectations mortal, find me when you are ready." With a voice that doesn't fit his size, It's not that she's weird, his voice is rather clear and somewhat high? He only say that to me and continues on his way.

'Okay... what the hell is happening?... you know what, I'm not interested, I'll worry when it happens, now if I remember correctly there was a quest to find piano keys... that activates the teleportation function. And part of the quest to enter Geffenia if I'm not mistaken.'

Luckily when I received the Piano key the quest was activated and show me a arrow to my next objective, this will guide my way, I thank Ruri for her support, and I do the little mini quest, while I continue exploring Niflheim, so I went with Crayu who sings me a song, then I go to the bar and talk to Kuzkahina, it's a pity that even being a bar there isn't any alcoholic drinks... What kind of world is this!? If I couldn't buy liquor in the real world or in my store, I would go right now to assassinate the King only to restore the beer.

After that I go to the south of the city and search the tombs, finding another 3 keys making it a total of 5 piano keys, in the end I go to the place I wanted to go from the beginning, the house on a small island floating in the sky, the Witch Tower, from where I make my last observations of Niflheim with the magic camera stone.

According to Ruri's explanation, apparently that floating island has not been around for long, it was created by the Elves of Geffenia and is a testament to their enormous capacity and magical knowledge. I enter the witch's tower and place the piano pieces, although one is missing, I walk away a bit but suddenly I am transported to another room.

There I find myself face to face with a beautiful woman with purple hair and ruby eyes, she has somewhat pointed ears, and wears a magician's outfit showing a lot of skin, since it only consists of a bikini with a tail cover, also on the right side of her entire body she has red tribal tattoos.

"A living Norman, it's not the time for you to come here my mortal friend, don't worry if you got lost and want to go back I can help you." She seems pretty friendly and she smells so good, a light flowery scent, at the end of her little speech she touches my shoulder but immediately moves her hand away from me and moves away a bit.

"Excuse me, it's been a long time since I interacted with someone alive, so if.... I apologize for the disgust that I caused when touching you." She takes a few steps back and turns around with a red face, are these really NPCs too? It is illogical that I see NPCs so 'alive' in the domain of death, even my girls don't act like her.

"You have nothing to worry about, I appreciate the help but I am not lost I am an adventurer and I came on my own my name is Leonhard by the way." I approach her and offer her my hand in greeting, showing her that I don't mind. She takes my hand with a red face, this time I feel the heat emanating from it so clearly she is alive too.

"Nice to meet you too Leonhard, my name is Kirkena from Geffenia, although I'm not an Elf, I have some blood from them but I consider myself a Norman just like you." She bows when she just introduced herself... I just remembered that I have to distribute underwear to all the girls, they easily show everything by making simple movements, a pity that Kirkena is more petite although when she turns around she does have a good ass to reward her.

We talked for a while, about Geffenia, Geffen and Midgarts, after a little time Ruri appeared and joined the chat taking my hand without letting go the whole time we were talking, after a while Kirkena does the same with my other hand. I don't notice jealousy or anything like that from either of them, but mysteriously neither of them let go of my hands, they don't do anything else and so we continue talking for a long time.

I spent 3 more days in the place, Although the experience was somewhat strange, and I'm not talking about sleeping in practically the underworld, but because of both girls, Ruri apparently doesn't get much immunized by physical contact, for which he even slept 2 days with me, the first in a normal way and the second completely naked.

Of course, being a gentleman, I didn't do anything with her... well we didn't really have sex but I practically know almost all the parts of her body, and I must say that how the hell does her suit work, when she's dressed she looks like a flat chested tomboy, but that's a lie, she has very good curves under her clothes.

Kikerna on the other hand, didn't stay that far behind, sleeping 3 days with me completely naked from the beginning, arguing something about the clothes preventing her from feeling mana correctly, thanks to them Ruri stopped wearing clothes the second day, and unlike Ruri, who is still very innocent, Kirkena was somewhat more direct in her advances, although I did not cross the line with her either.

What really surprised me is that they both act normal, without looking like NPCs, At first I didn't think much, just a few touches here and there, where they only blushed a little in the case of Ruri, or put in a better position in the case of Kirkena, but everything changed the more I did with them.

I still feel responsible for corrupting someone as innocent as Ruri but I already did it, and she ended up being addicted to pleasure masturbating and blowjob me almost all day, so quickly Kirkena and I put rules for her. I never thought to see what happens in Hentai happen in real life the only good thing is that she learned to only do it in front of me, something that apparently she memorized.

And who am I kidding, I'm a bit afraid of having sex with them... that they end up as robots, I want to think that they are normal women, everything I did with them shows the opposite, but the more I see them interact in a normal way with me, the more I am afraid to discover that they are simple minded NPCs, If I don't take care of this soon, I'll probably end up with a psychological problem.

Of course I didn't spend the 3 days pleasing the girls and teaching them to please me, I also go killing monsters in the valley, raising my Archbishop job to the maximum, then I say my goodbyes to them and ask Kirkena to transport me back to Umbala. They showed a sad face when I was leaving so I promised to visit them again.

'Why the hell do I feel like they didn't want to be separated from me? Next time I'll try my luck with them, I can't escape this forever, I only hope they don't have to pray to have kids too.' After a few kises, hugs and promises, I'm finally back in Umbala.