
Ragnarock The Creator's Epic

This is the story of the Creator and his adventures with his creations. Come with me on this adventure to find out what unlikely situations our main character will end up in while discovering what kind of galactic chaos he unknowingly created. . . . This is an old story I wrote with a few chapters... I don't know if the quality is good but better than letting it sit in the depths of my computer

God_Eyes_2975 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

S Rank Quest

(One image representing the chapter is going to be posted in the comments by the Autor)



In the middle of a room lit by some rays of light that passed through the room, we can see pieces of armor set against a wall on top of a bed, a boy with golden hair and green eyes was resting, he began to move in bed, showing complete laziness.

A few minutes later the young man decided that it was time to get out of bed, he then without hesitation put on his armor and put on his sword that accompanied him everywhere.

It was amazing how the weapon had held up in the battle against Akshram too bad this companion was already worn out and old after so much use "Maybe I'll make a request to Arthur to restore my weapon… It shouldn't be difficult for him… as he is a God… I think…" he said as he placed his weapon on his waist and remembered his battle against the God of Destruction.

Oliver placed his hand on his arm it was a strange feeling since he had lost his arm in that bloody battle 'It must have been Arthur who got my arm back… it really is amazing the power of a divine being' thanked the young man in his mind as he walked out of his room and down the stairs to the tavern's primary floor.

Arriving on this floor Oliver was speechless as he saw more than 60 people spread across the tavern floor, some were covered by bottles others were asleep on barrels a sight that left Oliver speechless until he looked at the tavern counter where the Creator was eating his lunch.

Oliver found that strange as he is the only one standing there, what happened, were questions that hovered in his mind so the young man was approaching Arthur while listening to the conversation he had with the old man.

"Sorry to tell you this Sir Arthur, but you owe me 3100 Septims of gold" said the old man.

"Pff" Arthur with what he heard spat everything he had in his mouth "What do you mean 3100" asked this one without remembering very well the night before.

"You may not remember, but you, along with those bottomless pits, drank the reserve of alcohol from my tavern and the others in the area," he said with a smile on his face.

"Shit… I don't remember a thing" said the old God putting his right hand on his head "better not offer drink next time" he thought of the mistake of the night before.

"And then how do you plan to pay? I accept the money in installments as it is not a normal amount" said the old man with concern in his voice.

Arthur then dumped his bag of gold onto the stall.

"Here, old man 3000 the rest I'll pay later" said the God while thinking about the debt and how to solve it.

"Good morning" Oliver said as he sat next to Arthur so the young man ordered breakfast from the owner of the establishment.

"Good Morning! Sleeping Beauty… hahaha" said Arthur jokingly.

Oliver just asked how he got all that money and what happened.

Arthur then told the story from the ranks up in the guild to the debt he now owed.

"What… My God… and now how are we going to pay the debt?" Oliver said as he finished his meal.

"Let's do an S rank mission, it will be a great way to train your GodSlayer skills" said Arthur finishing what was left of his breakfast.

"hmm…. Right is the easiest way to resolve this debt "said Oliver as he thought about what kind of skills he will gain from this 'training'.

"Old man we're going out for a few days on a mission" said Arthur as he watched the man finish counting the money while drooling over it.

"Yes of course don't worry your rooms will be kept as lovingly as possible" said the man to his best customer.

"Oliver all set to leave to go to the guild?" asked Arthur as he watched the young man rising from his chair.

"Can you repair my weapon?" Oliver said as he handed the artifact to the old God.

'Hmmm … a very interesting magic weapon I will repair it and make some improvements' then the God surrounded the weapon in a black energy and after a few seconds it came out new from within this energy "Here, it's like new" said Arthur handing it over, the sword.

"Thank you Arthur" Oliver then bowed in thanks.

The two friends without wasting any more time went to the guild where they went to the guild's quest board but there were no S rank quests.

"Strange" said Oliver "There are no S rank missions"

"Maybe they've all been completed," said Arthur.

"Are you looking for something?" said a man standing behind the youths.

"Oh... sir Alexander we're just looking for an S rank mission" said the old God as he looked at Alexander as if asking for something.

"If that's it, I have one for you... I think you'll be the best ones to do it... all the information is on paper" so Alexander handed the paper to Arthur and left the place.

"1100 Septims of gold the reward" was what Arthur read just passing the paper to Oliver.

"Go to the capital of the kingdom of Gaul and kill the fallen king of this destroyed kingdom" Oliver said as he looked at the sheet and finished.

"Is there a problem Oliver?" asked the Creator concerned about the young man.

"I-I… Gaul was where I was born until disaster struck and everyone around me died… thanks to a group of adventurers I was saved and came to this realm and became an adventurer" Oliver said as he gripped the scroll very tightly. 'So that's what happened on that SHIT day' thought the young man feeling disturbed.

"Perhaps this is the best way to get rid of your past demons" said Arthur as he walked out of the Guild.

"Yes… I will avenge everyone who died that day" a tear seemed to run down Oliver's face, but soon he wiped it away as he followed behind the black haired man who was in front of him.

"Revenge is never full, it kills the soul and poisons it" muttered the Creator as he thought about this cycle, he had seen many cycles of revenge, children kill parents and so on he didn't want to see this with Oliver.

"Let's buy a map, don't think about it too much boy" said the creator.

So the two go to the nearest cartography shop and buy a map of the continent as well as a compass.

The two young men went to the city gates where they were stopped by a guard.

Apparently the city's security was tighter than usual.

"Wait. Reasons for leaving town?" asked the guard.

Oliver then handed the mission paper to the guard who was immediately surprised as it was not normal to see adventurers doing S rank missions "What's with security so tight" asked Oliver as he looked into his eyes.

"It's the time of the great harvest and to prevent bandits from coming in and out we have to search everyone" said the young guard as he made way for the two warriors in front of him "I hope you are successful in your mission" said the soldier saying goodbye to the two .

"Thank you" replied the two and began their adventure to the country of Gaul.

After several hours of travel and a few stops to rest, and after a few more hours of Oliver's training with Arthur our two heroes were on a bridge where five statues and a demon could be seen, Arthur didn't understand until Oliver foreshadowed about the Subject.

"The five heroes" Oliver said pointing to the statues.

"Who are they?" asked the Creator without understanding.

"These five statues represent the five heroes who fought in the holy war against the Demon King who had dominated much of the continent, the five heroes together managed to bring this demon to ruin, but with one consequence… Each of them was cursed in a different way. different, making these legends die a slow and horrible death" Oliver said as he remembered that old story that older adults told him to try to scare him.

"They must have been great warriors when they were alive that I'm sure" said Arthur as he looked at Oliver again "How long until we reach the capital of the fallen kingdom of Gaul?" asked the old God.

"About three days," Oliver said.

"Then let's continue with your training during this time" said Arthur leaving the place.

Oliver then looked one last time at the statues and ran after Arthur thus disappearing into the middle of the forest with his friend.