
Ragnar Thorson

I don't know. just thought of the story, and wrote but do enjoy

Iviwe_Mzimba_9747 · TV
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5 Chs


Later that night...

Ragnar could be seen cuddling a glass of whiskey, siting by the open window being over shadowed by the full moon present that night.

" Tell me Elijah, Am I same sort of joke to you and your brother?" asked Ragnar." What do you mean?" asked Elijah." First you tell me my wife is lost at sea, ask for my help to deal with Klaus, allow him to live at his most vulnerable moment, wait for me to awake than tell me, you have been lied too. That my wife is still safe in a matter of speaking. Why don't you just rip out my heart while you at it, then turn around and go fuck yourself." said Ragnar." Brother..." as Elijah was about to respond he was cut off by Ragnar" Elijah, you do realise that you massed up my chance to be reunited with my wife, I've worked for all this time clearing up Klaus enemies, so that you can fuck it all up, right. Your sister, my wife lays daggered at this very moment because I was helping you during that time. Get out I don't have the patience to deal with you." said Ragnar as he watch Elijah leave the room.

He looks towards the moon and seems deep in thought thinking about the simpler times in his life before all this nonsense began...

( Flash Back)

Ragnar and Rebekah could be seen cuddling next to an open fire while watching the night sky..."Sing something for me my love" says Rebekah," Do you love my voice that much? my sweet" asked Ragnar." It soothes me my love " responds Rebekah," Ok let me think of something, while I do that just rest there and look pretty, alright I got it.

~ I could hold out my arms, say, " I love you this much"

I could tell you how long I will long for your touch

How much and how far would I go to prove

The depth and the breadth of my love for you?

From here to the moon and back

Who else in this world will love you like that?

Love everlasting, I promise you that

From here to the moon and back

From here to the moon and back

I want you to know, you can always depend

On promises made and love without end

No need to wonder hoe faithful I'll be

Now and on into eternity

From here to the moon and back

Who else in this world will love you like that?

Forever and Always, I'll be where you're at

From here to the moon and back

From here to the moon and back

I would blow you a kiss from the star where I sat

I would call out your name to echo through the vast

Thank heaven for you and to God, tip my hat

From here to the moon and back

And I'll spend forever just proving that fact

From here to the moon and back

From here to the moon and back ~

" That was beautiful, My love, leads head home" said Rebekah holding back tears " And it was from I to you, come let's head home my sweet." said Ragnar. They went home, made sweet, sweet love and cuddled for the rest of the following day.

( Flash back end)

" I will have you back in my arms my love" said Ragnar while his thinking was interrupted by a sudden knock at the door

" Brother, may I enter?" asked Elijah

" Enter..." said Ragnar with a firm voice.

" Brother, I will soon be heading out to clean after Niklaus." said Elijah

" Do as you wish..." responded Ragnar while sipping at his drink.


Two days later

" Niklaus, Have you come to enact your revenge for my betrayal?" asked Ragnar. " Well, you did betray me" said Klaus. " Than be a man about it, stop betting around the bush, mutt." said Ragnar while taking off his shirt. " Very well, brother" said Klaus. Than they run towards each other and began there clash( picture Yuri Boyka Vs George Iceman Chambers in Undisputed, Ragnar as Iceman and Klaus as Boyka)After breaking his leg Ragnar stands up and waits for Klaus to heal. Seeing as Klaus healed and got up " How do you wanna do this round bare still or armed" as he was getting ready for a fight again." You may wield a weapon, cause you gonna need it pretty soon." said Ragnar angrily as he saw Niklaus pulling out a dagger

The two began to approach each other, and Ragnar quick sends a punch against Klaus jaw, with rising the dagger to stab Ragnar who dodges to the side. As they circle around each other Nik smiles and positions the dagger with a backhand grip. Klaus slashes forward with the knife while Ragnar uses his forearm to block Klaus forearm, who quick spins the dagger around so that he can maneuver around Ragnar's guard.( Picture Cap vs Bucky fight after Bucky throw and ending when Cap kicked Bucky to the van but Picture Ragnar as Cap and Klaus as Bucky). Klaus seeing his getting his kicked whistled as if signalling for help. Ragnar quickly looked around to see who came but that was enough time for Klaus to dagger him." I don't fear death. As Death is always at our side, when we show fear it jumps at us faster than light, but if we do not show fear, it casts it's eye upon us gently and than guides us into infinity." says Ragnar as he thought this was the end as he has never be daggered before. He simply thought it was a spell casted upon the Mikealson to sleep for a time. " I'll see you soon brother in the great halls of Valhalla." said Ragnar as he desiccated with a smile on his face.