
Unresolved Problem.

Everyone in the room is quiet. Conrad can't think straight, as he is upset. He couldn't believe that is what they saw him as, someone who is weak. He was the prince of Algoria, and commoners who he saw as people below him saw him as someone who's weak. The more he thought about it the more he became furious. 

''How... dare...you. HOW DARE YOU!!''

''Your highness.'' Godfrey interrupts ''You should calm down, sir.''

Conrad rushes out the room and bangs the door shut. Godfrey approaches the two boys lying in bed.

''You two, do you know why or who attacked you?'' 

''I can't say I do; I didn't recognize them from around the city.'' Apollo mentions.

''I know, they were looking for me.''

''What?! why?!''

''Those guys are slave traders, and I was one of their slaves. A few months ago, I escaped and killed one their men. They probably came here kill me as revenge.''

''Slave owners? Isn't that illegal?''

''Yes, owning slaves has been illegal for decades now, but unfortunately it hasn't stopped some people. They still sell and buy slaves underground; they also take kids who haven't awakened their uncos yet.'' explains Godfrey.

''Wow, this is just crazy. So, Amari you've killed a man huh? Cool.'' Apollo shows him a thumbs up.


''Amari, I would assume that you weren't the only slave that was there. Do you perhaps know or remember the location of their base?''

''I do.''

''That's good. You guys should rest for now. We'll talk about this to you guys later.''

Godfrey nods at Amari and exits the room.

''That guy... He's strong.'' Apollo points out.

''He is.'' 

''Why would a guy as strong as him be a butler.''

''I don't know.''

''Anyways, how did you do it?''

''Do what?''

''Kill a living human. How did you do it?''

''No, we should rest. I'm sleeping now.'' Amari puts himself in a comfortable sleeping position.


Amari doesn't reply and pretends to be asleep, after waiting a moment for a response Apollo decides to also fall asleep.


Godfrey walks into Conrad's room and finds him pacing restlessly around biting his nails. 

''Your Highness, is everything okay?''

''How dare they call me weak?!! I am the prince of Algoria!! I am of royal blood!! How dare a bunch of commoners regard me as weak!! Weak?! Me... weak?! I'm not a bit weak, tell you Godfrey!!''

''Your highness, do you want an honest answer or reassuring one?''

''I... I... Godfrey.''

''Sir you are indeed weak. But that doesn't mean you can't become strong.'' Godfrey touches his shoulder to calm him down.


''Don't worry sir, I'll help you with that.''

''Thank you, Godfrey.''

''Be the first to wake up in the morning.''


Godfrey bows and exits the room. Conrad is left with his thoughts, and he starts to regret what he said about his friends earlier. Truthfully, he knew he was weak he just didn't want to accept it; it was a first for him where someone actually made him realize that he was no weaker than everyone he considered as weak. 

Josef and Hilda enter the room and Hilda runs to Conrad with her arms open, while Josef calmly enters.

''My Son!! Godfrey told us everything. Are you okay?! Did you get hurt anywhere?!! Oh! my son! I don't know what I'd do if I lost you!'' she hugs him tightly.

''Mother I'm fine.'' 

''Oh! my son!''

''Conrad, what were you doing outside palace grounds?''


''You heard me boy!!''

''Josef!! we almost lost our boy and you're thinking about that?''

"If he stayed in the palace like we told him to we wouldn't be in this predicament.''

''Just leave him be, can't you see he is in shock.''

Apollo removes himself from the hug and steps towards his father.

''Father, I'm sorry for breaking house rules. I'll accept any punishment handed to me.'' 

''Conrad?'' Hilda utters.

''Damn right you will, and who are these boys they say you were with?''

''They didn't do anything; this was something I put together. I'm truly sorry father.''

Josef starts losing his composure and temper, he exits the room while murmuring something while he bangs the door shut behind him. The bang echoes through the whole passage.

''Son... don't worry about your father, he was just worried about you as much as I was.''


''You should get some rest.'' Hilda hugs him and kisses his forehead than leaves the room. Conrad jumps on his bed and starts thinking about everything that has happened.

Later that day, Apollo's family was brought to the palace by a carriage accompanied by Godfrey.

''Apollo never told us he was friends with the Prince Conrad.'' Apollo's mother declares.

''Really, his highness talks so much about him, how he is a free spirit and how genuine their friendship is.''

''Oh really? a free spirit you say?'' 

''Yes, he always challenges his highness in everything.''

''Challenge you say? I really hope that Apollo doesn't step out of line with the prince.'' she gives a forced smile while squeezing her husband's hand.

''My love, you're hurting me.''

''It's fine ma'am, he isn't doing anything out of line.'' Godfrey awkwardly smiles trying to break the tension.

Before they enter through the gate on of the Royal guards comes to monitor the people I the car.

''I tell you this place is pretty nice.'' Apollo's dad admires the palace garden as he looks outside the carriage window.

''Could you act normal, you're embarrassing me in front of these high-class people.'' Apollo's whispers.

''Like they would care about you in the first place!'' 

She hits him on the shoulder, then smiles at Godfrey as if nothing has happened. The carriage finally arrives at the front door of the palace. One of the butlers opens the door for them. They get out the carriage and are immediately amazed by the size and design of the palace. They walk up a row of stair until they get reach the big brown door that's has golden patterns around it.

Godfrey opens the door and allows the couple to enter first, they both smile excitement as they enter the palace.

''How many people have said they get to enter the palace?'' Apollo's mom whispers

''You and I, that counts right?''

''Most definitely, I know the ladies back home are going to be jealous!!''

They hold one another as they walk through the passageway, they look at the different face statues and paintings of the kings and queens from before. The finally arrive to a room and Godfrey offers them a seat.

''Wow the couches are so comfy.'' 

''Yeah, they are huh?''

Josef and Hilda enter the room.

''Mr. and Mrs. Andino, welcome to our home.'' 

''The... the... your majesty!!'' Mrs. Andino takes a quick bow, but her husband doesn't as he isn't aware. She slaps his thigh so that he does the same.

''Oh please. No need for that now, we would like to apologize if we made you wait too long.'' Josef goes to shake the father's hand then mother's, Hilda follows suit.

''Don't sweat it, we also just came here.'' 

Mrs. Andino pinches her husband after saying that. Then looks at him with scary eyes.

''I apologize for my casual tone your highness.'' 

''It's okay we personally don't mind it since we aren't in public. Well then, shall we sit down?''

The four parents sit down to discuss what happened to three boys. Apollo's parents were worried but were then reassured that he is safe. After the Andinos were up to date the parents went to talk to their children. Josef sends Godfrey to call Conrad to the medical room where Apollo and Amari were. As the four were walking towards the room Mrs. Andino realized something...

''Excuse me your highness?"

''Yes, Mrs. Andino.''

''You mentioned that there were three of them, but I haven't seen his parents with us, is it that you already spoke to his parents?''

''Oh? about the third kid... they said he has no parents. He used to be one of the slaves that under those men we spoke about.'' responds Josef.

Mrs. Andino looked terrified by that fact, she loved kids and things like that broke her heart. Mr. Andino noticed that she was heartbroken and hugs her to comfort her. 

''That boy. Why would someone want to do that to a child.''

''I don't know my love... I don't know.''