
New Friends.

''Okay kid go take a seat somewhere.''

Amari goes to the last row by the window and takes a seat at the third desk from behind, which was the only desk that was free in the row. He feels the eyes of other students following him to his seat, he still remained composed regardless.

''Okay class, today we'll be talking about the difference between Mana and Uncos. Does anyone know the difference?''

One girl raises her hand and Mr. Ohara gives allows her to answer.

''The difference is that Mana is used to control amount of uncos that is released and uncos is the results of your mana.''

''You have the right idea of it, but I'll be explaining in depth in the following lesson...''

Finally, after hours of focusing on class, it was finally time for the students to eat lunch. The moment the bell rang students started dashing out the classroom before the teacher even dismissed them. 

Amari along with a few students are still in the class. Amari pays no attention to them and focuses on the book he has to read.

''You're really going to read during break?''

One of the boys who sit at the back of the classroom appears over Amari's shoulder. Amari just stares at him without responding.

''Oh, my bad, name's Maverick.''


''You... you can come and chill with us at the lunch center.''

''No, I prefer reading my book.''

''That's lame, you have the rest of the day to read that book.''

''I said I don't want to.''

''I see how it is...''

Maverick leaves Amari alone and leaves the classroom. The other students have already left the classroom which left Amari alone reading his book.

''Before I leave, I have to tell you something. They all die.''

Amari looks at him confused.

''The main characters in that book, they all die.''

He finally leaves the classroom. Amari stops with reading and stares aimlessly at the book. He leaves it on the desk on the desk and goes to the lunch center.

He follows the loud noise made by the students from the lunch center and he finally gets there. As soon as he walks in the room, the noise the students were making suddenly stops and they all stare at him.

''What's wrong with his hair?!'' someone whispers out loud.

Some of the kids start snickering. Amari scans through the room looking for the kid that invited him.

''Yo!! Over here!'' Maverick waves his hands to gain his attention.

Amari goes to join Maverick and his friends. He walks past a group of boys, and they start bursting into laughter. And he finally arrives at the table they are sitting at.

''Ay Mav, why you embarrassing us man?'' one the boys ask. 

''Come on guys, he looks like a good guy.''

Some people on the table start to murmur.

''It's okay, I'll leave.''

''Nah nah nah you don't have to leave; I swear they don't mind. Right guys?''

''I don't mind.'' one of the boys reply in a feminine voice.

He is sitting on the other side of the table, between the other two that were complaining. Everyone on the table is eating and the boy on the far end of the table notices that Amari doesn't have any food.

''Why don't you get yourself a plate?''

''I'm not hungry.''

''What? It's humane for you?''

''Kenneth, calm yourself.'' Maverick interrupts.

''It was just a question.''

Maverick shakes his head in disapproval.

''My bad.''

Maverick turns his focus to Amari and puts his hand on his shoulder while grinning.

''Let me introduce you to the crew...

''Kenneth, He's our crazy brother, AKA Mad dog.''

''Johnny, he's our young brother.''

''Shylo, He's quiet most of the time, but his presence is never forgotten.''

''And Milo... where's Milo? I think he's still waiting in line. He is our funny brother.''

After introducing the group, Maverick goes on to finish his lunch. Milo finally joins everyone while carrying a trey full of his food. 

''Yo! Amari, right?''


 ''Milo... what the fuck is wrong with your hair?''

The other three burst in laughter.

''Milo... come on now.'' Maverick insists. 

''What? it's a genuine question.'' 

''Not like that.''

''Damn, okay man, my bad.''

''Thank you. But he's right though, what is wrong with your hair?''

They start laughing again, but Maverick stops them with a glare. 

''Nothing is wrong is with my hair.''

''You don't say...'' Kenneth whispers

''What do you mean, nothing's wrong?''

''Why are you people interested in my hair?''

''Because it looks messy and funny. That's why people are laughing at you. Have you... ever thought of cutting it?''

''I'm not cutting my hair!'' 

''Woah chill, we're just trying to help you buddy, I don't think you'd like people laughing at you about it.''

''I'm not cutting my hair and my decision is final.''

''At least keep it clean, because it looks 'out of place' if one would say.'' Johnny adds.

''I was told I will do that after school.''

''Okay that's good... because I don't know what you think you got going on up there, because it's not working.'' Maverick starts laughing.

They all start laughing, except Amari. They finish their lunch and go back to class. He met all his subject teachers. The classes went by fast after Amari made friends, they would goof around at the back of the class after they finished their work.

The final bell finally rings, and everyone packs their books quickly as they are happy to finally go home. 

''Okay class don't forget to bring your outdoor kits tomorrow, we'll be doing be doing physical work.'' 

''Yes sir!'' the class responds.

''Yo, let's go man.''

The group was already waiting for Amari, he finished packing his bag and they left class.

''Do you walk home?'' Maverick asks.


''Okay, you should cancel your driver next time, we'll take you home.''

''Why would I want to do that?''

''Because it's fun. And everyone here walks home.''

''That's because we stay in one house.'' Kenneth states.

''Yeah, that too, but you're our friend now and we want you to walk with us.''

''Come on Amari, wouldn't hurt walking with us.'' Johnny also begs him.



''I will if you tell me why.''

''Why what?''

''Why do you guys want me to be your friends, you guys don't even know me.''

''I don't know... just a hunch.''

''A hunch?''

''Yeah, Mavericks hunches are like future sight, they're always right.'' 



Amari sees his carriage waiting for him by the gate along with other carriages, they came to fetch the students in rich families. Maxwell waves at Amari and he wave back, he says goodbye to his friends and goes to his carriage.

''Damn, with hair like that you wouldn't think he goes home in something like that.''


Amari enters the carriage and Nana is waiting for him with a bag full of clothes, they both greet another.

''I bought you some clothes to change, you can't be wearing those old things.''

He nods at her.

''When someone gives you a gift or does something for you, you say thank you. To show your appreciation.''

''Yes madame.''

''Say thank you...''

''Thank you, madame.''

''Don't call me madame, I'm Nana to you.''

''Yes Nana.''

They silently sit while the carriage is moving through the city. Amari notices that they aren't going the direction of where the house is.

''Where are we going?''

''The salon, to fix whatever that is.'' she claims as she points at his hair.

It wasn't long until they stopped, and Maxwell announces that they have arrived at the salon. Amari and Nana get off the carriage and the street is filled with women, and men on horses, it's not as busy the entertainment district but it has its own share of people.

They both cross the street and enter a purple-pink building with a big poster advertising '' Sharon's Salon.'' in front of it. The walk in the building and everyone looks at them.

''Oh... my... gods, Ms. Stephenson, what have you brought for us.'' A woman appears out of nowhere and grabs on Amari's hair while loudly chewing her gum.

Everyone in the Salon starts shaking their heads in disappointment of what they're seeing

''As you can see ladies, we've got a major problem here, will you be able to fix it?''

''You came to the right place ma'am. Don't worry honey we'll save you, okay?'' she looks at Amari with concern.

''He doesn't want to cut it though.''

''You can cut, not all of it.''

''Are you sure? You really don't have to.''

''... Yeah, I'm sure.''

The lady starts immediately with Amari, even though she was busy with a client, the client understood the situation. Nana waited with the other ladies, and they all started talking and gossiping about their lives.

After hours of washing and attending the hair she finally finished with his hair and made it look more neater and shorter afro. 

''Now that's better. You look handsome now.'' One of the ladies' comments.

After a long day they finally get home and change to more comfortable clothes, Nana warms the food that was already cooked by the Maide and plates it for the two of them. And they start feasting.

''May I ask you a question?''


''What made you decide you want to cut your hair? because this morning you seemed determined to refuse my offer.''


''You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.''

''Because I met new friends today.''

''That's it?'' 


''New friends huh?... Okay.'' She shrugs then carries on eating her food.