
Rage's curse

In a bid to save our people I fear my ancestors went too far and now it is up to me to pay the price Centuries ago we were faced with the greatest battle we had ever known . The battle that defined us today. Three kings sat in the cave contemplating their options.They had been out numbered several times in the course of the war.Sitting here right now they had nothing but hope which was quickly diminishing by the hour . Never had the three of them face an enemy so powerful.When it all started all but one of them believed it to be a little skirmish nothing to worry about . But within a short period the little skirmish had grown to become a full blown threat Two of the other kingdoms that had been in the alliance with them had been anailated . Their enemy spared none from the youngest child to the oldest person were all killed. The sight of the place was terrifying even to grown men. Unborn children were ripped from ripped out of their mothers womb.It was a horrible sight no one would forget. In that very cave a creature was born in blood and fire and in that cave my fate was sealed

Rina_Jeg · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


Last night was the most strange night of my life. I simply could not explain what happened and it made me scared. I had underestimated how tired I was because I fell asleep in the tub. I was fast asleep and slipping further into the tub when a large warm hand dragged me up.

The force pulled me into a sitting position, and gave me the feeling that some hadp entered my room but when I looked around there was no one. I quickly got out of the tub and got dressed only to find a hand print on my arm. I paled instantly it was the very same arm that had been pulled in my sleep. Running to the windows I found them securely locked the same for the door. I peaked outside. The hallway was empty, I locked the door and paced around the room with wondering what had happened suddenly my heart stopped, running a the bed I checked for my money and found it intact. Not a coin was missing, at this I felt like I could breath again. I sat on the floor trying to catch my breath. There was nothing in the room to indicate the presence of another person nothing but the hand print on my arm. Just then I heard footsteps from down the hallway, quickly I hid my money pouch, grabbed my cloak and an unused candle holder. The footsteps moved closer and closer until it stopped in front of my door and there was a knock.

I swallowed and opened the door with my heart in my mouth only to meet the workers in the inn that had brought the tub to my room.

They apologized for not coming to get the tub on time and disturbing my sleep after which they took the tub and left.

I slept with one eye open throughout the rest of the night waking up with any slight noise. I had never been happier to see daybreak.

The events of last night made me want to find work as soon as possible so I could leave the inn. So I waited until when most shops would be open and started looking for work. I saw different establishments that needed workers but I rejected them for different reasons. One of the places was a very large house belonging to a prominent trader, the pay sounded nice and the work was something I grew up doing but the butler kept trying to look down my dress, so it was rejected. Another place was a tarvarn but the patrons treated the girls working there badly and the owner did nothing to stop it. This happened during the day how much worse was it going to be at night when it got busy so I rejected as well. I went into some shops but I could not do the work some wanted while some were sketchy. By the end of the day I went into a small restaurant to eat, I ordered my meal and started eating with my head down. It was the only thing I had eaten all day and I was starving. After a few bits I slowed down, the food at the inn tasted better but I just had more make do. I started thinking about things, I was not expecting to find work right away so I was not disappointed that I did not find something to do. I calculated everything I had spent and what I had left. I found that I still had enough money to last me along time. Perhaps I could even start a business but who would want to trade with someone so young and what could I sell. My thoughts continued to expand the idea of trading but a I was about to finish eating I overheard two women from a table close to me saying that the castle was planning to recruit servants and that the recruitment day was the day after tomorrow. This quickly drew my attention and I listened carefully to what they were saying, soon they finished their meal and left, I left as well.

On getting to my inn I paid for two extra nights before going up to my room as I had already eaten. I thought about it some more. Working at the castle. It would certainly pay well and should provide free accommodation. This would give me more funds to startup a trade. The more I thought about it the more I liked it so before sleeping I decided that tomorrow I would locate the castle so I could apply.

I took a swift bath in the public bathroom before leaving the inn. I had my morning meal, then left for the castle. I used the opportunity to look around, the capital was different from where I had grown up but it was a lovely place as far as I had seen. I eventually found my way to the castle. Taegoria keep. It was intimidating from afar and was still intimidating when close to it. I noted the time it would take from the inn to the castle, noted that a public carriage was available to shorten the time it would take and then headed back to the inn where I rested and prepared for the next day.

I made sure to wake up early and took a quick bath before leaving. I walked swiftly to the park, took a public carriage heading towards the direction of the castle. When I got there I was let in through the servants gate as soon as I told the guards my reason for coming. Although I was early, there was already a small crowd gathered by the time I arrived. As it was not yet time I found a place to stand and waited. Over time more people came, I also saw the women from whom I had heard the recruitment notice. Quite some time later, an elderly man and woman walked into the yard where we were waiting it was already well past time we were supposed to start. As soon as they arrived, they pointed out some people and directly eliminated them. My heart started racing at this. Why had they been eliminated. On a closer look, I saw that some of them were dirty, some had been noisy while we waited but two of them were neither dirty nor noisy I thought, but just then a group of armed guards marched into the yard and arrested that particular group of people. They searched them and shocked exclamations came from everyone around. The search produced some peoples money pouches, small jewelry and even some ornaments that had been used to decorate the yard we were standing in. I had been looking around and had not even noticed any sort of suspicious behavior, but I did not have time to dwell on that because after the guards arrested those people the elderly woman spoke.

"Gather around. My name is Narla, I am the head servant in charge of the castle and here by my side is the royal butler". She said gesturing to the man who came out with her. "As you can see, here we do not tolerate thieves, gossips or lazy people. This is to serve as your only warning". She declared in a strict voice looking at everyone.

"Now, you all will be required to carry out various tasks after which it will be determined those who have been selected and those that have been eliminated along side other relevant information. I believe that you will conduct yourselves properly". She finished with a stern look.

And with that we were given various tasks to perform, turn by turn we washed, cooked, cleaned and by the time we were gathered together again in the evening I felt like I was about to fall over from exhaustion.

The first thing we did before any of the tasks was to have numbers assigned to us, by which we were recognized. Shockingly, the numbers were in accordance with our arrival at the castle, this meant that we were being monitored the entire time. I stood up straight at this. They started calling the numbers and soon my number was called, my heart was pounding as I stepped out, some other numbers were called after mine and then they stopped.

After there called the last number, the head servant stepped up and said, much to my relief

"Those whose numbers were called move to the side and submit your information to the available persons as for the rest, thank you for your time but you do not meet our requirements".

A bit of grumbling followed that announcement but the remaining people gradually dispersed. I and the others were required to provide personal information like name, age, province of origin, names of relatives and such. We were stationed in various areas of work some were to serve in the kitchens, stables, I along with some others were stationed as cleaning maids. We were also informed on our wages and how they would be paid, the rules and regulations of the castle as well as the sanctions for breaking them.

When I heard how much we were going to be paid I almost jumped for joy. Even without a promotion I could easily save more than my parents entire lifesaving in just a year and six months. This was possible because, the castle would provide accommodation as well as feeding, plus I would be wearing a uniform most of the time and I had no one to take care of but myself so what would I use such a large amount of money for. I could save towards owing a business.

The sheer joy from knowing how much we were to be paid took away every bit of exhaustion I had previously felt. I was almost dancing on the street as I left. The head servant had given us a maximum of two day to resume work so I decided to resume the very next day. My payment forrheroom at the inn ended today and to me it simply did not make sense to pay for an extra night when I had a free option available.

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