

FEBRUARY 27th, 2022


It all happened so fast—like a blur spinning across my face trying to glance at a single point. I was with Rafael in the training hall. We've been training constantly...he's been training constantly. I felt broken—not myself. I escaped tyranny only to fall back under its clutches. I believed that it was what I deserved. It boiled up inside me and was going to overflow.

And then it just happened. I don't remember if I first saw it or heard the scream—but my memory tells me that it was the scream that first caught my attention. I turned and saw a wall of flame envelop another player—that scream roared from their body as they were engulfed in seconds. Instantly my heart kickstarted me to movement.

Rafael caught me by the hair and yanked me back. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his back was turned toward the fire—he hadn't noticed it yet. I pulled hard to break his grip, but he pulled harder too. I didn't see him as he died, but I felt the warmth chase my back as he let go finally. I kept running, remembering that the time that showed on the wall must be close to expiring.

My eyes opened wide as I realized that it was a time limit for us to expire. Fuck Fuck Fuck. I had to make it to the second floor. Maybe there was still time.

I crossed the street and saw Glory Park off to my right. Up above in the sky was a purplish haze that looked like a sort of rift. It started to fade and as I passed the park I found the teleport pad. The fire was gaining on me, and fast. I stepped on and instantly saw the forest grow around me.

Up above I saw a gigantic dragon with multiple heads. It's black body looked much too heavy to be airborne, but there it was. Fire erupted from its gaping mouths, sending the forest into a blazing frenzy just like the first floor. One of the heads roared wildly and the purplish haze emitted from its mouth, creating the rift I saw before. It flew inside and vanished.

It can travel between floors? Oh god. I couldn't stop moving. I had to find the way through and I had to do it now. I leaped over an overturned tree and covered my arm across my face. The smoke was starting to pour out in droves. My eyes started to water—it all felt so real. I almost tripped over another stump because I couldn't see it in the thick haze as the smoke continued to billow out from all sides. It got so warm around me I couldn't help but cough. I picked up my pace and ran face first into the barrier. The glassy substance still stood firm. I pounded on it twice, trying to break through.

I looked up at the numbers that showed on the face: 00:00:00

No. I was too late. I started to scream, slamming my fist on the wall. "LET ME THROUGH. NO PLEASE. OH GOD." I felt the heat sliding up my back, and as I threw my fist back to slam it down once again it caught in the flames. An intense, searing pain drove my hand down to the wall. I screamed a ghastly sound and felt the fire inside my arm. My screams deepened and I fell on my face. This is it, this is the end. This is the—

I fell on my face. Something that shouldn't have been possible with the barrier right in front of me. I opened my eyes, and I was staring ahead to green grass—trees not burnt to a crisp, and a bright blue sky.

Confused, I looked back and saw the barrier was behind me—oranges and reds pulsed behind it as the fire raged. The sky was a blood red. I was breathing heavy and coughed a bitter scraping against my throat.

That was when I looked at my arm. It looked like a black, charred mess. And...is that...bone? I turned to the side and threw up. It was as seamless as any, but it was definitely a bone. It didn't hurt any, but I think that scared me more. I couldn't move my fingers, but my arm moved with enough effort. I found I couldn't bend my elbow either—it just sat there, limp.

This was not happening. It was just a bad dream and I'm going to wake up back with Rafael—still trapped by that bastard but at least I'll have my arm.

I opened my eyes, and everything was quiet. It was real. I tried to lift my arm to reach my sword—to see if I could still manage, but it was useless. I tried to pull it out with my right arm. It felt foreign, way too heavy, and like I'd sooner break my wrist than cut anything.

I sheathed Wo Dao and took in a deep breath. I could feel the ash still in the back of my throat. There was nothing else for me to do but walk. I'd have to keep walking or I would die. I would have to keep breathing or I would die.

I may die after all that, but if I kept walking...