
Radiant Sun

Alone they can do little, but together, they can withstand anything. Starr Turnabout is a peppy young girl who has just moved to Sun City, and her family moved into the nice suburb community called Dogwood Corner. Starr, find a handful of friends with bright personalities, which is just what she needs; after a rough past, a heart of gold is something she holds. Gifted to her was a Golden Light Crystal when called to it, the crystal lends her its powers, and she becomes a Guardian of Light and uses her Sun Reaper to defeat the darkness.

Candy215 · Fantasia
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5 Chs


Swords; clash against each other, "Sir we can't hold them back the Shadoe Kingdom is gaining on us." The man stood tall, looking over his fallen team rain fallen on the bloodied battlefield; "Call for the Guardians!" Four heroes stand before the battlefield, "Luminous Radiation!" all calling the same saying. A young knight stopped and watched as the light forming around the heroes pushed threw the enemy forces, "Captain what is that?" he stopped long enough to clutch his side, and the wound oozed over. "That my young knight is the power of the Light Crystals. Standing alone the power is weak but together they can defeat the darkness. Plus, that is only half the power, there are eight of these guardians who protect the Kingdom of Light from the Shadoe Kingdom."

The man licked his lips from the sweat and blood running down them. The four heroes run on the battlefield and made it to the Shadoe Prince, "This ends here!" The prince laughed, "As long as there is sin in the world the Shadoe Kingdom will always return from the darkness." With a thud, the prince's head rolled down towards the Light Kingdom's soldiers. The men and women cheer, and the guards hold their Light Crystals. "It is too dangerous to keep them all here, we must send them to a safe place." The second hero clinched her fist, "Then we must do what is right."The leader turns to the crowd, "Brothers and Sisters of our knighthood. We four of the Light Guardians have decided to send our Light Crystals to the safest place one place where the darkness won't reach them." The crystals started to spin and take off. Turning the bodies that have used them for centuries into ash. The last four knights came to the ashes of their fellow knights nodding they send theirs off as well joining them into the afterlife. The bloodied field was silent as the fog began to settle on the land.Those who are chosen are picked because they stand out, their hearts are like beacons in the darkness. Alone they can do little but together they can withstand anything.