
Chapter 3 : Land of Wave Mission

Tazuna and the Intimidating Team 7

The Hokage's office, bathed in the warm light of the afternoon sun, was filled with an air of anticipation. Team 7 stood before the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, their presence demanding attention. Naruto, clad in a distinctive blue vortex outfit with a katana strapped to his side, radiated a confident yet sharp demeanor. Beside him, Sakura's serene yet intense gaze spoke volumes, and Sasuke's quiet strength exuded a sense of calm readiness. Kakashi, their enigmatic leader, stood with his usual composed yet alert stance.

Hiruzen surveyed the team with a discerning eye, appreciating the progress they had made under Kakashi's guidance. "You have been performing well in your recent missions, and it's time for you to take on something more challenging. This mission involves escorting Tazuna, a bridge builder, to the Land of Waves. Kakashi, it was a wise choice to take on this mission."

Kakashi nodded, his visible eye crinkling slightly with approval. "Thank you, Hokage-sama. We're ready for the challenge."

As they exited the Hokage's office and made their way to the village gate, the team was approached by a grizzled man. Tazuna, the bridge builder, looked at them with a mix of caution and curiosity. His gaze lingered on each member of Team 7, noting their imposing statures and sharp temperaments.

"Uh, hello there. You must be the shinobi assigned to escort me," Tazuna stammered, adjusting his glasses nervously.

Naruto, with a curt nod, responded, "That's right, old man. We're Team 7. We'll make sure you get to the Land of Waves safely."

Sakura's serene yet intense demeanor and Sasuke's silent confidence added to the formidable presence of the group. Tazuna swallowed hard, sensing the strength and capability of these shinobi.

Kakashi's eye crinkled into what might have been a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Tazuna-san. You're in good hands."

Realizing it was best not to test the patience of these clearly capable shinobi, Tazuna nodded quickly. "Thank you. I'm counting on you all."

Preparation for the Journey

Before embarking on their mission to the Land of Waves, Team 7 took the time to carefully prepare their supplies. Each member approached the task with the precision and seriousness that the journey demanded. Their preparations were thorough, reflecting their readiness for the challenges that lay ahead.

Naruto, dressed in his distinctive blue vortex outfit, was meticulous in his preparations. He laid out his katana and kunai, examining each weapon to ensure it was in perfect condition. He tested the sharpness of his katana, the blade gleaming under the light as he ran his thumb lightly along the edge. Satisfied with his weapons, he secured them in their respective sheaths, ready for quick access.

Sakura, with her calm and focused demeanor, took charge of the medical supplies. Her experience in medical ninjutsu made her the perfect person for the task. She organized a well-stocked first-aid kit, making sure it included bandages, antiseptic, and various medicinal herbs and ointments. Her hands moved quickly and efficiently, arranging the items in a compact, easy-to-carry pouch that could be accessed in an instant.

Sasuke, ever the perfectionist, sat sharpening his weapons with deliberate, precise movements. His kunai and shuriken gleamed as he honed their edges to a razor-sharp finish. He tested the balance of each weapon, ensuring they would fly true in the heat of battle. His expression was one of intense concentration, each motion a reflection of his dedication to excellence.

Kakashi, the experienced and composed leader, watched over his team's preparations with a critical eye. He offered occasional words of advice, his tone calm but authoritative. "Remember," he said, his voice carrying the weight of experience, "we're leaving the safety of the village. Stay vigilant and stick to the formation. We're not just guarding Tazuna; we're protecting each other. This is a team effort, and our strength lies in our unity."

With everything in order, Team 7 gathered their belongings and made their way to the village gates, the designated grouping point for their departure. As they approached the gates, the familiar sight of the village guards greeted them. The guards, dressed in standard Konoha attire, stood at attention, their expressions a mix of professionalism and curiosity as they observed the departing shinobi.

Kakashi, the last to pass through the gates, offered a brief but meaningful farewell. "Take care of the village. We'll handle things on our end."

With that, Team 7 stepped beyond the gates, leaving the safety of Konoha behind. The journey to the Land of Waves had officially begun, and each member was ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.

Encounter with Enemy Shinobi

The path leading away from Konoha was a winding trail flanked by dense forests, with the occasional clearing breaking the monotony of the tall trees. The air was thick with the sounds of nature, the rustle of leaves, and the distant calls of birds. It was in one such clearing that Team 7 first sensed the presence of enemy shinobi.

Kakashi, ever vigilant, was the first to notice. He raised a hand, signaling the team to halt. His single visible eye scanned the surroundings, and he gave a subtle nod, indicating that they were not alone. The rest of Team 7 immediately tensed, their senses heightened, ready for whatever lay ahead.

From the underbrush, two figures emerged. They were clad in the attire typical of shinobi, with headbands bearing the symbol of a neighboring village. Their movements were confident and precise, indicating that they were no novices—likely genin, or perhaps even low-level chunin. The air around them seemed to ripple with a palpable tension as they sized up Team 7.

Without a moment's hesitation, Team 7 slipped into a guarding formation around Tazuna, who stood bewildered at the sudden shift in their demeanor. Naruto and Sasuke moved to flank him on either side, their faces set in determined scowls. Sakura took her position at the rear, her eyes scanning for any signs of additional threats. Kakashi remained slightly ahead, his stance relaxed but ready, the very picture of calm before the storm.

The enemy shinobi exchanged glances, their confidence evident as they prepared to strike. One of them, a stocky figure with a sneer on his face, lunged forward, a kunai glinting in his hand. The other followed suit, his movements a blur of speed and aggression.

But before they could even get close, Kakashi blurred into action. In an instant, he was upon the stocky shinobi, his kunai pressed against the attacker's throat with a force that brooked no argument. The other shinobi, rushing forward, suddenly found himself staring down the sharp end of Sasuke's sword, the Uchiha's eyes cold and unwavering.

Naruto and Sakura maintained their positions, their expressions calm and resolute. Naruto's grip tightened on his katana, ready to strike at a moment's notice, while Sakura's eyes darted around, ensuring that no one would ambush them from behind. Their calm demeanor, even in the face of potential danger, was a testament to their training and their trust in each other and in Kakashi's leadership.

Tazuna, caught in the middle of the encounter, could only watch in awe. The swift and coordinated response of Team 7 left him stunned, a mixture of relief and astonishment etched on his face. He had underestimated the prowess of these young shinobi, and now he realized just how capable they were.

Kakashi's voice, cold and commanding, cut through the tension. "You're out of your league. I suggest you retreat if you value your lives."

The shinobi pinned beneath him gulped, his bravado evaporating under the intensity of Kakashi's gaze. He nodded frantically, his earlier confidence shattered. The other shinobi, facing the deadly calm of Sasuke's sword, quickly dropped his weapon, his hands raised in a gesture of surrender.

Without waiting for further prompting, the two enemy shinobi scrambled to their feet and bolted back into the forest, their retreat marked by the rustling of leaves and the fading sound of their panicked footsteps. They disappeared as quickly as they had come, their confidence replaced by the stark realization of their mistake.

As the forest regained its quiet, Kakashi straightened, his kunai still in hand but now held loosely at his side. He glanced back at his team, a subtle nod of approval acknowledging their quick response and composure. Naruto sheathed his katana, a satisfied smirk on his face, while Sasuke relaxed his stance, his sword still gleaming from the brief encounter. Sakura exhaled, her tension easing as she lowered her guard.

Tazuna, still processing the rapid turn of events, finally found his voice. "I-I've never seen anything like that. You really are incredible."

Kakashi's eye crinkled slightly, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his mouth. "We're just doing our job. Stay close and keep your head down. We're not out of the woods yet."

With the immediate threat neutralized, Team 7 resumed their journey, their senses still alert and their resolve even stronger. The encounter had been a test of their skills and their unity, and they had passed with flying colors. As they moved deeper into the forest, the path ahead uncertain, they knew they could face whatever lay ahead with the confidence of a team that had proven its mettle.

Tazuna's Interrogation and Team's Decision

With the immediate threat neutralized and the forest regaining its eerie quiet, Team 7 gathered around Tazuna, who seemed to be sweating bullets under their intense scrutiny. The tension in the air was palpable as Kakashi stepped forward, his mask concealing any hint of emotion. His voice, however, was firm and left no room for evasion. "Tazuna-san, it's time for some answers. Why were those shinobi after you?"

Tazuna shifted uncomfortably, his eyes darting from Kakashi to the rest of Team 7. He swallowed hard, knowing that his deceit was about to come to light. "Well, you see… the truth is… I might have withheld some information. The mission might be more dangerous than I let on."

Naruto's eyes narrowed, a spark of frustration igniting within him. "What kind of danger are we talking about?"

Tazuna sighed heavily, the weight of his deception pressing down on him. "There's a powerful man named Gato who wants to stop me from completing the bridge. He's hired shinobi to eliminate me."

Sakura's frown deepened as she absorbed Tazuna's words. "So, this isn't just a simple escort mission. It's potentially life-threatening."

Kakashi's gaze shifted to his team, assessing their reactions to this new revelation. He saw no hesitation, only resolve. "We have two choices: continue with the mission, knowing the increased risks, or return to Konoha and report the situation."

Naruto's jaw clenched in determination. His eyes, filled with a mix of anger and resolve, bore into Tazuna. "We're seeing this through. We can't leave Tazuna to face this danger alone."

Sasuke nodded in agreement, his eyes sharp and unwavering. "We've come this far. We can handle whatever comes our way."

Sakura glanced at her teammates and then at Tazuna, her expression softening slightly. "I'm with them. We can't abandon you now."

Kakashi's single visible eye softened slightly in approval. "Very well. We continue. But stay alert. This mission just became a lot more dangerous."

Tazuna let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. "Thank you. I promise I won't hide anything else."

Kakashi nodded, satisfied with the decision. "We'll hold you to that, Tazuna-san. Let's move out."

As they resumed their journey, the atmosphere among Team 7 was noticeably more tense. Each step forward was taken with heightened vigilance, each rustle of leaves or distant sound scrutinized for potential threats. They knew now that they were not just facing the dangers of the wilderness but were also targets in a deadly game orchestrated by a powerful adversary.

The weight of the mission bore down on them, but so did a sense of purpose and unity. They were not just a team of shinobi; they were a team that had chosen to face danger head-on, to protect those who could not protect themselves. And in the face of the unknown threats that lay ahead, they were determined to see this mission through to the end.

Encounter with Zabuza

As Team 7 and Tazuna trekked closer to the Land of Waves, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. A dense mist began to roll in from the surrounding marshes, blanketing the landscape in a shroud of cool, clammy fog. The temperature dropped, and the visibility became increasingly poor, reducing their world to a few feet of ghostly white. Kakashi's eyes narrowed, his senses on high alert. The sudden and unnatural appearance of the mist could only mean one thing: a new and dangerous threat was approaching.

A chill ran down their spines as a dark figure materialized through the thick fog, stepping forward with a deliberate and menacing gait. The figure was tall, with a hulking frame and a massive sword slung across his back—a weapon almost as tall as he was. His presence was a palpable force, radiating an aura of danger and lethality that made even the hardened shinobi uneasy.

Kakashi's voice was barely more than a whisper, but it carried the weight of his recognition and concern. "Zabuza Momochi," he said, his tone grim. "The Demon of the Hidden Mist." He recognized the rogue shinobi instantly—one of the infamous Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, a group known for their unparalleled skill and brutal tactics.

Zabuza's cold, calculating eyes swept over Team 7, his lips curling into a cruel, amused smile. "So, you're the ones protecting the bridge builder," he said, his voice dripping with disdain. "Interesting."

Naruto's senses tingled, a quirk of his Uzumaki heritage alerting him to an unseen presence lurking within the mist. He turned to Sasuke, his voice low and urgent. "There's someone else here," he whispered, his eyes darting around the fog-enshrouded surroundings. "We need to stay on guard."

Zabuza's laughter cut through the mist like a knife, a harsh, mocking sound that echoed ominously around them. "You've got sharp senses, kid," he taunted, his eyes locking onto Naruto with a predatory gleam. "But that won't help you against me. You're all out of your league."

The fog thickened, swirling around them like a living entity, and the air grew colder. Kakashi stepped forward, his posture relaxed yet ready for combat, the Sharingan in his left eye beginning to spin. "We're not backing down, Zabuza. If you want Tazuna, you'll have to go through us."

Zabuza's smile widened, a dangerous light in his eyes. "That's exactly what I had in mind," he said, drawing his enormous sword with a slow, deliberate motion. The blade gleamed ominously in the dim light, promising a swift and brutal end to any who dared challenge him.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura readied themselves, their stances shifting into defensive positions as they prepared for the imminent battle. Despite the fear that gnawed at the edges of their resolve, they were united in their determination to protect Tazuna and complete their mission.

The confrontation had begun, and in the swirling mists of the Land of Waves, the clash of wills and blades would soon decide the fate of the bridge builder and the future of those who stood in defiance of Zabuza Momochi.

The Battle Begins

The tension snapped like a taut wire as Zabuza lunged forward, his colossal sword slicing through the air with lethal intent. Kakashi, a seasoned jōnin, reacted instantaneously, meeting Zabuza's attack head-on. The clash of their blades reverberated through the mist, a resounding clang that signaled the beginning of an intense battle.

"Stay with Tazuna!" Kakashi's voice cut through the din of combat, issuing commands with the authority of a seasoned leader. "Naruto, Sasuke, back me up. Sakura, guard the bridge builder."

Naruto and Sasuke responded in perfect harmony, their movements fluid and instinctive. Naruto executed his signature hand signs, summoning a platoon of shadow clones that materialized around him. The clones fanned out, flanking Zabuza from multiple angles, each one a mirror image of Naruto, ready to attack with the same fervor and determination.

Sasuke, his eyes sharp with the focus of a hawk, inhaled deeply and launched a barrage of fireballs. The searing flames roared through the mist, their heat distorting the air as they homed in on Zabuza, forcing him to leap back and reassess his position.

Meanwhile, Sakura took up a protective stance in front of Tazuna, her eyes darting through the thickening mist, scanning for any sign of additional threats. She was a beacon of vigilance, ready to intercept any danger that might break through their defenses.

Kakashi and Zabuza's duel was a dance of deadly precision, each shinobi testing the other's skills and strategies. Zabuza's sword, a monstrous blade with a history of cleaving through countless enemies, cut through the mist in swift, brutal arcs, each strike aimed to disarm and disable. But Kakashi's Sharingan, his hidden ace, whirled into action, predicting and countering Zabuza's every move with uncanny accuracy.

Naruto's shadow clones surged forward, attacking from all sides in a coordinated effort to overwhelm Zabuza with sheer numbers. Each clone wielded kunai and shuriken, launching a relentless assault designed to keep Zabuza off balance.

Sasuke, moving with the agility and precision of a seasoned warrior, exploited every opening. His attacks were calculated and unrelenting, each one a testament to his rigorous training and innate talent. He maneuvered with a speed that made him a blur, striking with the lethal grace of a predatory bird.

Despite their concerted efforts, Zabuza's skill and ferocity kept him a step ahead. He parried and deflected their attacks with brutal efficiency, his movements a blur of raw power and controlled aggression. He was a storm of steel and fury, a living testament to the deadly prowess of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist.

But Team 7's determination was unwavering. They fought not just with skill, but with a resolve that came from a deep-seated commitment to their mission and to each other. Each member played their part with precision, their teamwork a well-oiled machine that kept the pressure on Zabuza, forcing him to constantly adapt and react.

Kakashi, recognizing the need for a strategic shift, executed a series of hand signs at lightning speed. "Earth Style: Mud Wall!" he intoned, slamming his hands onto the ground. A massive earthen barrier erupted from the soil, momentarily separating Zabuza from his team and giving them a brief respite.

"Good work, team," Kakashi said, his voice carrying a note of approval despite the urgency of the situation. "Keep it up. We're holding our ground."

Zabuza, however, was far from defeated. He leaped onto the wall with a feral grin, his eyes gleaming with predatory glee. "You think you can hold me off with that?" he taunted, his voice a low growl of menace. "You're in for a rude awakening."

He raised his massive sword, preparing to shatter the wall with a single, devastating blow. But Naruto, with a surge of determination, launched himself at Zabuza, a kunai in each hand. "We're not backing down!" he shouted, his voice a battle cry that echoed through the mist.