
Racing Hearts: Will the Actress Marry Him?

Author: ID Johnson is an EGlobal Creative Publishing author who creates characters you'll want to have as your best friends with antagonists you'll love to hate. Synopsis: Can a movie star fall in love with a racecar driver and find her happily ever after? Not if his ex-girlfriend has anything to say about it! Andrea Sparks isn’t looking for love when she runs into famous racecar driver Case Meyer on the way home for Christmas, but when bad weather forces them to spend time trekking across country together, she starts to think maybe he could be the one for her. Unfortunately, Case used to date Sarah Lockton, Andrea’s sworn enemy, and it’s clear Sarah isn’t done messing with both of their lives. Will Andrea and Case find a way to overcome Sarah’s attempts to thwart their happiness, or will Sarah manage to keep them apart forever? Racing Hearts is a contemporary romance where two actresses with a history of problems vie for the same man. Full of twists and turns you won’t see coming, you’ll keep reading until the very end! If you like stories full of surprises—like secret siblings, shocking pregnancies, and forbidden relationships—you’ll love Racing Hearts. Excerpt: With a strong stroke, Andrea propelled herself forward under the water, forgetting about everything except getting out of that pool. Andrea’s arms swung forward, as she intended to take another stroke, but as her arms pulled back, she went nowhere. Panic filled her mind as Andrea turned to try to see what was happening. It was then she realized it wasn’t just the weight of her heavy skirts and boots that was preventing her from moving forward. It was Sven—his large arms were wrapped around her waist, and rather than helping her to swim to the other side, he was holding her in place! She looked him in the eyes, and even behind his large goggles, she could see an evil gleam in his eyes and realized he wasn’t there to help her at all. He was there to kill her! Andrea twisted in his arms, her fingernails flying in his face and drawing blood, but he wouldn’t let go. If anything, he seemed to be laughing. She continued to fight him, scratching at his face, twisting and turning until her lungs burned and her muscles grew tired. He wouldn’t budge! He was going to hold her there until she drowned! As Andrea continued to fight for her freedom and her life, she couldn’t help but think if Case. What would happen to him when he heard that she’d drown? Surely, Sven had engineered this so it would look like an accident. There was no question he had her between cameras on purpose so no one could see what he was doing. He’d be questioned, but they’d never think a professional diver would do this on purpose. Unless, of course, he wasn’t even a professional diver, not one that worked for the studio anyway. Had Sarah arranged this somehow? Andrea couldn’t let him kill her. She couldn’t let Sarah win. She knew that Cam or someone would come to see why she wasn’t resurfacing soon, especially if Sven didn’t come up either. Her lungs were completely empty, and the desire to take a breath was overwhelming as her head swam and became fuzzy. With all of her remaining strength, Andrea pulled back her fist and punched Sven in the jaw. His head moved backward, and the mouthpiece to the scuba tank came free. Andrea managed to grab it and take a deep breath, which reenergized her enough to continue the fight. Now, Sven would have to fight for air. He wasn’t about to let her keep the apparatus, though. He let go with one hand to try to snatch it from her, his thick fingers digging into her side. Andrea took advantage of him letting to and kicked as hard as she could, sucking in another draw of air. She was almost in camera range. If someone was watching the monitors, which she knew they’d have to be, they’d see she needed help. She kicked Sven again, and he let go. Andrea’s instincts aid to propel herself up and over, which she did. Her head hit the bottom of the faux ship hard enough to rock it. Stars filled her field of vision, but she had to keep fighting. The apparatus came free from her mouth, but she knew the camera could see her now. Still fighting, she tried to take another stroke toward the ladder. She could see it, but it seemed so far away. A strong hand clamped down behind her, grabbing her ankle. Andrea bucked up again, her head hitting the boat for a second time. This time, the stars won. Her lungs were burning again, and she desperately wanted to take a breath, but as her mind went blank and everything went black, Andrea had a feeling she would never see Case again.

ID Johnson · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
229 Chs

Where Am I?

Andrea felt better after her shower and after she scarfed down the cheeseburger and large fries Case had brought her. She also drank her entire soda—and it wasn’t diet. He smiled at her most of the time she was eating, as if he was impressed that such a small person could pack away so much food. She didn’t care. It wasn’t as if she was trying to impress him.

Getting up to throw her trash away, she realized her phone was ringing and answered quickly. It was her mom. “How’s Grandpa?” she said before Mom could even say hello.

“His surgery is over and he’s stable,” her mom, Karen, said. She sounded as if she were calmer than she had been in weeks. “The doctors think it will work, and his heart will be better now.”

“Thank God,” Andrea muttered with tears forming in her eyes again.

“And thank Case Meyer,” Karen said. “Where are you, honey? I thought you’d be home by now.”

“Oh, we had to stop for the night. The road was closed. Case thought it was too dangerous to try and go around.”

“That’s too bad, but at least Grandpa has had his surgery now. As long as you’re home by Christmas, you should take your time.”

“Mom, Christmas is in four days,” Andrea reminded her. “I’ll be there before that.”

“I hope so. But be safe. Where did you meet Case, anyway?”

She glanced at him. He was still sitting at the little table where they’d eaten, scrolling on his phone. “At the airport. I haven’t even asked where he was going.” He glanced up. She was so rude.

“Invite him to spend Christmas with us.”

“Mom, he doesn’t even know us.” She turned away, keeping her voice down.

“So? Ask him. Wouldn’t that be a treat!”

“Okay, Mom. I’ve got to go. If anything happens with Grandpa, let me know. I’ll call you when we leave.”

“Goodbye, honey. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Andrea turned back to see Case looking at her. She’d put on a sweatshirt and some linen pants, not pajamas, but she was self-conscious. “Grandpa’s surgery is over, and the doctors are optimistic.”

“That’s great.”

“Thanks for your help.” She sat back down at the table, wishing she hadn’t drank all of her soda. Her throat was dry. “What’s in Seattle?”

“My parents, my sister, and my brother and their families. I live in North Carolina now, but I grew up there.”

“Oh. No wonder you know how to drive on snow.”

He smiled. “If you grew up in Wisconsin, why don’t you know how?”

“Who says I don’t?” She narrowed her eyes at him, and he laughed. “I moved to California to live with my aunt when I was seventeen.”

“To make movies.”

“That’s right.” She couldn’t tell if he was making fun or not. “We don’t get a lot of snow there.”

He grinned at her. “I’m tired. I think I’m going to go to bed.”

“Okay.” She was also tired. Eyeing the bed, she thought about the best way to make sure they didn’t infringe on each other’s personal space.

Case opened the closet door. “More pillows.” He arranged them in the center of the bed, and Andrea thought it would do nicely. There was also an extra blanket in there, so they wouldn’t have to share.

After brushing their teeth and plugging in their phones, they settled into bed with a wall of pillows between them. Andrea was glad to have the barricade, but it didn’t stop the intoxicating scent of Case Meyer from wafting through the air. He smelled like a man in every way. She might be in trouble. Big, big trouble.

Andrea rolled over on her side and closed her eyes, praying Case would get her home safely the next day, say hello to Grandpa, and then leave because the more time she spent with him, the more she liked him, and she couldn’t see herself dating Sarah Lockton’s ex, even if he did seem like a nice guy.

Sunlight filtered in through the curtains, and Andrea blinked a few times, not remembering where she was. This didn’t feel like her bed. In fact, part of it didn’t feel like a bed at all. She opened her eyes completely and looked down. Whose bare chest was she sleeping on!

Andrea flew over to her side of the bed as quickly as she could, her heart beating out of her chest. She remembered now—having to share a bed with Case. She wanted to shout at him for moving the pillow wall, but it was clear by the way they were tossed on the floor on her side of the bed that she’d done it in her sleep!

Embarrassed, she rolled over, hoping he was still asleep and hadn’t realized she was laying on top of him, so she didn’t see him open one green eye and chuckle softly to himself.