
Rúin (An anonymous invite to the Royal Ball)

Asra Byrne, an Irish teenager looking forward to spending a lovely time in her guardians' absence is spiralled into the world of arrogant royals after receiving an official invite to the royal ball. Sleepovers, loads of snacks and no chores is what she expected while alone, what she gets is murder charge, spying, hate, betrayal and shock. Because no one is who they seem. "Trust no one, remember?"

cherry_bloomXO · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

The Royal Dinner

I sat in my room, unable to see anything outside due to the thick fog surrounding the atmosphere. Cozbi had sent warmer clothes for me, which I was really grateful for. Someone knocked on my door. Setting my tea cup down, I got up and opened the door. It was a maid, holding a bag to her chest. She stuttered, "For you, um-" She set the bag at my feet and closed to the door to leave when I stopped her from doing so by sliding my foot between the opening.

"Weren't you the one who packed my bags the day I was leaving?" I asked her, narrowing my eyes.

"Yes..." She was awful at hiding her nervousness.

"And what did you do? Frame me for stealing?"

She stayed quiet, sweat gathering at her temples.

I continued, "What is inside this bag?" I glanced down at the fancy design of the bag, filled with things.

"I don't know."

"Who sent it?"

She hurriedly shook her head.

"Who are you working for?" I asked, my voice turning harsh.

She was so panicked by now, I wondered if I had been too much or if she was just not well. But the shame I had felt in front of Cozbi didn't let my anger falter. She gave a jerk and ran off.

𝘞𝘦𝘪𝘳𝘥. Very weird.

I stood there stunned then kicked the bag out of my room and closed the door.

The afternoon was darker than usual as I walked along the gardens into the dining hall. "Asra?" One of the helpers asked. I looked up and she told me I needed to go to the big dining hall.

All the royals sat quietly as I went inside. "Sit." Myer gestured.

I sat two seats away from Cozbi. Marcus sat next to Myer and stared at me with a hard expression, like it cost him everything to sit on the same table as me. I looked away and found Myer looking at me just as keenly as that night he decided I could go home. Was another good news waiting for me?

"Eat all you want with us tonight. It's an apology for our treatment to you and Cozbi's gratitude you've decided to keep working for her. She seems quite fond of you." Myer spoke.

The table was piled with dishes, similar to the ones I ate with the other helpers but in way more variety. Roasted meat, sweet potato filled with all kinds of cheese and olives, oysters and a loads of champagne.

As everyone ate, I suddenly felt a weird embarrassment. It felt like a pitiful bribe from the royals. I continued, still. Soon, the other couple I saw that day appeared. "Why are you late, brother?" Myer asked.

"My wife here thought it'd be a good idea for us to go visit father. You know you can't get up to leave so soon when you go to him," He gestured to his wife, unable to hide his loving smile.

"How's he?" Cozbi asked looking directly at the eldest prince.

"Better," He nodded, seating himself after his wife.

That must be Cian and Sentia, I thought. They were both gorgeous.

Cian looked at me and without another word, began eating. The courtly image he held, was soon replaced by a young man freely laughing and joking with his family. In the guffaws that followed, I found myself laughing too. And everyone seemed to enjoy my being there, well, except Marcus.

Cian held up a toast, gesturing his other hand to me, "This, to the young lady, for we hope she finds us welcoming now." Everyone cheered lightly.

"And this to the assassin who's head will soon be on my sword," He laughed and gulped down the contents of his glass. Impulsively, I glanced at Cozbi who had gone back to picking at her food. A few more foolish toasts went up, making it clear that Cian was fully drunk. Sentia carried him back to the room while Myer laughed. Then he and Cozbi excused themselves, too. "We'll be visiting father." He said. He looked at Marcus to see if he wanted to join, but Marcus kept his gaze at the table. After everyone had left, I got up and left too. Feeling light headed due to the drinks, I went into the garden. The glacial night air numbed my face as I entered the open space. I regretted not fetching my shawl on the way here. As I contemplated whether to stay and risk catching a cold, footsteps approached. "Feeling fancy eating with the royals, no?" Marcus' voice, drenched in scorn, spoke.

"Having nothing better to do, no?" I returned and decided to walk away.

The garden lights were drabbed due to the mist but I caught Marcus' spiteful face turn tender. "You kicked them out."

My retrieving footsteps halted, and I turned around, "What?"

"The things I sent. Ungrateful bitch."

"You sent them?" I couldn't hide my surprise. "Were they coated with deadly poison"

"You didn't get to find out, sad..." Marcus said, his tease returning.

"Why did you send them?" I asked suddenly.

"I don't like being wrong; about people. I still don't believe you, but everyone else does so I wanted to offer, um..."

"An apology?"

"No! Sorries are only for people I like" He muttered. "But I have been rude, still will be, but for the right reasons." I couldn't help notice the little hint of friendliness in his words.

"Right," I said, smiling.

* * * * *

With a shaky feeling, I made my way to the lessons. As always, I found Tynan sitting there. When our eyes met, a shiver went through me and I couldn't help but notice his eyes tremble.

"Asra..." He started. "What took you so long to come?"

To my utter shock, he stepped ahead and embraced me. His grip tightened as I struggled to figure out what to say. He finally let go, shock filling his expression as he saw tears in my eyes. With my fists balled up at my sides, I mustered up the words, "Weren't you glad I left?"

"What? Glad?"

"'I had fun', you said and left. Like I was some stupid thing. You didn't even come to see me off," I complained.

"I didn't want you to feel bad," He said, turning around. "I know how hard it can be to leave all this once you get used to it, the luxuries and all. I did miss you Asra, and I have never felt lonelier. I got so used to waiting for you every night that when you didn't come I felt frustrated. Glad that you left? The only 'glad' I felt recently was when you came back." He smiled.

"Oh and about that... do you think I stole?" I asked, gulping down all the other things I had to say to him.

He shook his head, "Never."

Then I told him about the maid and then my dinner with the royals. He seemed just as surprised as I had felt about those two occurrences. I skipped Marcus being somewhat nice.

"In their hearts, they always knew it wasn't you. I'm sure of that. They can't possibly think of you killing someone and making no effort to hide yourself. They might think you're a distraction but that is all" Tynan said.

This made me think of Myer's similar words to me.

"Then why are they letting the assassin run free?"

"You think they are? You don't know, it's chaos. They're trying their best," He said shaking his head.

"Do you have any suspects in your mind?"

"None," Tynan said and got up. "Now, back to lessons."