
Rúin (An anonymous invite to the Royal Ball)

Asra Byrne, an Irish teenager looking forward to spending a lovely time in her guardians' absence is spiralled into the world of arrogant royals after receiving an official invite to the royal ball. Sleepovers, loads of snacks and no chores is what she expected while alone, what she gets is murder charge, spying, hate, betrayal and shock. Because no one is who they seem. "Trust no one, remember?"

cherry_bloomXO · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

The Dear Servant

At midnight, I made my way to the study from memory. Surprisingly all the guards seemed asleep. I soon realized my memory wasn't something to rely on. I was lost.

"What are you doing here?" I heard a rough voice behind me. "You thief. Stealing things around, aren't you? You pretty little-"

It was Marcus.

Being pulled behind a shelf, I heard Cozbi mutter under her breath, "You stupid prig."

"Was he drunk?" I asked, as if that was surprising.

"Get used to it, " She smirked.

We made our way to the study. Cozbi suddenly towards me when we were inside, her speed causing me to fall back. She extended her long arm towards me, "Pledge your allegiance. You work for me now. And no other bargains shall interest you." She said blankly.

I had no choice, "I pledge my allegiance to you. There shall be no more bargains that interest me, no more people knowing about this and my best effort in whatever you tell me to do."

When I looked up, the princess looked pleasantly surprised. I stood up, "But there's something you have to promise me." I said.

She raised her eyebrows, "Oh is there now? What is it?"

"You won't use me in a way that benefits you only, and puts me in utmost danger,"

"Say no more. As long as you are careful, nothing beats you," She said, an evil satisfaction on her face.

"What are we even doing?" I asked, slowly getting impatient.

Silence. Sighing, I started looking around at the books in the study. History, medicine, literature and plants.

Just then I spotted a shadow in the corner of the dark room. To my surprise, Cozbi was gone. My heart picked up pace. I froze on spot. A tall guy with deep red hair messily gelled back stood about six feet away. His fox-eyed gaze gluing me to my spot. I couldn't help but stare back into his mesmerizing eyes. Cozbi returned, startling us both.

"Now that we have everyone here, let me make myself clear." She turned to me. "In case it wasn't 𝘺𝘰𝘶 who murdered Hana, I need you to spy for me."

"Huh? Why me of all the skilled people-"

"I have my reasons," Cozbi interrupted, holding her hand up. "This is Tynan, he will be you partner and guide. Stay safe." Her eyes lingered on the space between us, then her uncomfortable gape met mine and she left.

I sat on the chair, huffing and grumbling. "Why would she want me to spy? This is ridiculous! How would-"

Tynan put a finger to my lips, "I wonder too, how such an imbecile like you could benefit her. One who can't keep her loud mouth shut to save her life."

I was taken aback by the rudeness, unsure whether he was referring to the night of the ball or right then.

The rest of the few hours before sunrise seemed like forever. With Tynan teaching me tricks and lies I would need to practice to not get caught. I was still confused as ever where I will use these.

In the morning, as I quietly made my way to my room, hoping to get some rest, I was interrupted by another set of maids calling me to the dining hall. I slept through the makeover they gave me and lazily made my way down. However, upon reaching the hall, my back straightened looking at all the people in front of me. The prince and Cozbi sat in the front, with Marcus sitting next to the prince and Namid behind him. I saw another couple I didn't recognize. Everyone gave me the most nauseated looks. I looked down, wanting the Earth to swallow me whole. Cozbi stood up, gesturing me to stand next to her.

"She will serve me until she is proven innocent of murdering Hana. It breaks my heart to accuse someone without them being fully guilty. This is my way of... punishing her." she declared.

"Punishing? Honey, you know of your heart, you can't let this thief and murderer roam around seeming to help." The prince briefly glanced at me and then his fiancé.

After some silence, Cozbi replied, "I have made my decision. Plus she has a good heart for murder, which I figured out after our little lunch, right Assie?"

I cringed at the use of that nickname. Everyone's eyes went big as they stared at my timid silhouette. I didn't know what to say.

"It was an honour," I bowed.

Cozbi looked at me then gestured to a servant to take me to the small dining room where all her other helpers ate. Even that felt like an honour.

Before I left I heard Marcus complaining, "You ate with that peasant? Now you want her around, too? Assie? The hell is that? You need help."

"Funny hearing 𝘺𝘰𝘶 hating peasants," Cozbi snapped back after which I heard no more.

The 'small' dining hall was huge too; clean and all but the servants there looked gloomy. Maybe it was just the lack of light in the room. After I ate, it seemed like no time until it was midnight again and as promised I had to make my way to the prince's study.

This time I got there without getting lost or stumbling upon a drunk Marcus. When I entered, Tynan sat in the corner and got up immediately. "Follow me."

Saying that he made his way to the dark end of the room and pushed open a door leading to another small hallway.

"Don't you guys have like lights here?" I asked.

He shrugged and made his way forward with me behind him. We came across a dead end. The wall was encrusted with the royal shield. It was a simple Irish sword with a detailed background at the back. The design was similar to the one on my invitation card. At the memory of that, my insides tightened with the longing for home.

"We have something in common. I get lost here too," I said and turned around to leave but just then I heard a heavy object being lifted.

The wall separated easily, looking like the sword was sliding out of its scabbard, leading to an even darker set of stairs. I shifted uncomfortably. Asking Tynan would be a waste so I just followed him. What other choice did I have? Run back and risk getting caught and abandoned by Cozbi? At least she pretended to be nice to me. After walking for 15 minutes through hallways and stairs, we came into a huge hall. It had about five doors. Exhausted, I sat down on a nearby chair.

"Are you willing to answer some questions?"

Tynan stayed quiet.

"When you started working for Cozbi were you also told nothing and followed mute men into dark hallways? Did you like that?" I said, my voice louder than intended.

"Where are your manners?" He sighed, then sat down next to me on the floor. "The princess never tells me anything. I just do what she orders me to. I have an aim for each task which I'm sure has nothing to do with her real plan." He scoffed and looked up. "I can guarantee I don't have all the answers you want."

"Then tell me what you know."

"I'll see about that." Silence. "When the time comes. Or when I can trust you."

"You don't look like the trusting type."


"Nor trustworthy."

"I don't object that."

Silence again.

"Why didn't you dine with the rest of the Princess' workers?" I avoided saying servants.

"They don't know I work for her. I don't know why she had to make your service to her public too." He shrugged, getting up. "But she always knows what she is doing, even when I think she doesn't."

"Where do you stay then? Here?" I said getting up too.

"Later..." Tynan called out disappearing into one of the rooms.

Before I could decide whether to follow him or not, he came back with a map in his hands.

"Of the palace. A limited addition. Containing all the passages not even the royal family knows, well, except the princess." He winked. "Took me years to complete it. I don't know how I didn't get caught all this time." He looked proud.

"Even the prince doesn't know about you?"

He shrugged, "The couple has their secrets. The prince isn't what he seems. No one is. Gotta stay alert all the times."

"Around you too." I blurted.

He nodded. "Around me too." He continued, back to the original conversation. "Everyone has their set of spies here. It's essential with all the assassins or conspirators."

He gave me a meaningful look and my stomach churned. "You still think I might've murdered Hana?" I asked.

"I'm not the trusting type, remember? Plus your habit of using names like that icks me."

"Thanks for giving me a reason to continue doing it," I grinned.

Surprisingly, he grinned back. "You're going to be a headache to work with, no?"

"Have you had other partners before?"

He shook his head, "Only allies who lasted as long as the mission." He gave me a dark look. "Trust no one, remember?"

I resisted thinking about the meaning of that.

I gulped, "Would I 'last' as long as my mission too?"

Tynan laughed, "I predict not. But we'll see."

I nodded, shoving uncomfortable thoughts back.

"So, what do you remember from the last lesson?"

Looking at my blank expression, Tynan sighed and we began looking at the map, learning sleek ways to walk around unnoticed and hide under the shadows, the suitable passageways and Tynan's corny jokes.