
Rúin (An anonymous invite to the Royal Ball)

Asra Byrne, an Irish teenager looking forward to spending a lovely time in her guardians' absence is spiralled into the world of arrogant royals after receiving an official invite to the royal ball. Sleepovers, loads of snacks and no chores is what she expected while alone, what she gets is murder charge, spying, hate, betrayal and shock. Because no one is who they seem. "Trust no one, remember?"

cherry_bloomXO · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

The Anonymous Invite

"A friend of our father told that a huge ball with be arranged by the King. Royals and chiefs from all kingdoms will attend. The palace has been decorated with spectacular gas lamps. Oh, how great it would be if we could catch a sight."

"I'd happily work as a maid there. Oh, the mighty palace."

My two best friends, Layla and Luna continued to fancy the royals and their celebrations. They were twins, and by far the most sincere friends I had growing up.

We had never been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of anything royal, so it seemed a far-fetched dream. The youngest prince was getting engaged this month and the celebrations were to go on for at least a whole month. Everyone in the town was curious, and as loyal citizens, people of the town had decorated the streets with extensively lit garlands. It made me sad that the royals never considered us anything more than a mere clot of dirt. They made sure the land was safe, developed and welcoming, but we knew better that they never really wanted to visit it themselves. One of the few tasks to do before my friends and I die included us getting a good view of the palace. That was one thing I looked forward to in this repetitive town and its routines.

As I hung the last cloth on the wire, I turned to face Layla. "My aunt and uncle are visiting their relatives in central Europe,"

"Again? We'll miss you when you're gone," She said.

"They're going alone," I said, unable to contain my grin anymore.

"What do you mean? How?" They both answered in unison.

I shrugged while they jumped from their seats. Luna cleared her throat, holding her spring roll to my face like it was a mic. "So how do you feel to be THE free lady in Ireland."

"Only for a few weeks, but I am ecstatic," I replied playing along.

The rest of the day went on per usual. I helped my aunt pack up her things while she repeated all the restrictions I was to follow in her absence. 𝘈𝘴 𝘪𝘧. I was selectively obedient. Plus, what was the worst I could do? Stay with Luna and Layla for more time, have them sleepover at my place and eat pomegranates all day. I bowed and nodded one last time as they entered the bus. "𝘚𝘭á𝘯, Asra. I love you," My uncle waved excitedly.

"𝘚𝘭á𝘯, 𝘛𝘢𝘣𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘦," I mouthed and walked back. A little zephyr blew across my face. I felt a weird gush of energy and eagerness. I loved my guardians, I just liked the feeling of being on my own sometimes. In my eighteen years of existence, this was the first time I was left alone for so long. I stopped by the grocery store to buy snacks for my sleepover with Layla and Luna and the post office to send a letter to my cousins, making up excuses for not coming.

When I came home, the wind had picked up pace. The sky casted a shadow on the ground as thick grey clouds appeared. I hurried over to the backyard to take the hung clothes in before it rains. Panting, I held all the clothes in my hand. As I was about to go inside, my foot stumbled upon something. Cursing under my breath I picked it up.

I threw the clothes on the sofa and examined the object in my hand. It was a simple envelope with something heavy inside. I turned it back to see my name written on it.

𝓐𝓼𝓻𝓪 𝓑𝔂𝓻𝓷𝓮

That was all it said. I cautiously opened it and a dry gasp left my throat. It was some sort of invitation. But not just any invite, a thick material was embroidered with crimson thread that was alluring to look at. The design was so complicated I felt dizzy looking at it. A unique seam of flowers were stitched as if they were sprouting out of the corner. Each flower was a different colour. This didn't look like anything I had seen before. A sudden rumble of thunder flashed in the sky, making me drop the invite from my hand. I shut the windows of my house and with a shaky excitement sat down to read the invite further.

* * * * *

"This has got to be a prank," Layla said, frozen. Her chocolate brown hair fell on her face due to the storm outside, but she didn't care to fix it now that she was inside.

"But it sure isn't. Have you seen the design and the stamp on it? The damned stamp. Official stamp... Did they do a random lucky draw to choose one of the locals to be in the ball?" Luna blabbered.

I didn't know what I was feeling. An official invite to the royal ball? By the royals themselves? And that too, only for me?

If you think I'd get suspicious and back off, you're stupid to believe that I'm not(stupid).

This was the closest chance to see, no live some moments in the palace. "Should we ask dad?" Layla asked to which Luna completely disagreed.

"I don't think the sender wanted to garner any attention. It's best you keep quiet."

"What about my aunt and uncle?"

"When do they come back?"

"On the 30th of October,"

"And when's the ball?"


"PERFECT!" Luna exclaimed.

She already started planning stuff, slowly removing any skeptic thoughts in my heart. Layla didn't seem ecstatic about the situation. Her face was unreadable.

"Hey, Luna. Stop, ok? There's two weeks in the ball. Let's talk about it later," I said moving closer to the kitchen. "I'll bring in the snacks. You both choose a movie."

I shook my head and mumbled, "They'll be getting their invitations soon enough..."

* * * * *

They never did. Layla and Luna never received their invitation. No one did.

I turned the invite in my hand. Over and over. Different waves of emotion splashed over me every time.

The Land of 𝘌𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘢𝘤𝘩. The Land of exclusives. What did it have to do with me? Should I even go? I spent a long time pondering. Just then, I heard a soft knock on my door. It was Luna and behind her stood Layla. Looking better than the past few days. She was very cautious and always mistrustful of the simplest things. Luna was none of that.

"We're going shopping. For you," Luna squealed.

And we were off. We spent three days going to the market, buying fancy clothes, stitching threads and exclusive buttons or other ornaments.

"My pocket is drained," I complained.

"It won't be if you seduce a royal enough-"

"Luna," Layla glared at her. "No silly ideas."

"It's not silly. Look at her hazel-green eyes, her satine black hair and her tanned skin. How could she not. If only I wasn't as ugly as you."

"You guys look nothing alike. At least for me," I intervened.

"Thankfully," Layla whispered.

They continued to bicker on our way back home.

25th of October. I sat looking at the local newspaper. There was no sign of any news regarding locals and royal invitations. I had no idea what I'll be doing the day after tomorrow. Why would someone want to kill me? It seemed implausible. I couldn't think of any other reason I shouldn't go.

"So it's decided? You are going," Luna asked for the seventeenth time.

I nodded.

"You better tell us each and every thing that happens while you're there," Layla said with a wondering expression.

My smile faded. "I was wondering if you guys could come with me."

There was a minute of hopeful and dreamy silence but Luna was quick to break it. "I don't think that's possible. And while I am a little disappointed, you going means we're indirectly going too. Just getting an idea of the royal palace is enough for a lifetime. We're lucky to be your friends."

They both eyed me with admiration, then got up to hug me. I felt guilty going without them, but sometimes difficult choices lead to amazing outcomes.

I guess...