
Rúin (An anonymous invite to the Royal Ball)

Asra Byrne, an Irish teenager looking forward to spending a lovely time in her guardians' absence is spiralled into the world of arrogant royals after receiving an official invite to the royal ball. Sleepovers, loads of snacks and no chores is what she expected while alone, what she gets is murder charge, spying, hate, betrayal and shock. Because no one is who they seem. "Trust no one, remember?"

cherry_bloomXO · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs


The next morning in the midst of working hard and decorating, my mind couldn't help go back to the conversation I had heard earlier. I was itching to know more. The day was cold but it didn't look snowy. The snow from last week had completely melted off but fresh ice still stuck to the roofs of the houses and palace walls. Feeling numb, I again excused to go grab some tea for Anna and Anita, the two cousins who were planning the party. It looked like a lighter version of a ball yet somehow they still called it a 'casual' tea party. I made my way towards the dark hallway like yesterday but Anna called out, "Asra, the kitchens are to the left."

"Oh, yea- yes," I stammered and made way towards the other hallway. I didn't know my way around here and unlucky enough, I had no idea where the kitchens were. The hallway wasn't as big as the ones in the main building so I expected to find it soon. I finally stumbled upon a door and sighed in relief. However, opening the door I didn't feel the warmth I was expecting, instead a cold gush of air made my bones quiver. The air smelled antique and empty, the room was pitch dark. Ignoring my disturbed gut, I walked in, fumbling for a light switch. "Is anyone in here?" I called. The loud echo of my own voice made me wince. I backed out and shut the door. I reached to grab a wall torch when I remembered I had come for tea. If I didn't hurry back, one of the ladies would follow me. I left and went back to the gardens.

"I didn't find the kitchen."

"Oh dear, that is because you went the wrong way."

I looked back, wind blowing in my face, "What is inside these hallways, the very end ones."

"Nothing," Anita said, "They're empty, mostly."

I nodded and got back to work.

"I'll ask someone to show you around the palace," Anna said, gesturing a guard forward.

"I'll do it," Tynan said, approaching.

I looked back and rolled my eyes, "It's fine, I'll explore on my own-"

"The palace isn't something to explore. You're here to work. Come on now," Tynan said.

I wanted to punch his perfect face off. I glared at him, "I'm working."

"It's fine, you can go," Anna said, unconcerned.

I stomped away with Tynan following me. He soon caught up with me. "What's up with the attitude?"

I ignored him.

"Asra? Are you jealous?" He teased, laughing.

I stopped in my tracks and snapped, "Tynan I really think you're forgetting that we're here to work. All this time I've been trying to call you but you can't stop dating around! Come back to your senses, something isn't right!"

"I'm not dating Zoya," Tynan said defensively.

I let out an irritated sigh, "Are you even listening to me?"

Tynan just stared at me. "What happened?" He suddenly got all serious for work again.

"Nothing," I stormed off.

* * * * *

The next day while everyone in the palace sat down for the tea party, I found myself trying to look for the lady I saw in the room. I didn't quite catch her face but I'd know if I saw her then. Everyone here looked familiar. I couldn't help notice Tynan staring at me but I didn't give him the pleasure of looking back. He finally moved forward, leaving behind a frowning Zoya. Before he could say anything I asked, "Is everyone from the palace here?"

Tynan looked shocked by my non-friendly tone but nodded, stopping himself from coming any closer. I looked at the dark building on the end, "Who lives there?" I asked.

"No one. The doors are all locked and the place is long abandoned."

My heart leapt, but I tried to keep a calm expression. "Have you ever gone there?"

"Of course. Want me to show you?"

"No," I said rather hurriedly, "That place gives me the creeps."

"An old couple used to live there with a few of their nephews and nieces. When the old ones died the others married and moved far away. No one lived there ever since. Okay now? Now I want to talk to you-"

"I just remembered I have to help with the food arrangements. Excuse me," I walked away. I don't know why I was doing it, but I didn't feel like telling Tynan. I moved inside the main building and found Cozbi coming out. "Oh, Asra."

"You look stunning," I said honestly. Her green gown seemed to remind me of spring and looking at it made me forget how chilly it was outside. She smiled, "Where are you headed to?"

"Me? To find Tynan. Where is his room?" I bluffed.

"Isn't he outside?"

"Didn't find him," I shrugged.

As Cozbi told me the directions, I sprinted forward. That was a stupid excuse, if Cozbi found Tynan she would tell him I was looking for him. Then he would come to his room and find me there, when in reality I had talked to him in the garden and lied to him. I had lied to them both. I still didn't know why I was doing it. As I made my way to Tynan's room, I found Ignis coming out of it.

"What are you doing here?" He said, a nasty smirk spreading his face as he cornered me. I swiftly moved aside.

"Lost my way. I was looking for my room." Another lie.

Ignis looked unconvinced but nodded anyway. When he was out of sight, I walked in Tynan's room and looked around. It was easy to tell which bed was his, with organized sheets and a study table. If he had a map of the palace of the 𝘦𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘢𝘤𝘩, he must have one of here too. I looked around the drawers one by one and was shocked to find one full of letters. One of them was addressed to me.

Dear Asra,

I hope you are doing well. I̶ h̶o̶p̶e̶ y̶o̶u̶ m̶i̶s̶s̶ m̶e̶. I̶̶ m̶̶i̶̶s̶̶s̶̶ o̶̶u̶̶r̶̶ l̶̶e̶̶s̶̶s̶̶o̶̶n̶̶s̶̶. I̶'l̶l̶ t̶r̶y̶ t̶o̶ c̶o̶m̶e̶ q̶u̶i̶c̶k̶l̶y̶. D̶o̶ y̶o̶u̶ m̶i̶s̶s̶ m̶e̶?̶

I haven't found much yet. We'll come back soon.

The letter was incomplete and many lines were crossed out. I found other letters, but they were written to Tynan, seemingly unopened. They were by Zoya. I quickly closed the drawer; I didn't need to know.

I found the map and ran out the door, making sure to leave everything like usual. I went to my room and luckily found it empty. I traced the map carefully and tucked it under my bed. I made my way back to Tynan's room to put his original copy of the map back, but found him sitting there alone.

"Asra?" He asked, the hurt in his voice painful to hear.

"I- I came to say sorry. I was just mad. I don't know why." I blabbered. He walked forward and grabbed my arms.

"Sit down," He offered and led me to his bed.

I clutched the map tightly in my hands. "I'm sorry, too. I hardly go out back at the palace. These are the only friends I have. Except for you."

"Well they are hell-hated idiots," I complained but the tension between us seemed to ease.

"Where were you all this time? You didn't even join the party."

I looked down and smiled, "I don't know. I just don't seem to fit well. I felt cold too, so I went inside. Why are you here?"

How easily these lies came to my lips. With that convincing guise, too.

"I'm exhausted. Zoya speaks too much."

I stayed silent. After sometime, I went back. I could've easily asked Tynan to give me the map. It didn't seem like we were on the same team anymore. Tynan was surely better at disguising lies; who knew all he said was a lie?. All the tricks I learnt were by Tynan, I wondered how long it would take him to figure out I was doing things on my own; or how long I would be able to do them before I needed his help.