

  Chapter 108: The Poisonous Body (The third update!)

  Su Yun was silent for a while.

  How could he not know what Xiao Yixian felt.

  People in this world matured precociously, and Xiao Yixian was indeed old enough to get married.

  But as a modern man, he still couldn't get over it in his heart.

  Su Yun turned Xiao Yixian around and let her sit astride him.


  Xiao Yixian puffed up her cheeks and deliberately moved her slender waist.

  Su Yun immediately put his hands on Xiao Yixian's snow-white and smooth shoulders and held her down.

  This girl, where did she learn all these things?

  Su Yun looked at Xiao Yixian in front of him with a fire in his eyes.

  Xiao Yixian looked straight into Su Yun's eyes, and her little hands were sweating.

  Although she hoped that something would happen between her and Su Yun, she was still a nympho like Su Yun after all, and was a master of theories about such things.

  Su Yun changed the fighting spirit in his body into ice attribute, and under the operation, his eyes finally regained some clarity.

  Su Yun raised one hand to hook the chin of Little Medical Fairy and looked down.

  Little Medical Fairy looked at her brother's actions, and naturally understood what he was going to do, and suppressed the shyness in her heart.

  She wrapped her hands around Su Yun's neck, and her watery eyes slowly closed.

  For a long time.

  The negative distance contact ended.

  Little Medical Fairy's body completely softened, her little head rested on Su Yun's shoulder, and her delicate cheeks pressed against Su Yun's ears.

  "Brother, when will you want my body?

  I feel so insecure. I don't know when you will be fascinated by the beautiful women outside...

  Did you go to see a woman again today?

  Is she very beautiful..."

  The two of them were whispering to each other, and Xiao Yixian was telling her what was on her mind.

  Su Yun patted Xiao Yixian's smooth back and listened carefully.

  The reality is not a brainless and happy story. Girls also have possessiveness. Where can someone be so selfless and willing to share their lover with others.

  Although in this world, it is common for strong men to have three wives and four concubines.

  If Xiao Yixian came into contact with a young and handsome man, he would definitely explode.

  Su Yun comforted her softly.

  In the end, nothing happened between the two, and Xiao Yixian fell asleep on Su Yun's body.

  Su Yun carried her to the bed and gently tapped her sleeping face.

  It's time to grow up...

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with complexity.

  When he first took in Xiao Yixian, his original purpose was not simple, but after getting along for a long time, he was not so eager to let her grow up.

  Now the problem of the evil poison body has been solved by the fusion function of the system.

  Xiao Yixian also feels insecure for some reasons.

  Then let's advance and retreat with him and face the future together.

  However, once the evil poison body is activated, she will know the truth about the massacre in the village when she was three years old.

  Su Yun shook his head. He had to face it eventually.

  The next day.

  Su Yun practiced all night and stayed by the bed, waiting for Xiao Yixian to wake up.

  The morning sun shone directly into the room, and the sleeping girl slowly woke up.

  Little Medical Fairy looked at Su Yun beside her, and subconsciously opened her delicate hands.

  Su Yun understood, and held Little Medical Fairy in his arms.

  Little Medical Fairy greedily inhaled a breath, it was all the smell of brother, when can I change into the shape of brother.

  Little Medical Fairy thought a little greedily.

  At this time, Su Yun directly lifted up Little Medical Fairy's suspender skirt.

  Little Medical Fairy was startled, is it coming? !

  Little Medical Fairy suppressed the shyness in her heart, it is not night now, but Xian'er won't mind.

  Su Yun was startled and forgot about it.

  Little Medical Fairy buried her head in Su Yun's chest, and felt that Su Yun's movements stopped, and her voice was slightly shy.

  "Brother, you can do whatever you want. Xian'er won't resist."

  Su Yun: "..."

  Su Yun gently pinched Xiao Yixian's jade hand with one hand, and took out something from her ring with slow movements.


  Xiao Yixian's face was full of question marks.

  Could it be that...

  Brother likes to bring Pang back again? Xian'er has made a note of it!   

  Su Yun suppressed his restlessness and tried to make his tone as serious as possible.


  Little Medical Fairy opened her eyes nervously.

  "Xian'er, brother has something to tell you."

  Little Medical Fairy blinked her watery eyes, a hint of disappointment flashed through her heart.

  Well, brother didn't mean that.

  Although she didn't know what Su Yun was going to say, Little Medical Fairy still looked serious.

  "Brother, tell me."

  Su Yun took a deep breath.

  "Xian'er, look at your belly."

  Little Medical Fairy looked at her smooth and white belly.

  A thin colorful hidden line grew on it.

  "This thin colorful line has been with Xian'er since she was born.

  What's wrong, brother?"

  Little Medical Fairy looked a little puzzled.

  Su Yun's eyes were a little complicated. He took out a colorful scroll from the system space and turned to the last scroll.

  This was the Seven-Colored Poison Sutra.

  Su Yun gently stroked her slender black hair and handed the Seven-Colored Poison Sutra to the Little Medical Fairy.

  The Little Medical Fairy took it with doubt and read it carefully.

  After a while, the Little Medical Fairy's face suddenly turned pale, without a trace of blood.


  Su Yun called softly.

  The Little Medical Fairy clenched her jade hands, and her sharp nails pierced into her palms, bringing piercing pain. Two lines of tears slid down her delicate face.

  Su Yun felt a little distressed and held the Little Medical Fairy tightly in his arms.

  "I killed everyone in the village, I killed my mother..."

  The two hugged each other in silence, and Su Yun didn't know how to comfort her.

  He was not good at speaking, so he could only stay by her side quietly.

  The little doctor hugged Su Yun tightly, and finally couldn't help crying loudly.


  Why do I have this damn physique! Wow..."

  The little doctor's cry was heartbreaking and spread out of the room .

  It was early morning, and Hai Bodong was not here. Qing Lin and Luo Qianyun heard the little doctor's cry and stood outside the door, a little worried.

  Su Yun hugged the little doctor's soft body tightly, feeling very distressed.

  The little doctor's tears could not be stopped at all, and they didn't stop for a whole morning.

  At noon, Hai Bodong had already come to the villa and looked at the two women outside the door.

  Su Yun looked at the little medical fairy who had fainted from crying in his arms, and sighed in his heart. She

  was a ghost, with a pure and kind nature but a poisonous body.

  Su Yun put the little medical fairy on the bed.

  He walked out and closed the door.

  "Young Master, Sister Xian'er..."

  Su Yun hesitated for a moment and told the whole story.

  Qing Lin and Luo Qianyun both felt sorry for the little medical fairy's experience.

  Hai Bodong, in addition to sympathy, showed surprise.

  The poisonous body!

  Hai Bodong couldn't help but shudder.

  He had heard of this thing by chance.

  I never thought that such a kind girl would have such a physique.

  It's really fate.

  Su Yun asked Qing Lin to prepare some food, and then stayed by the little medical fairy's bed.

  It was not until the evening that Xiao Yixian woke up. What she saw was her dearest brother Su Yun, but she did not have the courage to hug him.

  She could not help but shrink back.

  Su Yun frowned slightly, saw Xiao Yixian's reaction, and pulled her into his arms with a little force.
