
quirkless In my hero academia

A businessman die of overworking and has taken over a body of a dead boy who's parents abused and used for the fun of it. the god who made his soul take over the body gave him some memories and knowledge(smarts, bloodlust,love of something,and muscle memory) of some people that don't have POWERS of there own. the god that given the man that turned boy the memories for he doesn't get caught by the other gods. for his new plaything.

Darkzero21 · Anime e quadrinhos
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12 Chs

memory part 2

???- memory

As I live my life in the world of super heroes and criminals that have powers that could destroy the universe. It was a small world for me I got a house an loving wife what else could I hop for.

But that was in the past. my name was @#$@@#$ But my name now is the joker HAHA HAHA HA HAHAAA!

I Want to tell you my life story after the dip in the pool.

Like when how I killed many people and how I kill and torture bats loved one and how the look on his face is so lovely.

but I can't I need to tell what I experience. I seen the good turn bad and bad to good. how a parent beat there child or how a person will kill for little bit of money.

But I experience death pain and happiness. the death is more then one thing, the pain a lot happiness not a lot.

I cut off my face

I cut my arm

I get beaten by the heros

I get stab in the eye

I was shot to death

burn to death

stab to death

snapped neck

but my happiness was when I had my wife

beaten the bats

kill the boy wounder

disability the batgirl

all of this is what I experience in my life to my death.

so this is my tale HA HA HA~ HAHAHAAAHAHA~


3 more memory to go

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