
Quirk Singularity [MHA]

Kosuke Keteru, a boy born with it all. Wealthy parents, smart, and powerful. He truly had everything one could want. Until everything he held of value was taken from him by rogue villains; Crashing through the city of Tokyo and inadvertently killing his family. Feeling himself fall into a pit of endless hate, anger and a need to fulfill his revenge. The persona; "Prime." was created.

pinto · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 3


Standing outside the esteemed, Yaoyorozu complex, was Kosuke. In his phone without a care in the world. He was watching some videos of villains going haywire in another part of town, tearing up the town and killing innocent civilians.

What really irked him though, was how when the Heroes did arrive on the scene, the people cheered them on as they performed bigger, more flashier moves that uncoincidentally caused more damage.

'It's like a hamster wheel of stupidity.' His jaw tightened. 'Whatever. They'll wake up sooner or later,' He sighed, sliding his phone back into his pant pocket. As he did so, he heard the gate next to the stone pillar he was leaning on, open.

Glancing over, he smiled, "Hey, Momo. You look great." The girl blushed, holding her purse in front of her shyly. "Thank you, Kosuke. You look nice too." Sharing her own smile, the two started walking, Kosuke offering the nook of his arm.

Momo took it, her blush slightly present. "So? What'd you want to meet up about?" Kosuke asked, getting straight to the point. Momo frowned, raising an eyebrow. "I must have a reason to hang out with my childhood best friend? That's awfully short sighted." Kosuke rolled his eyes, a slight smile splitting his lips.

"When have you not had a reason behind meeting me? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to use me." Now it was her turn to roll her eyes. "Whatever, Kosuke. I just wanted to hang out. I have today off from any family business, and I'm taking an off day from my training and studying for UA's recommendation exam." Kosuke nodded, finding her schedule to be impressive.

"Wow~ Who would've known the princess of the Yaoyorozu would be so busy? I'm kidding, I'm kidding." He added, seeing her pout. "It is impressive though. How do you manage to keep up with all that?" He asks as they come to a stop at a crossroad.

Momo hums, her glossy pink lips puckering out slightly. "I honestly have no idea. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to pass out or die from overworking. It's stressful."

"Yeah, I bet. UA is a prestigious school; I'm not surprised with the amount of work needed to get into it. Though, I guess that recommendation exam was a surefire way of getting a chance to attempt getting in." He shrugged, waving off a car as he and Momo jogged across the street. Momo sighed, hugging his arm tighter.

"Won't you take the exam too? With your abilities, you'll definitely get in. Between your unique instantaneous warping and terrifying telekinesis abilities- I can't imagine them denying you." Her point was valid.

Warping quirks are one of- If not- THE most uncommon quirk, next to super-regeneration and healing quirks. That coupled with his telekinetic potential; Any hero would be jumping out the bricks to get him under their wing.

Kosuke shrugged, holding open the glass door to a local café they frequent when they go on dates like these. "I already told you; UA isn't for me. You know how I feel about the whole, Hero worship thing. It's training maybe beneficial, but it's practically a brain washing institution- Along with the rest of those hero courses."

His statement reached the ears of nearby pedestrians, some turned to look at him with spite while others just frowned and shook their heads, obviously disagreeing with his view.

Momo smiled awkwardly at the ones who eyed her before she pinched Kosuke. "Keep it down!" She whispered angrily, "Why not just give it a chance?" She pushed, placing her purse in the open space in her booth. The two were immediately given a menu.

Kosuke fought the urge to sigh. "Momo. Stop. I'm not considering it. I'll go into science like my parents if I ever need a career- Which I doubt I'll ever need." With the amount of money his parents left for him, he wouldn't have to work a day in his life for the next few generations.

Unless he spends fortune after fortune on ridiculous DIY projects on his house.

Momo's mood soured, but she soon puffed up. Finding that being upset over his decision is selfish and unheroic. Not to mention the rising irritation she felt from him; that was a button she didn't want to push.

So, moving on from her previous topic, she smiled and poked his hand. "So~ How's the suit coming along? Last time you mentioned it you were still having trouble." Before Kosuke could answer, their waiter came and took their orders, soon taking their menus too.

"Ah. About that…" Kosuke raised his right arm, showing off his wrist; but more importantly, the nanite bracelet. Momo frowned, "What is that? It- No way… Is that- "Realization hit her like a truck; Kosuke had to speak over her before she ended up announcing it to the whole café.

"Yep. A full body suit made of nanobots of the strongest material. All right here on my wrist." Flashing his date, a cheeky smile, he thanked the waiter who came back with their coffee.

"T-That's amazing! Congratulations!" She exclaimed, gripping his hand. Kosuke smiled but didn't say anything. Just enjoying the sight of a pretty girl in front of him.

"Thank you, but I've yet to actually test it. I was planning on doing that tonight, or tomorrow night… Depends." He shrugged, taking another sip of his drink. Momo let go of his hand with a slight blush, clearing her throat she collected her thoughts.

"How do you plan to do that? Is Kogane going to help you?" Kosuke nodded, "Something like that. Probably have him shoot me or something." Momo gasped; Kosuke rolled his eyes. "That was a joke. At best I'd channel my quirk through it to see how well it holds up. Wouldn't want it failing mid quirk use and I go boom." Mimicking an explosion with his hands, he laughed a little.

Momo, however, found that horrifying. "Kosuke! Do you want me to help you with your tests? If it's tonight, I'd be able to squeeze it in before midnight." She offered, but Kosuke shook his head, taking her hand in his.

Tossing it between his own, inspecting her shiny, unpainted nails. "Nope, it's all good. I'll call and let you know how it goes, but I doubt I'd explode." Momo didn't pick up anything he said, she was too distracted by the innocent act of Kosuke playing with her hand.

Kosuke eyed her, making a risky move and ordering one of the millions of nanites to attach itself to her, burying it underneath her skin. Momo recoiled, "Ow…" She muttered, rubbing her forearm where the nanite had buried itself.

At most it felt like a hair caught on a seam of clothing.

"What happened?" Kosuke asked, snickering at her. Momo huffed, "I got bit by something, what's so funny?" She narrowed her eyes, Kosuke raised his hands in mock defense in return.

"You made an ugly face. It was funny! That's not my fault." He retorted, causing her to gasp. Touching her face dramatically. "Really? That's embarrassing…" She dropped her head a little lower, but Kosuke caught it, his finger lifting her chin. His eyes a lazy squint.

"Nah~ I was kidding. Your face could never be ugly." He chuckled, letting her go and taking a sip of his coffee. Momo turned bright red in an instant, her face getting hot. However, she played it off.

"Shall we go? There's this park I wanted to visit nearby; I heard good reviews about it." Standing up in an awkward rush, she collected her coffee cup and stared anxiously at her date.

The one in question, eyed her back. 'I'd really like to finish up on my finishing touches to the suit… Eh, this won't hurt.' He mentally shrugged, standing up and holding out his hand, gesturing for Momo to grab it.

She did just that, though, hesitantly.

As soon as she made contact, she blinked, and they were at the very park she mentioned. She sputtered, spinning around as she took in the sight of four noticeably tall trees with bright, healthy green leaves and deep brown bark sprouting throughout, presenting the leaves to the world.

The playground nearby with little kids rough housing in the sandpit.

And finally, the bench that Kosuke plopped down on as soon as they arrived. "W-What? Kosuke, you know that was a crime!" She exclaimed furiously. She sat down and pinched his shoulder.

"Ah- Ah, stop! I know it was, but the walk would've been so long. Plus I already knew which one you were talking about, so I saved us some time." She huffed, not moved one bit. She took the law very seriously; she was what one would call a people pleasure and a goody two-shoes.

Kosuke rolled his eyes, stretching his arms on the back of the bench backrest. "Oh~ Cut that out. Stop pouting. I saved us from an hour walk, so now we have an extra hour to find something to do." He sighed, exasperated at her attitude.

It's only been about thirty minutes since they met up. He knows Momo has a strict curfew too, even on off days, so he took the chance to basically increase the time they had together.

"I'll forgive you if we WALK, to city fair later today. I want to enjoy the new city. I moved here last week after all. And I've been so busy I've barely been able to sight see." Kosuke eyed her for a second and nodded slowly.

"Whatever you want princess." He shrugged. The two sat in comfortable silence, with Momo taking sips of her coffee occasionally, with a slight pink hue on her cheeks that never seemed to leave her face since she met up with Kosuke, and with Kosuke leaning his head back over the edge of the backrest, enjoying the slight breeze on his face.