
Quirk Singularity [MHA]

Kosuke Keteru, a boy born with it all. Wealthy parents, smart, and powerful. He truly had everything one could want. Until everything he held of value was taken from him by rogue villains; Crashing through the city of Tokyo and inadvertently killing his family. Feeling himself fall into a pit of endless hate, anger and a need to fulfill his revenge. The persona; "Prime." was created.

pinto · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 2




Kosuke Keteru throws his head back in frustration. His black, unkempt spikey hair dancing along the action. Pushing himself away from his desk lazily, he groans out loud.

'I've been at this all night and not a single bit of progress.' He mentally admonishes. Pulling himself back to his desk. He was in the middle of following a blueprint his late dad had left for him before he passed.

Originally, it was to be used as a hero costume and a way to help his son, Kosuke, take some of the burden off his body when he uses his quirk. However, the suit took nanites, something that Kosuke had, but was struggling putting together and activating.

The blueprint was intricate, delicate but the outcome would be a devastatingly durable suit of armor. Graphene was the main material used, but there was carbon fiber mixed in-In other places.

'What am I missing?' He couldn't put his finger on it, and he was so close to getting the suit to come to life. If he could find out what it is he's missing… He'd finally be able to avenge his parents.

Using his quirk was too dangerous without some sort of median to channel it into. He can use it fine without the median, but the stronger the output he wants to use, the more damage it'd do to his body.

The nasty scars along his arms, shoulders, back and some of his chest was proof enough.


"Come in, Kogane." The elevator lift doors opened and revealed a red-haired man, smiling softly at his master. "How's it coming along? I assume it's not going well?" Placing a tray of breakfast items on a desk nearby Kosuke workstation, the man speaks.

Kosuke scoffs. "Terrible. There's something I'm missing, something not written in my old mans journals, blueprints- note pads." Kogane hums, his brows raising in interest.

"Are you sure you've put the mechanisms in the right places? If you're working with nanites, you'd need transducers to generate the self-sustaining power for them." Kosuke held his chin listening to his butler speak.

Kogane smiled. "You're sixteen and stressing like your fifty. Take a break, it'd serve you well." Kosuke didn't respond though, lost in his mind hearing his butler's advice.

Something he already checked, but it wouldn't hurt to check again.

Kosuke threw his hands up in resignation. Sighing once more, "Whatever. Thank you for the breakfast by the way." Taking a strip of bacon off the plate and devouring it within seconds. Kogane nodded, stepping away quietly, leaving Kosuke to his business.

Diving straight back into his work, Kosuke was locked in his basement for another day before he finally emerged, With good news too.

"Finally!" Collapsing in his chair, Kosuke spun around, his eyes baggy and purple from fatigue, dehydration and probably a couple of other things. However, all of it was overshadowed by the bigger accomplishment.

His suit was finally done.

A thin, metallic black suit of metal attached to a full-body mannequin the same height and size as Kosuke himself, the one who put it there ogled it with pride, excitement and relief.

With a tired grin splitting his face, Kosuke fell asleep. Later, Kogane came to check on his master and when he saw that he was passed out in his chair, overlooking his brand-new suit- A blanket of warmth and pride for his achievement overwhelmed him. Causing a soft smile to morph his face.



Coming to, I was blessed with the familiar sight of my bedroom. It didn't surprise me that I ended up here. I half-expected Kogane to check on me after I didn't respond to his messages for a while.

Sitting up, the memories of my accomplishment flooded my brain like a broken dam. The giddiness I had before came back, but I pushed it aside and swung my legs over the edge of my bed and left the room.

"Kogane?" I call out, looking over the mezzanine railing. I didn't get a response, so I shrugged it off with a yawn; Rubbing my eyes to get the sleep out from the crannies.

Skipping brunch, I head to my personal workshop (its really a basement) to check out and try on my suit. I couldn't stop the grin that tugged at my lips, the thought of finally being able to utilize my quirk effectively and more… ostentatiously, tugged at my heart in ways I didn't expect.

The way to get downstairs was through an elevator I had used my inheritance on getting installed. It's handy and better than stairs, though it's more like a giant lift than anything.

Stifling back a yawn, I wait patiently as the elevator descends ten stories at the speed of a snail. 'I should really modify that.' Adding speed options would be nice.

A realization came to me in the middle of my ride though. Slapping my forehead, I sigh. Activating my quirk, I teleport straight out of the lift and right in front of the suit I spent years on trying to figure out.

Who knew that all I needed was a bit of my blood? I only found that part out when I accidentally cut my thumb on the edge of the metal arm guard- Something I'm going to have to modify and smoothen out.

I slowly traced my finger along the sleek, black metal body glove. It's appearance as of now wasn't the most attractive thing, but I plan to add some things to the design.

I have a load of techwear; Maybe I can throw something together? 'The first component is ready… Should I give it a test drive?' I hummed, liking that idea. But I push it to the back of my mind for the moment, finding that it'd be better to wait.

I had ordered some materials for a couple of accessories, it's all necessary if I'm going to track down the guy that killed my parents all those years ago; He hasn't been caught either.

My jaw clenched as my arms were folded, eyeing the suit. Just itching to put it on. 'Fuck it. It's nanotech anyway.' Pressing a couple buttons on my keyboard, the suit lit up, the helmet glowing for a second before settling into a dark, one-way black glass.

The suit then started transforming, all the little, tiny machines converging at the right wrist, forming a sort of thin wire bracelet. Without batting an eye, I slip it around my wrist, and I feel it prick me. It reminded me of the times I had to get a flu-shot.

Grunting slightly, the pain soon died down. Though, there was some blood- Nothing a little towel couldn't fix.

All cleaned up, I inspected the tiny bracelet, trying to find any hint that it was actually a military-grade full body skintight metal suit. I lucked out in that department, the band looked like a hair tie more than anything. Or one of those stretchy rubber bracelets churches pass out.

My next plans were ended before I was even able to put it in motion due to my phone ringing. Looking at it, it was my butler.

Raising a curious eyebrow, I answer it.


"Yes, hello master. Your materials have arrived. I assume you want me to bring them down to you?" Kogane replied as smooth and elegant as ever. I smiled slightly, "Nope, that's fine." And with a snap of my fingers, the boxes appeared in front of me within a second.

"Ah. Teleportation? How handy." Kogane commented, pulling a laugh out of me. "Thanks, Kogane. Bye." Slipping my phone in my pocket, I let out a big breath of air.

"Time to get to work."