
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs


September 2, 2017.

"Second semester of my second year in Asahiyama High. I'm 17 now. God I hate this place, is this my price to pay for having so much power. " Fuutarou whispered to himself as he arrived at the school canteen.

He stood in the queue and after some time it was his turn to order. "Yakiniku set please." Fuutarou ordered with a bored expression on him. To others, it was a menacing expression so they tend to stay away from him except for his classmates who have come to know the true him.

"Thank you. Have a nice day miss." Fuutarou gave the lunch lady a warm smile after paying for his meal. His smile and his compliment made her blush vividly.

Fuutarou looked at his order as he walked towards his usual seat in the school canteen. The Yakiniku set included rice, miso soup, fresh fruit as dessert and of course, Yakiniku. All of this costs ¥400.

Fuutarou had long abandoned his thrifty personality. The debt was 93% paid off, so he can spend more money without getting worried as much now.

"Uesugi-kun is alone again huh? Go sit with him!"

"No way!"

[Physical Conditioning: Lvl Max]


Heavenly Restriction: You possess immense physical prowess and your five senses reached your pinnacle. You can control these senses and your strength down to every percent.]

'These people are fucking useless. Gossiping and insulting is all they know. If you have time to do all of those, you have time to study.' Fuutarou thought to himself. By the way, under all these clothes, Fuutarou has a lean body that would make women drool.

Fuutarou arrived at his usual seat and placed his tray of food onto the table. But someone else also placed their own food tray beside his.

He looked at who it was. It was a girl. He blushed at how beautiful she was. She was a serious looking girl with medium-length hair and an expressive ahoge. She has a reddish-orange hair colour. Her notable accessories are a pair of star-shaped hairpins near both of her eyes, she has dark blue eyes, height is 159cm(5'3") and has a well-endowed figure.

'Judging from her uniform, she's not from our school. Transfer student maybe.' Fuutarou thought before opening his mouth to speak.

" You're very beautiful. " Fuutarou commented with a small smile on his face.

He had no idea why he decided to just blurt that out. It was instinct. Now she was staring at him with a shocked expression and a noticeable blush on her face.

"I.....Um....." She began to stutter as the words that she was supposed to say were immediately forgotten. It was now replaced with his compliment repeatedly playing in her head.

"Ahem. Let's share our seats. That way we both get to sit. " Fuutarou suggested. She nodded and quickly sat down. Fuutarou sat in front of her.

She sighed in relief. 'I have been walking around the school since morning, my feet are at their limit!' She subtly looked at Fuutarou who was looking at her meal with a calculative expression.

'¥250 yen udon. The toppings are 2 ¥150 shrimp, ¥100 squid, kashiwa and sweet potato. Lastly, ¥180 yen pudding for dessert. ¥1030 yen just for lunch, well who am I to judge?' Fuutarou thought.

"Uesugi-kun is eating with a girl?"

"For real? I guess miracles do exist. "

Fuutarou groaned to himself and looked at the girl sitting with him. She still had a big blush on her face. He chuckled at her flustered expression.

"Hey, don't mind them. They've been talking behind my back as soon as I first studied here. Instead, we should get to know each other. " Fuutarou grinned broadly at her.

" I'm Uesugi Fuutarou. Nice to meet you." Fuutarou introduced himself.

"I'm Nakano Itsuki. It's a pleasure to meet you too, Uesugi-kun. " Itsuki smiled at him. Fuutarou nodded and they both clapped their hands together.

" Itadakimasu. " They muttered in unison and started eating.

"So what should I call you? Nakano-san or Itsuki-san? Or do you prefer to be called Itsuki-chan instead? "Fuutarou asked her. Itsuki blushed a little.

'Chan' is a female honorific used for girls, close friends or even lovers. It adds a sense of cuteness. It's only used by people who have known each other for a long time.

"Itsuki will do just fine. I think it's best if you call me that way, Uesugi-kun." Itsuki replied. Fuutarou hummed and smiled at her.

"Alright then, Itsuki." Fuutarou muttered. Itsuki smiled, happy that he would comply with her little request.

They continued eating in silence when Itsuki noticed something, Fuutarou was eating while studying. She pouted at his actions.

'That is very rude, but maybe he's aiming to be someone great.' Itsuki theorized but she needed to know for sure.

"Uesugi-kun, what are you doing?" Itsuki asked him.

"I'm reviewing the test. Sorry for doing this in front of you, I know it's rude but I do it so I don't fall asleep while eating." Fuutarou replied to her seriously. Itsuki resisted a giggle. She had never heard of anyone falling asleep while eating before.

'Such work ethic! But seriously?! Eating is the best activity there is! Why would anyone fall asleep from that!?' Itsuki questioned herself. She then grabbed his test paper on his tray without his permission. Fuutarou just stared at her with a small smirk on his face.

'And she's about to flip out..... now.' Fuutarou smirked widely as he looked at Itsuki's expression of disbelief on her face.

"Wh-what?! A 100! Is this real?!" Itsuki looked at Fuutarou who palmed his face with his right hand.

"Oh my god..... I'm so embarrassed..... " Fuutarou told her with a teasing tone and a broad grin on his face. She pouted cutely and pointed at him.

"You showed me this on purpose didn't you!" Itsuki accused him. Fuutarou raised a brow at her.

"Oh really? You were the one who snatched it without my permission." Fuutarou asked her while looking into her dark blue eyes.

"O-oh. My bad..." Itsuki muttered and looked down. Fuutarou shrugged.

"It's alright. No harm done." Fuutarou replied to her. Itsuki looked at him again.

" I hate to admit it, but getting a 100 is very impressive. I'm jealous of your abilities, Uesugi-kun. " Itsuki explained with a frown on her face.

"You shouldn't be jealous of me, Itsuki. You can get a 100 too if you study hard enough. It's all about consistency and the discipline to improve." Fuutarou advised. Itsuki shook her head.

" I hate to admit it, but I'm not great at studies. No, that's an understatement. I'm terrible! My grades are pitiful and it's rare that I actually pass any exams. I put time into studying and try really hard but I still have bad grades in the end. Ha..." Itsuki whispered and sighed weakly. She didn't know why she was sharing all of this with him, but Fuutarou seemed nice.

Suddenly, Itsuki widened her eyes. She had a great idea. She looked at Fuutarou with a bright expression and smiled at him.

"I know! Fate brought us together for a purpose! Could Uesugi-kun please teach me? I would really appreciate it, that is if you're okay with doing so. " Itsuki requested kindly. Fuutarou hummed softly and rubbed his chin. Suddenly, his phone started ringing, disrupting his thoughts. He sighed and took the phone out. The caller was Raiha. He then looked at Itsuki with an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry to leave like this Itsuki, but I really have to take this call. It's from my little sister." Fuutarou grabbed the empty tray of food and started walking away. He looked back at Itsuki.

"It was nice meeting you. I'll see you around beautiful." Fuutarou grinned at her before turning around and walking away, leaving a confused and embarrassed Itsuki whose face now had the same color as her hair.

'She looks a lot like Rena with those eyes and that hair color.' Fuutarou commented in his mind before answering the call from Raiha.

"Hey Raiha, what's up?"

"Dad just found a real good part-time job for you." Raiha revealed casually. Fuutarou blinked at her words, not knowing what to say to that.

"Tell me more about it."

"There's this wealthy family which moved here just recently, they're looking for a tutor for their daughters. Your employer is an old buddy of dad's. His daughters are in danger of flunking out of high school and they need a long term tutor up until graduation."

" But why until graduation? "

" From what dad told me, he said that his daughters are not able to understand the material that is taught no matter what, so they need a special tutor that can teach them at their own pace so that they can actually learn and improve their grades. "

" He would do it himself but his job has him so busy that he barely even sees his own daughters. So he needs to hire a tutor in order to help his daughters. He gave dad a call telling him that he believes you would be the perfect candidate to be their tutor considering you're the number 1 student." Raiha explained all in one breath, Fuutarou somehow understood everything.

"You would be paid 5 times the normal rate of tutoring. He understands that it may be difficult but his daughters really need help or else they will actually fail. He's an old friend of dad's. And dad already promised him that you will do a good job." Raiha added. Fuutarou palmed his face and groaned.

"Dad promised him before even asking me? Haaa... Well at least I get paid. If you said I'm tutoring for free, I would've found where this guy works at and beat the shit out of him." Fuutarou replied. He heard Raiha giggle at his words.

" If it's you then I believe you can do it, big bro! We'll be debt free soon and our lives will only be going up from now on, brother!" Raiha said cheerfully. Fuutarou smiled at her words.

" Final question, Raiha. What kind of girls are they? "

" Um.... Let's see if I remember this correctly...."

To be continued...