
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs


Fuutarou was walking with a serene expression on his face. It has been a day after the Nakano quintuplets stayed over at his house.

Fuutarou was replaying his and Nino's conversation repeatedly in his head. He was amazed at how good she was at giving advice.

"Thank you, Nino. I promise you, I will be myself from now on." Fuutarou whispered as he stood in front of the shop he was going to. It was a barber shop, the same one he went to years ago to dye his hair black.

He entered the shop and smiled at the scene in front of him. There were a lot of customers getting their haircuts by a bunch of barbers.

"Hey!! Welcome back!!" Fuutarou looked at the barber that greeted him. It was the same one that dyed and cut his hair all those years ago.

" Hey! I wanna have my hair dyed and cut." Fuutarou requested. The barber nodded and grinned.

" Blonde? " He asked Fuutarou who smirked and nodded back at him.

" Yep."

"Let's start right now. Sit there while I get the hair dye. "

" Alrighty. "



" Woo! This is good! Your work is unmatched! " Fuutarou whistled, extremely impressed at the barber's work. He was looking at the mirror in front of him while the barber standing behind him had a handheld one, showing the back of his head. [Pic]

"Thanks. Thank you for also spreading the word of my shop!" He thanked him. Fuutarou waved it off.

"It's no problem. You deserve all of this, your craft is godlike after all." Fuutarou replied to him. After paying for the barber's services, he waved goodbye to him before leaving the place.

"I don't need to tutor the girls today. But I do have to meet them at school tomorrow." He smirked to himself as he kept walking.

"Wonder how they'll react."




"Woah! Who's he?"

"Another transfer student?! Man he's hot!"

"I wanna ask for his number! "

" Hey, who's that blond guy? Is he a new student?"

"Huh? Who are you talking about— Oh my goodness! He's so handsome!"

"He looks like a delinquent, but his confident aura makes him very attractive fufu."

Those were the whispers of some highschool girls that were looking in awe at a young blond man with a black hoodie and dark blue trousers, that was walking towards the school entrance.

Fuutarou smirked, hearing their whispers as clear as day. He walked through the campus confidently with a smirk on his face. After walking through some corridors, the young man reached his classroom before the classes started.

When he entered, all the eyes of his classmates turned to stare at him, including Itsuki. Fuutarou sat down on his seat which was on Itsuki's left.

He turned to look at her and grinned savagely. "Hey Itsuki. Nice day isn't it?" He asked her. Itsuki widened her eyes and pointed at him.

"Uesugi-kun?!" She shouted in disbelief.

"Uesugi-kun?!" His greeting and his voice made all his classmates shout his name.

"Y-your hair!" Itsuki commented. Fuutarou nodded.

"Mhm. I went back to it. You don't like it?" Fuutarou asked her with a raised brow.

His question made Itsuki stutter on her response, "N-no, it l-looks very g-good actually."

Then Fuutarou smiled while reaching her head with his hand to pat it. "Thanks, Itsuki." His action made Itsuki more embarrassed, with all their classmates widening their eyes at Fuutarou's straightforward move.

Then their history teacher (alias Bald Rat) entered the classroom, demanding that everyone sit down to start the lesson. He glanced at the young blond man in Fuutarou's seat.

"Wait, is that really you, Uesugi-kun?" Bald Rat asked Fuutarou who nodded while picking his nose.

" Yup. Don't ask, just get used to it. " Fuutarou replied nonchalantly. Bald Rat sighed and shook his head.

"Teenagers these days....So disrespectful..." He grumbled before demanding everyone to take out their textbooks and workbooks. Fuutarou did not follow his request, not because he's lazy and doesn't want to study, but because he already has memorized every single part of the high school syllabus down to the core.

Instead, he was doodling the Nakano quintuplets on a piece of paper and taking notes for them.

Bald Rat thought that Fuutarou was trying to act like a delinquent and wanted to embarrass him in front of everyone.

"Uesugi-kun! Answer this question! When did the samurai visit New York City?"

"1860." Fuutarou answered nonchalantly while drawing hearts above each of the chibi Nakano Quintuplets' small heads.

"Then answer this one! Three major shogunates (Kamakura, Ashikaga, Tokugawa) led Japan—"

"From 1192 until 1868." Fuutarou grumbled. He looked at Bald Rat with an 'are you serious' expression.

"I give up...." Bald Rat sighed in defeat and resumed his lesson. Fuutarou chuckled to himself before resuming drawing the Nakano sisters.

Itsuki was looking at him with a surprised expression. Fuutarou was acting very differently than usual. She wanted to scold him for being so disrespectful to the teacher, but she held back, remembering the words from Fuutarou's father.

'Maybe this is how he actually acts like outside of school and tutoring us.' Itsuki thought before focusing back on Bald Rat's history lesson.



After the lesson finished, Fuutarou placed some papers on Itsuki's desk. She was surprised by the gesture and looked at the papers.

"Extra notes for my dear student." Fuutarou explained to her. She blushed and looked at him.

"U-uesugi-kun, w-what are these papers?" She asked him. Fuutarou raised an amused brow at her.

"What kind of question is that? They're extra notes that I took for you to help you with your studies." Fuutarou replied.

" B-but what about focusing on the lessons? You can't just abandon that just so you could help me. " Itsuki argued. Fuutarou shrugged.

" I memorized the textbooks long before I entered this high school, Itsuki. Don't worry about me, my memory is very sharp. I want to help you and your sisters in a better way. I decided to change my methods. So I took my time to take extra notes for my cute classmate to help her." Fuutarou grinned at her.

Itsuki got red like her hair at hi compliment. Nonetheless, she tried to thank the kind guy. "T-thank y-you, Uesugi-kun. I-i will m-make sure to use them." She stuttered out.

Fuutarou smiled and patted her head gently, even ruffling her hair a little, making Itsuki happy from the gesture and some classmates giggle at their interaction.

During the second lesson, Fuutarou repeated the same action as before, copying notes for Itsuki and her sisters and drawing them on a piece of paper.

The Japanese teacher tried to embarrass him by asking him some super difficult questions, Fuutarou got them all correct, embarrassing the teacher instead.

At this point every person in the classroom was fully convinced to have a different Fuutarou in their classroom; one that didn't care to show off his academic skills anymore, opting to just take more notes for the cute red haired girl sitting next to him.

At lunch time, Itsuki looked at Fuutarou who held out his hand at her. "Shall we go Itsuki? We don't wanna keep your sisters waiting." Fuutarou offered. Itsuki blushed as she looked at his hand.

"Ooo~" The class was all looking at this scene intensely, waiting for Itsuki's response. Itsuki raised her hand.

'Oh god! What am I doing!? No! Put it down! Put it down Itsuki!!!' Itsuki shouted, trying to stop herself but it was too late. Her left hand was already intertwined with his right hand.

"Hehe." Fuutarou chuckled as they walked out of the classroom, hand in hand.

"L-let's go already U-uesugi-kun." An embarrassed Itsuki whispered. Fuutarou laughed at her flustered expression as they left for the cafeteria.



Fuutarou and Itsuki finally arrived to the cafeteria, where everyone noticed the presence of the boy who was now the subject of early rumors and the fact he was accompanied by Itsuki.

Ignoring the looks on them, the 2 teenagers went to get their lunch trays, until two hands appeared from behind Fuutarou, covering his eyes.

"What the hell?" Fuutarou wondered.

"Who is it?" A sweet and familiar voice asked him while giggling happily. Fuutarou chuckled, recognizing said voice.

"It's Nino, isn't it." Then Fuutarou's eyes got uncovered, he turned around and saw a happy Nino with a bright smile on her face.

"Correct! Since you answered right, you won a prize."

Itsuki frowned while watching the whole scene. 'What's Nino doing now? She's never happy at all when she's around Uesugi-kun. What made her change her attitude towards him? ' Itsuki wondered.

"A prize? What prize?" Fuutarou asked her. Nino took out something from her bag: a little pink coloured lunch box was offered to the blond guy.

"You won a bento! I've personally prepared it for you this morning. Be grateful!" She told him while keeping her nice smile. Fuutarou smiled as he received the bento.

"And also.... y-you look g-good with that hairstyle...." Nino stuttered with a blush on her face. Fuutarou grinned at her.

"It's all thanks to you and your words, Nino. No more hiding who I truly am from now on." Fuutarou replied, making Nino blush even more.

'So Nino was the one who inspired him to change. Huh, I never knew Nino had the making of a therapist.' Itsuki thought.

"Why did you prepare this for me?" Fuutarou asked. Nino huffed and put her arms on her waist.

"I couldn't let you eat that Yakiniku set and starve yourself any longer, so I decided to make you some good food for once! " Nino explained. Fuutarou smiled at how kind she was.

"Really Nino? Thanks a lot, I'll enjoy it to the fullest." Fuutarou promised her.

Nino blushed when he said that. "Y-you better! I did my best to make it! Let's go now before Itsuki's belly grumbles." Nino replied.

Nino's remark made Itsuki pout. "N-nino! D-don't say that! My belly doesn't grumble—"


"You were saying, Itsuki? "

To be continued...