
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs


After Itsuki got her lunch tray full of food and Nino one with lesser, the 3 of them reached the table where Ichika, Miku and Yotsuba were eating. Ichika noticed her other sisters.

"Oh you two are finally here. What did take you so—" Ichika stopped her sentence when she saw the figure of a blond young man with a black hoodie near Nino. Miku and Yotsuba did the same, with Miku feeling something familiar coming from the guy.

"Itsuki-chan, who's the handsome guy with you two?" Ichika asked curiously. Fuutarou grinned at her.

"Oh, thanks for the compliment Ichika. I'm disappointed that you don't recognize me even though I only changed my hair color." Fuutarou replied with a somewhat mocking tone.



"Fuutarou-kun!!" The 3 sisters shouted in unison, making Fuutarou laugh at their reactions.

"That's the second funny reaction I got today for my new attire haha. Yep, it's me girls." Fuutarou added. Ichika blushed and stood up.

" Wow, Fuutarou-kun. You look really handsome with that blonde hair. You were hot before, but now you're like a God. " Ichika commented with a seductive tone while wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Thanks Ichika. You're very beautiful too. You five are stunning, like goddesses. " Fuutarou replied while smiling at the Quints. The Nakano sisters blushed vividly and had steam rising out of their ears.

A heavily blushing Yotsuba tried to change the subject. "U-u-uesugi-san... What's that pink lunch box in your hands?" She asked him. Nino smirked at her.

" That's a bento that I made for Fuutarou of course. " Nino replied proudly. Her response was enough to make a flaming aura of jealousy appear around Yotsuba, Ichika and surprisingly Miku.

Fuutarou looked at his watch and looked back at the sisters. "Let's stop talking for now girls, let's just eat before lunch time ends."

All the quints agreed, especially a happy and hungry Itsuki. Yet the tutor and the quintuplets didn't notice there were some glances directed to them from various students, both boys and girls.

Especially the ones from the girls directed to no other than the punk blond guy who was enjoying Nino's bento and showering her with compliments which Nino blushed a lot as her reaction.

It seems that the rumors about the new Uesugi Fuutarou are spreading rapidly. The tutor and his students finally ended their lunch, so everyone got back to each own class for the afternoon lessons.

Itsuki went back with Fuutarou of course, but again she had to hear those annoying whispers of the students that were watching her and Fuutarou while walking. Rumors are a real pain in the ass.



"What's good!" Mikey grinned as he greeted Fuutarou. They dapped each other up and hugged each other for a few seconds before releasing it.

"Mikey! Nice to see you!" Fuutarou replied happily as they started walking on the streets together.

"So how's the family?" Fuutarou asked him. Mikey smiled.

"They're doing great! Emma especially since she's finally dating Ken-chin now. I've never seen her smile and daydream this much before. " He replied, making Fuutarou chuckled.

" You're still working part-time at big bro Shinichiro's shop right? "Mikey asked another question. Fuutarou nodded at his question.

" I am and I will forever. I'm confident that that place will not be the same without me working there. "Fuutarou answered. Mikey smirked.

" Well, let's not stall for much longer. It's time to nominate the seventh division captain! "

" Wait what? "



At the Musashi Shrine, the Seventh Division Captain nomination ceremony began. Fuutarou was staring at Mikey with an expression of surprise.

'No one told me this! Not even Yamagishi!' He thought as Mikey stepped forward to look down at the Toman gang members.

"The nomination for the Tokyo Manji Gang's Seventh Division Captain will begin now!!!" Draken declared as the chattering about who will be appointed to the position died down immediately.

"Seventh Division Captain!!! Step forward please!!!" Mikey ordered to the crowd.

"Out of the way!!"

Fuutarou looked at two people approaching his, Mikey's and Draken's position. One was tall while the other was short. The tall one was pushing and shoving the other members away, something that Fuutarou did not like seeing.

"Kisaki?" Fuutarou whispered as he looked at the short person of the duo. He remembered this person as the one he saved when he was younger.

Kisaki is now a man of average height, with blue eyes, tanned skin and blonde hair(dyed). He also sports glasses and an earring on his left ear. His hair is cut in an undercut and he wears the usual Toman uniform.

Walking up to Mikey, Kisaki stops and sits on the steps in front of Mikey, turning his back to Mikey, Fuutarou and Draken.

"The hell is his problem!? Is he for real?!"

"He just sat down with his back to our leaders!!"

"What's your problem asshole!! Do act you're hot shit in front of the presidents!!" The Toman members were angered, viewing Kisaki's actions as disrespect to the co-leaders of Toman.

"Listen up morons!! The man sitting behind me!! He is the Seventh Division Captain!!! Tetta Kisaki!!!" The tall man introduce Kisaki to everyone present, surprising the Toman members.

"I've seen that guy before! Ain't he one of Moebius' guys?! "

" That's Kisaki from Moebius! The fuck is a Moebius bastard doing here?! "

" Get the fuck out of Toman, Moebius!! "

" Get out!! Get out!!! Get out!!!"

" Shut up!!!" Draken demanded, shutting the chanting up.

"It's Mikey's decision!! If you got a problem, then step forward!!" Draken demanded. No one did anything.

" Our gang is going to challenge Valhalla! Valhalla is a rising power with numbers Moebius could only dream of!! To beat them, Toman has to become more power too!! With Tetta Kisaki here, we've got somebody from Moebius who's in charge of the guys of our generation. "

"We need Kisaki so we can challenge Valhalla!! Tetta Kisaki is now the Seventh Division Captain!!! Remember that!! This concludes the nomination ceremony!! " Mikey declared before walking away, ending the ceremony right then and there.

"Leader! Thank you very much!" Kisaki declared before bowing gratefully at Mikey who hummed softly as his response.

"Get outta my way." Fuutarou grumbled before pushing the bowing Kisaki onto the ground. Draken watched on with a frown on his face.

"Mikey, what the hell have you done?" He whispered.

For the first time since it started, Toman was divided.



"There's only one thing that can make me happy, and that's the Quints and my family." Fuutarou whispered as he was currently chatting with Itsuki on the phone. He and her were discussing about what kind of foods they like with Itsuki dominating the conversation while Fuutarou just let her talk.

Eventually Fuutarou wanted to have some fun with her. He grinned mischievously as he started typing on the keyboard of his phone.

'Wanna go out on a second date?' Was what he sent to Itsuki.

At the Nakano sisters' luxurious apartment in Itsuki's bedroom. Itsuki widened her eyes and blushed vividly at Fuutarou's message. She thought Fuutarou was joking when he said he would ask her out a second time.

But it was then she realized that Fuutarou never jokes about these kinds of things, especially with her and her sisters. She immediately typed her own message.

'Yes! I would love to!'

"Success!" Fuutarou cheered silently. Raiha who was cooking dinner for the family looked to see Fuutarou grinning while looking at his phone.

'Big bro must've said something to one of the five sisters. That's his 'I've successfully done something' face.' Raiha thought and resumed her cooking.

'Great! Since we have school tomorrow. Let's have an evening date. 5pm sounds like a nice time. I'll come pick you up.'

'Deal! See you tomorrow, Uesugi-kun!'


"Hehehehe!!!" Fuutarou laughed to himself. He looked at Raiha and stood up.

"Hey Raiha, let me help you."

"Oh! Okay! You can help cut the onions!"




Itsuki was staring at her phone with a shocked expression." Did that seriously just happen? "She asked herself. She reread the conversation between her and Fuutarou.

" KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Itsuki slammed her face into her pillow and screamed loudly with a vivid blush on her face.

Yep, she was definitely excited about it.




The next day, Fuutarou walked towards school and met Ichika who coincidentally walked the same path as him to 'get some coffee'.

Fuutarou teased her about being like a clingy girlfriend to which she pulled him into an alleyway and started making out with him.

"That oughta teach you a lesson about teasing Onee-san." Ichika giggled as she dragged a dazed Fuutarou to school.

They arrived at school and greeted the rest of the Nakano sisters. They went to their separate classes. Itsuki was looking and looking away at him with a shy expression.

Fuutarou chuckled to himself as they sat on their seats. 'She must still be pretty flustered about me asking her out yesterday. With Kenbunshoku Haki, I also sensed that she is worried about something. Probably about our date. Don't worry, Itsuki. I'll make sure you have lots of fun during our date.' Fuutarou promised to himself as the classes begun.



School went by very slowly as it looked like God doesn't want Fuutarou and Itsuki to have fun with each other. The two quickly rushed back to their own homes and started preparing for their date.

Itsuki did not forget to finish her own homework first before she prepared to go on her date with Fuutarou. Her sisters were looking at her suspicious as she was the one who finished her homework first out of all of them.

"Strange. She would usually sit there and eat her snacks while she did her homework." Nino whispered, familiar with Itsuki's habits. Her sisters except for Itsuki were thinking about the samw thing.

They watched on as Itsuki rushed into her own room. Half an hour later, Itsuki rushed out her room and ran down the stairs.

"Wow, Itsuki! You look pretty! Where are you going?" Yotsuba asked curiously. Itsuki blushed at her sister's compliment.

"Thank you Yotsuba. I'm going out to hangout with a friend. I gotta go, I'm gonna be late! See ya! I'll be back before dinner!" Itsuki waved at her sisters before putting on her shoes and rushing out of the apartment.

Nino looked at her sisters. "She's not going to hangout with her friend is she? "She asked with a deadpan expression. Miku shook her head.

" No one dresses that pretty to hangout with a friend. Let's go see what she's up to. "

" Great idea! "

To be continued...