
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs


'Uesugi-san he... He.... He kissed me on the... lips.... He kissed me on the lips....' A heavily blushing Yotsuba widened her eyes in shock and covered her mouth tightly, preventing her from squealing in joy.

'He kissed me on the lips!!!!! KYAAAA!!!~~ Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god!!!!' Yotsuba closed her eyes and started squirming happily on the sofa while she smiled widely.

"Uh, Yotsuba. What's gotten into you?" A weirded out Nino asked Yotsuba who froze in her place. Ah crap, Yotsuba had forgotten that Nino and Itsuki were still downstairs with them.

"U-uh... It's nothing Nino... You don't need to worry about me....Hahaha...." Yotsuba laughed nervously while scratching the back of her head.

Nino raised an eyebrow, not believing her little sister one bit. But she sighed and shook her head, not wanting to investigate further.

Itsuki looked at where Fuutarou was lying previously and frowned as he was not there at all. He was gone like the wind.

Itsuki looked around some more before she raised an eyebrow, finding Fuutarou standing on the balcony while leaning forward against the balcony railing.

He had a large smile on his face as he touched his lips with two fingers. 'Uncle Maruo's gonna kill me if he finds out that I kissed his daughter. Well, he can try to.' Fuutarou smirked before shaking his head.

He was gently slapped on the back by someone. He looked to see that it was Nino who was furrowing her eyebrows at him.

"What are you doing here, Uesugi? C'mon, the tea's gonna get cold." Nino muttered before dragging him back into the apartment by grabbing his hand.

Fuutarou smiled before squeezing her hand a couple of times gently, making Nino blush and Yotsuba watching this happen pout in jealousy a little.

The four friends sat down on the couch together before drinking the tea Nino made them. Fuutarou and Yotsuba didn't drink much, only a few sips since his stomach still felt like it was going to explode.

While Nino and Itsuki were silently enjoying their tea, they noticed the door opening and saw Miku and Ichika enter the apartment.

Miku was back with a plastic bag full of medicine in hand while Ichika was back from her job.

Ichika yawned loudly before she took off her shoes. She prepared to make the beeline straight towards the bathroom to clean up. Then she'll make a beeline straight to her bedroom to take a nice nap.

But all of it wasn't before she took a good look at the living room and widened her eyes in surprise at who was there.

"Fuutarou-kun!" Ichika shouted energetically as she quickly regained all of her energy back and ran towards her smoking hot tutor.

" Ah Ichika—Woah!" Fuutarou laughed as Ichika crashed into him. He smiled wider as her large soft breasts engulfed his face.

"Mm!!~ I missed you so much!!!~" Ichika hugged him tightly, not wanting to let him go ever again. She smirked and cupped his face. Fuutarou widened his eyes, knowing what the up and coming actress wanted.

"Give me a kiss~" Ichika demanded cutely before she leaned closer into him and puckered her pink lips.

"Gladly." Fuutarou grinned back before wrapping his arms around her waist. Ichika eaned closer, centimeters away from kissing in front of her sisters.

"Chu—Mm!!" Ichika widened her eyes in shock as she found herself kissing someone else's palm, Itsuki's palm to be exact.

"I can't believe you, Ichika! Don't you think that's crossing the line? We're still his students no matter how much you look at it." Itsuki scolded her. Ichika huffed, crossed her arms before pouting dramatically.

"Hmph! I know what you're playing at here, you just want him all to yourself, Itsuki." Ichika replied to her, making Itsuki blush brightly at the statement.

"Wh-what?! Why would I?! " An embarrassed Itsuki shouted. Ichika smirked before tracing circles on Fuutarou's chest with her finger.

" Look at him, Itsuki. You can't deny that our dear tutor here is smoking hot. Who wouldn't want to have him all to themselves? If it wasn't for the thing called legal marriage, me and Fuutarou-kun would've been married and have six kids by now." Ichika argued, making her sisters and Fuutarou blush at her words.

"S-six kids? Wi-with Fuutarou?" Miku whispered before her mind started walking down the dirty path.



In the dirty mind of Nakano Miku.....

Miku smiled as she washed the dishes while humming a cheerful tune. She looked behind her and smiled wider.

There were six children at the same age sitting around the table enjoying the food she cooked. All of them were identical with each other facial features wise. And yes, they were sextuplets.

Their hair color was a different story.

Three of them had blonde hair while the other three had pinkish red colored hair. They're eyes were different too.

Two of them had Fuutarou's golden eyes, the other two had Miku's dark blue eye while the last two had heterochromia, having a golden and a dark blue eye at the same time.

She giggled, glad they were enjoying her cooking which had gotten better over the years as she grew up before she went back to washing the dishes.

She couldn't but stare at the ring on her ring finger. When Fuutarou suddenly knelt down and slid it in her finger, she fainted on the spot due to her being unprepared for it.

They have been married for years now and she couldn't be any more happier than with the man she loved most, even more than her father.

Her eyes widened and she smiled warmly as she heard the front door open. She quickly turned her head to look at the person entering their home.

It was Fuutarou, and he was wearing a black suit while holding a briefcase. And he was somehow getting even more handsome as the years went by.

"DADDY!!!!" The sextuplets shouted before running towards Fuutarou who laughed loudly and hugged them all at once before picking them up easily.

"My babies!!! So nice to see you all again!! Daddy missed you a lot!" Fuutarou declared as he spun around, making his children laugh loudly. Miku's smile couldn't get any more wider than this.

"Ah.... I'm starving." Fuutarou sighed as he set his kids down. The sextuplets continued eating their dinner, all while having large smiles on their faces with their father's presence.

He walked towards Miku before he wrapped an arm around her waist. He sighed as he put his head on her shoulder, resting on them.

"How was your day, darling?" Miku asked as she finished washing the dishes and started wiping her hands dry with a cloth.

"Boring." Fuutarou replied bluntly, making her giggle. He smiled and suddenly kissed her neck, making his wife gasp.

"But I feel a lot better when I come home, meet the kids and finally getting to hug you." Fuutarou whispered, making Miku smile warmly from his words. He never fails to make her happy no matter how stressed he was.

"I've been thinking.... Our house has been getting a little bit quiet recently...." Fuutarou mumbled, confusing Miku. He suddenly grinned and moved his hips closer to hers.

" Kya!~" Miku gasped as she felt a long hard rod in between her ass cheeks. It was the same thing that got her screaming his name senselessly every time they did it.

It was also the same thing that got her pregnant.

And their kids somehow were oblivious to all of this.

Fuutarou leaned into her ear, his hot breath making his wife shiver.

"Miku, I think we need six more...."



"F-fuutarou~ Hehehehe~" Miku smiled pervertedly as she wrapped her hands around her raised knees and buried her face into her thighs.

"What's gotten into her?" Itsuki mumbled while looking at her sister's weird actions. Ichika smirked at Miku.

"I think she's just dreaming about having kids with Fuutarou. And I think she wants to have more." Ichika giggled at Miku's face that got redder and redder overtime. Fuutarou was blushing at the sight.

Was Miku seriously having a wet dream about him and her having more kids? Itsuki sighed as Nino went to snap Miku back to reality.

"And you!" Itsuki pulled Fuutarou's ear. Fuutarou only raised an eyebrow at her attempt of getting him to feel pain.

"A tutor and student doing this is extremely inappropriate! For the school's No.1 student, you're more immature than you already look!" Itsuki scolded him. Fuutarou chuckled.

"I'm not passing up a kiss with Ichika. Who wouldn't want to kiss a beautiful girl like her?" Fuutarou asked her. Itsuki sighed and palmed her face. Ichika smiled at his compliment.

"So it wasn't real?" Miku whispered with a gloomy aura around her seconds after Nino snapped her back to reality. Yotsuba sweat dropped and could only pat her back supportively.

"We all wish it was." Yotsuba whispered to Miku, making the headphones girl widen her eyes in shock and look at Yotsuba.

"Shh!" Yotsuba shushed her before laughing a little. Although Nino snapped Miku back to reality, now it was her turn to be in a Genjutsu.

"Kids... With Uesugi...." Nino mumbled with a bright blush on her face. She shook her head begs she slapped herself.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go take a bath. Miku, are you coming?" Ichika asked Miku who jumped a little being called out of nowhere.

"Uh... Y-yeah!"

"Sweet! Wait down here guys! Because tonight's Nintendo night!!!" Ichika declared happily, prompting Yotsuba to cheer loudly.

"Yay!!! Smash Bros!!!" She shouted happily while her sisters and Fuutarou smiled at her enthusiasm.

"Smash Bros...." Fuutarou muttered before he smiled a little. He played the game lots of times when he visited Mikey's house.

He quickly went from a noob to becoming a pro at it, but he knew that he must be pretty rusty at it now since he has so much in his life to focus on than just playing games.

Fuutarou looked at the five Nintendo controllers lined up below the TV and sighed a little.

'Sometimes I forget they're stinking rich.' He thought as Yotsuba picked up her light green controller and started up the game while Ichika and Miku went to take a bath together.

"I'll go change into more comfortable clothes." Nino whispered before she went upstairs to her bedroom, but not before sending a warning glare at Fuutarou.

"Don't try anything." She warned him. Fuutarou waved at her.

"Don't worry, I'll protect them with my life." Fuutarou promised her a little too seriously which weirded Nino, Itsuki and Yotsuba out a little.

"Just don't start without me, Uesugi."

To be continued...